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Everything posted by Honor

  1. I find this stuff SO fascinating! Mine is like this: I see it as a huge wheel that I'm making my way around and I see the year from my perspective in relationship to the wheel. For example, in the summer, I feel like I'm on top of the year and thinking of Christmas is a view downward to the other side. Or in January, I'm starting my way back on the uphill climb of the year. I also associate different shades of colors and color groupings with the time of year. I guess that's not surprising. Aren't people's natural coloring (hair, eye & skin color)categorized by "seasons"? Man I wish I knew how to digitally animate. I'd love to illustrate the way I see things in my head that are hard to describe. This makes me wonder about all the other ways I view the world compared to other people. Kinda how I've associated some letters and numbers with different genders.
  2. LOL I figured you were a member or at least had something to do with the choir - from the pictures on your profile. I was actually looking to see if I could recognise you in a choir performance shown on KBYU last month or so, but I was just going off of my memory from meeting you at Olive Garden a few months ago. I'll be looking again durring conference. Never thought you'd have a fan club huh?
  3. I agree with Lby, especially since you are both in Laurels class together, it's natural that you two would have the chance to get to know each other better than the others. Never stop worrying about the feelings of others, especially fellow young women, but know that it doesn't mean that spending time with one friend is excluding the others. If you were throwing a party and left some out, it might be a different story, but I don't believe you have an obligation to invite her sisters. Hey Utah Hater - Our ward here in NSL has one young woman. She comes to RS for the opening exercises, leads the RS in the young women's theme and then goes to class with her 2 or 3 YW leaders. My hometown ward in Cali had a better YW activity rate than any Utah ward I've lived in. Maybe your Idaho ward is more like Utah wards than you'd like to think!
  4. I don't want to take this off on a tangent from the original post, but that's a question that I've asked many times with regards to my parents marriage. My father has never physically hurt my mother and he's never been as blatant with verbal abuse as a lot of other situations I've heard about, but emotionally, she is empty and he doesn't care. He looks out for #1. She's supported the family financially alone for almost 20 years and is the only one that has tried to change herself for their relationship. He is VERY critical of everyone, ALWYAS quick to judge, NEVER in the wrong, NEVER at fault but also NEVER contributing monetarily or emotionally to the marriage. The only fault I can see on her part is letting the things he does actually work for him! It certainly seems like a form of abuse to me, but at the same time I've always admired the strength that my mother has. Sometimes I'm not quite sure if she's really enduring to the end or just being a doormat, OR I wonder if enduring to the end sometimes MEANS being a doormat. It would be easy to say from a gospel standpoint, "Mom, your reward is in heaven, just keep hanging on," but I'm not the one in her shoes. I know I wouldn't be as strong as she has been. On the other hand I hate to see her being treated the way she has and I want to say, "Stand up for yourself! He's a jerk!" I can never cheer on a divorce or encourage her to break temple covenants, but how much weight does happiness in this life carry? I heard Doug Brinley (a marriage and family specialist) say in a seminar that if people think that an unhappy marriage in this life will be magically changed into an eternal one in the next life because they are sealed - they are mistaken. I don't have any answers. I know there are no easy ones. Where is the line between righteously enduring and standing up for yourself? What happens when one partner is content with a mediocre situation and hinders progress in the relationship? Is that justification for dissolving the marriage?
  5. Welcome - I'm glad you found this site. I've been an active member my whole life and sometimes I feel like I don't give it my all because I don't know what it's like to be without it. Definitely not a valid reason to stray from it - I know it would bring heartache in the end, but I still wonder. It's amazing where the path of life takes us and how no matter what things we may do wrong, our Heavenly Father isn't willing to let us go that easy. He'll always keep trying to bring us back. Glad to have you here!
  6. LOL I wonder if any of the ideas he got for dates lead to a serious relationship in the past two years. I love the raft idea though. If only I had a pool... and if only my husband would do silly things with me!
  7. Wanderer, you can take your bra off through your (I'm assuming this means your own) shirt sleeve? Not questioning that you know how, but if there's a story behind how you know for sure, I want to hear about it! You know that it's talking about makeup and nothing to do with approving concrete submittals.... right? I think we're happier to say that we can do the things on your list because they actually serve a good purpose rather than making us feel ridiculous counting that other list as actual skills. What the heck is that?! A banana riding a llama? When does that fit in a post?! I'm putting it here!
  8. HAHA maybe we're just a bunch of tom boyish ladies and metro males.
  9. Alright GR, retitle the post - "Things GR's woman should know..." Good luck CO.
  10. I'm almost sorry I got curious about finding a list for women. I'll keep looking but so far I've found two: 25 Skills Every Woman Should Know - Busymom.net 30 skills every woman should master - MSN Life & Style Here's list #1: 1. Take off a bra through a shirt sleeve 2. Select the right color foundation 3. Choose the proper people to accompany you to the bathroom at the bar 4. Change purses with the seasons 5. Describe the difference between the colors "off white", "bone", and "cream" 6. Call someone to change a tire 7. Mix patterns on furniture and clothing 8. Select a trashy novel for reading at the beach 9. Keep kids busy in order to go to the bathroom alone 10. Tell the difference between real Coach purses, and, knock-offs 11. Prepare an elegant appetizer from random pantry supplies for unannounced company 12. Drive someplace unfamiliar at night in the rain 13. Respond to a child's midnight announcement of, "I have to bring 75 brownies to school tomorrow." 14. Find the nearest outlet mall 15. Discuss the differences between Capri’s and cropped pants 17. Filch the phone number of a good babysitter from the neighbor 18. Get makeup off a cell phone screen 19. Extract the good candy from the Halloween bags without the kids noticing 20. Make him think it's his idea 21. Actually download pictures from the digital camera 22. Create 3 or more plausible reasons to "stop by Target" 23. Make store bought bake sale goodies look home made 24. Drive in the snow 25. Surprise a child by going to Sonic for a "treat" without him knowing it's because you need a Diet Coke Anyone else find this a little sad? The guy's list seems like things a woman would ask in a husband interview. This list is what a woman would ask herself to see if she feels like she measures up to the characters on Sex and the City. Seems to be saying, "Women should be strong and independent but still be able to say 'Ow' and play the girl card when it gets hard" while most everything on the guys list are things that they should know to serve someone else. "Call someone to change a tire?" Pathetic! It'd take a bit more than these for me to find a woman admirable. I guess that's what I get for looking at a site with the motto "Better parenting through coffee." Even if I wasn't LDS I'd find that a bit disturbing. Ok, calming down - I'm a bit too worked up over this one!
  11. I wonder how many women would flip out if a list like this was posted for them. It's sad to say but I think more of us would be picking apart the items that we didn't think were fair to ask of us instead of admitting how many we