e v e

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Everything posted by e v e

  1. dear alan, i used to watch your shows, performances. honestly i forgot all that; I was a littlechild . was never lds, and was raised catholic... and didn't know you were even christians at the time. so I am glad to hear you are. tell me about your family and God and how you see things in terms of God and the other world where God is and being a Christian. Anyway, if you are long gone from this forum I understand but I was surfing around and saw this.
  2. The prophets go on and on about the pastors...and His wrath against them. It's not pretty but it's true.
  3. God will bring souls to Him at the Change... and is not going to exclude any soul who HE likes. It so happens that the evangelicals are in the dog house. They do not listen. Or care to! He will bring His 144k sons to paradise soon...and many in modern christianity, such as evangelicals, especially pastors, will cry to learn that they were left behind until the witnesses return.... because they did NOT listen to Him.
  4. Praying...what is it? Praying is Listening to Him and talking to Him and Loving Him. It is turning to Him. His prophets are prophets because they can HEAR Him and they listen. His apostles are apostles because they HEAR Him and listen. Today modern christianity has dumped the idea of apostles and prophets...not understanding WHY the vision was SEALED..because they DID NOT listen (the OT fathers). He chooses simple souls who LISTEN and not theologians, ventriloquists, pharisees. He speaks to His souls. The modern view that HE ceased to speak is a horrible satanic view. And utterly messed up.
  5. all that matters is to meet Him.. and not so much to meet the pentecostals or evangelicals etc.... ❤️
  6. Im probably outlier, as you know. I pray for Him to return and for Him to bring us Home and restore us to the other world. I never pray for things here, that I need. I've trials.. .yes but I never pray to make this life easier... If I meet someone sweet and loving who wants Him, of course I ask Him to care for them... and I do ask Him to protect me and care for me... but never from the point of view of material things. I find many evangelicals pray for jobs, wealth, success, relationships...but I see that as material stuff... to assuage the needs and wants of the Self... It is understandable that one is alone...and lonely, wants things...I only understand to fill that void with Him...and listening to Him and asking Him to help me understand what He is doing, not what I may need and want. I pray for others, to meet Him... because regardless of their situations, being with God is the only thing that can really help.
  7. The multiverse construct belongs to the fallen angels and their realm and does not belong to God.
  8. The only billion number I know about are the 2.4 or more Locusts of rev... spirit beings who are not with Him. They are not nice and are not His. His 144k however are going soon from this prison and back to Him.
  9. There is no need for the born again "experience"... The concept that is true is that at the Change, His sons alive now, who are the 144k, will be restored to their glorified being. That is 'being saved.'
  10. His Spirit is His core and His girl. It's a basic concept in Hebrew, where every reference to His Spirit is feminine. The idea of a holy "ghost" I don't know what that is... the concept I do understand is that His core, His wife, His girl is His Spirit... and He is God and She is God. Every ancient text supports this... modern christianity simply Got Lost.
  11. christ doesn’t need to do that since the mortal life is not of interest; neither is there reincarnation.
  12. a christian cannot be a christian and willingly adhere to that satanic system.
  13. that near deather gave the fallen angels’ version of things and did not see anything of God’s.
  14. God’s israel is not a country on this earth. God’s souls are a particular race of people. The post makes no sense?
  15. The concept of His Feminine Spirit is not addressed by that writer. A place to start is the Hebrew, where references to His Spirit use feminine language. The all male trinity is a Roman Catholic concept glued onto Christianity in Medieval times.
  16. The born again concept is completely a mess, a human invention, and the evangelicals who invented it do not understand scripture. We will be born again at the Change, when we receive our glorified body, we who are His Souls.
  17. I've saved the thread to read. I can't post here because I'm not lds.
  18. israel upon this earth is not God’s israel, the opposite.
  19. but the version given most the time was established by medieval platonist rome... and is based out of plato.
  20. each is their own person. God has His male attribute (christ) and female attribute (his spirit). Isaiah describes hands, with christ at His right side. i will find the chapter. this physicality is not the physicality of eden.
  21. God who started eden, His realm does not have this type of physicality, as on the current earth. eden is not on this current earth. the change will be when his 144k go back to eden.
  22. His Feminine Spirit is our mother. She is His core of love. He , she , and their sons and daughters , that is my only trinity, and my family. His sons and daughters soon will rule with Him in Heaven.