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  1. Haha
    LDSGator got a reaction from Still_Small_Voice in My daughter's joke that she shamefully learned from her employer at the Lord's university   
    No I wouldn’t. 
    Oh, agree. Jokes about my beliefs aren’t funny, jokes about yours are fair game. 
  2. Thanks
    LDSGator got a reaction from Traveler in Still not neutral   
    I doubt that. I always thought I disappointed my old man because he was a good athlete when he was younger and I never had an once of athletic talent. When I told him that I thought I disappointed him he looked at me like I was crazy. Never crossed his mind. 
  3. Okay
    LDSGator got a reaction from Traveler in Why or why not, are you Excited about Twitter being freed?   
    I have never seen a CEO/business owner do this.  I just can’t shake the feeling that he’s playing with people and laughing at how stupid we all are. 
  4. Like
    LDSGator reacted to JohnsonJones in Why or why not, are you Excited about Twitter being freed?
    His tail number is N628TS
    This took me about 60 seconds to find and paste.  This is not the Musk tracker as far as I can tell and just a public tail tracker.
    Edit:  If the site is what it appears, now that I know what the tail is, it may take all of 5-10 seconds.
  5. Like
    LDSGator got a reaction from JohnsonJones in Why or why not, are you Excited about Twitter being freed?
    Now it seems he’s blocking people out of spite. Which is fine, it’s his platform. I’d do the same thing too.  But don’t claim to be a free speech absolutist if you’ll do this. 
    If George Soros bought Twitter and did this, I’m very skeptical that we’d all be this sympathetic. 
  6. Like
    LDSGator got a reaction from askandanswer in Struggling with LGBT   
    Maybe, but I’m old school. It’s just more sad than anything else to see that family estrangement. I don’t care who began it. Really, really sad. 
  7. Like
    LDSGator reacted to NeuroTypical in Why or why not, are you Excited about Twitter being freed?   
    I used to think "the folks in power usually end up doing the same things" was a decent principle that was usually right.
    Then Elon bought Twitter and talked hugely about freedom of speech but not necessarily freedom of reach, and I was enthusiastic and hopeful.
    Now Elon is off banning people for exercising freedom of speech, and I'm back to thinking that principle is usually right.  Went from 76.2% a fan of Elon to a 64.5% fan.
  8. Like
    LDSGator got a reaction from MrShorty in Struggling with LGBT   
    Maybe, but I’m old school. It’s just more sad than anything else to see that family estrangement. I don’t care who began it. Really, really sad. 
  9. Like
    LDSGator reacted to JohnsonJones in Why or why not, are you Excited about Twitter being freed?   
    Are you talking about the flight tracker, the one that takes publicly available information and republished it.  All it did was look at the airport flight logs of departing and arriving aircraft and tallied it to match Elon Musk's tail.  It shortened a task from 2 minutes to a few seconds. 
    The reporters who were reporting on his banning the flight tracker and what happened next weren't even reporting on this information, just the story itself.  Some of them gave a link to where the tracker was and where it is now, but they were just reporting the news.  They did not state the location of Musk or his aircraft from what seems to be being reported.
    If you know his plane registry you can probably find where his tail is this exact moment.  This is public information so that we don't have plane crashes in the sky or if under 18,000ft that if a plane goes down we know the general vicinity to go looking for it. 
    If he hates this information being out there he would be wise to do what the world's richest man did (or who has it now, presently) which was to simply sell his plane and rent planes instead.  This means he has no registration or tail numbers that can be connected to him and thus makes following his movements all that much harder if someone wanted to do so.
    If Musk really considers this "Doxxing" his next step should be to ban the Federal government and the FAA from his site (saying they have accounts there) because they are the ones who are actually putting out this information for the public to see. 
    Most Flight plans, even from Military aircraft while flying in the U.S. in non-military (MOA's, etc) airspace , are not secret or private information.  This is to ensure safety of the skies to the maximum amount they can. 
  10. Haha
    LDSGator reacted to JohnsonJones in My daughter's joke that she shamefully learned from her employer at the Lord's university   
    I recognize that episode!
    Okay, a joke that my wife absolutely hates.  My wife is a natural blonde (meaning it is her natural hair color, not something out of a bottle). 
    I discovered this joke several years ago and she HATES it when I tell it to her. 
    How do you kill a blonde?
    You put a scratch and sniff sticker at the bottom of a swimming pool.
    So, she really hated me telling this as a joke, but it got worse one day.  Lo and behold my kid had put a scratch and sniff sticker at the bottom of the bath tub.  My wife decided to get it off of there when the tub was still full of water.  I guess she must have fell halfway in because the next I knew there was screaming and shouting.  I went there and she was all upset and infuriated, hair wet and dripping and the sticker in hand.
    "That kid (name not said here) just tried to kill me with this stunt!" she exclaimed.
    I smiled as I snarkily said the joke again.
    That day my knowledge was corrected.  I don't know about whether you can kill a blonde in that fashion, but I know that if you put a scratch and sniff sticker at the bottom of a tub it is a sure fire way to see STARS!
    Now, everytime I tell the joke I am reminded of that day as suddenly, I see Stars all over again!
    PS:  The above is just a joke, my wife didn't actually have to deal with that, none of my children of them did put a grape scratch and sniff at the bottom of the tub but it was ME who cleaned that one off, and my wife doesn't hit me.  I do like it if she hits ON me though. 
  11. Like
    LDSGator got a reaction from Just_A_Guy in Struggling with LGBT   
    I’m sure it happens, but I don't think it happens as much as people think it does. I imagine it would take a lot for a parent to cut off communication with their child. That's harsh. 
    Sometimes, it’s the choice of the adult offspring to cut ties with their parents instead. 😞 
  12. Like
    LDSGator reacted to The Folk Prophet in Why or why not, are you Excited about Twitter being freed?   
    That's beyond the point though. It may or may not be doxing. It doesn't need to be for Elon to be consistent. It only needs to be true that he THINKS it's doxing.
    I'm not saying Elon has being consistent across the board. He hasn't. I just don't think this particular case is inconsistent in any regard.
    FWIW, Elon claimed that tracking his plane was not possible without revealing private information. It seems clear he believes what was done crossed a doxing line. Which seems fine to me.

    Moreover, they weren't permanent bans. They were warning bans sending a message. This isn't allowed. Which it probably shouldn't be. I'd also guess those banned would feel the exact same way as Elon did had their information been shared in like manner.
    Now if the same thing happens to someone on the left and Musk shrugs it off and doesn't ban in like kind, sure....then he's behaving like a leftist. I wouldn't put it past him. Most people aren't entirely consistent. We all let our biases sway us, knowingly or not.
  13. Like
    LDSGator got a reaction from scottyg in Struggling with LGBT   
    I’m sure it happens, but I don't think it happens as much as people think it does. I imagine it would take a lot for a parent to cut off communication with their child. That's harsh. 
    Sometimes, it’s the choice of the adult offspring to cut ties with their parents instead. 😞 
  14. Like
    LDSGator reacted to The Folk Prophet in Struggling with LGBT   
    I wonder if this is really as common as some think it is. 
  15. Haha
    LDSGator reacted to Jamie123 in My daughter's joke that she shamefully learned from her employer at the Lord's university   
    Time for something irrelevant I think...
    Better than thinking about the future. And you've gotta like Tom Baker!
  16. Like
    LDSGator reacted to Jamie123 in My daughter's joke that she shamefully learned from her employer at the Lord's university   
    Yeah, until they become mine. Ever been in the position where you have to choose between your beliefs about the very nature of reality, and your love of your family? My point is not that Vort's joke isn't a good one. It's precisely the sort of joke I would have made 2 years ago. But just be careful Nemesis doesn't bite your butt like she did mine.
  17. Like
    LDSGator reacted to Vort in My daughter's joke that she shamefully learned from her employer at the Lord's university   
    I don't detect anything in the joke that makes fun of others. It looks like a simple, humorous comparison of "them thar" with "they/them/their". Can you point out the part that makes fun?
  18. Like
    LDSGator reacted to NeuroTypical in Tiktok   
    Right - 'virtually no one'.  That's correct.  And TikTok doesn't collect or move data about finances, or even personal data really.
    What it does do, is provide location information.  And again, 99.5% of Americans being in America isn't useful.  The intelligence value comes from our military and folks overseas using the app.  It gives China decent intelligence as to where our people are, and how many there are.  
    It's not sexy like the cool spy stuff you see in the movies.  But you can't call it nothing. And when all it cost is a team of app developers and a bunch of servers, holy crap where can a nation get cheaper and better location data on our troops and boats?
  19. Like
    LDSGator got a reaction from Backroads in Struggling with LGBT   
    The situations like you described are getting more and normal, and thank God for it.
  20. Like
    LDSGator reacted to Vort in Tiktok   
    Perhaps. But it's also human nature to discount the wisdom of those older than you as being out-of-date foolishness, only to discover in later decades that those old geezers just might have been right after all. It's also human nature to finally become aware of things that were around you all the time, but that you had been too callow to identify as anything but The Way Things Are And Have Always Been.
  21. Like
    LDSGator reacted to Vort in Tiktok   
    It has probably been true since the dawn of time. Hunger for power and the corruption of the next generation are hardly new concerns.
  22. Haha
    LDSGator got a reaction from mirkwood in Another Predictable Gun Ban   
    I don’t follow comics much. Who is that? 
  23. Like
    LDSGator got a reaction from MrShorty in Struggling with LGBT   
    I’m with @Godless. Can a guy be into the arts or is that not “masculine”?
  24. Haha
    LDSGator got a reaction from mikbone in Tiktok   
    This might shatter some dreams, but virtually no one who uses Tiktok is interesting enough for China to spy on. Could they be spying on us? You betcha, but no in China cares about the 87.00$ in your checking account and the cat videos you share. 
  25. Like
    LDSGator reacted to NeuroTypical in Tiktok   
    I'll be honest, I do 30 min a day on TikTok.  Even though it's basically a spy tool for China, it does indeed match up citizen journalists with folks who want to hear news.  I've lost track of all the breaking news I found out about first on TT.  It's hardly a one-stop shop for all news, and for every true gem there are a hundred non-news or fake news stories, but it's still consistently useful and timely.
    Good source of cute & fuzzy animals, and healthy recipes, and lost gems from Milton Friedman and Thomas Sowell and Reagan and anyone else you want hidden gems from.  The high points of all the StarTrek series just show up in 30 second bytes.  Current gems from a growing list of current names/thinkers/personalities.  From Jordan Peterson to Patrick Stewart to Joe Rogan.
    I follow half a dozen black conservatives, just to tick off my woke buddies who are big on lifting up black people.   Need to find more gay Trump supporters - those guys were a hoot.
    You have to be savvy enough to force the algorithm to give you the content you want.  Or you'll end up on FlatEarthTok, or FamilyFriendlyDragQueenTok, or whatever.  Be careful or your teen daughter will come away with depression and bulemia.  It is not for people who only want edification, or in-depth analysis of certain topics.  It is for people who want to experience the breadth of humanity.
    Here - learn from a crazy chicken lady, talking to other crazy chicken ladies, about how the 'crossbeak' defect works on chickens, and why common solutions like bracing the beak doesn't work: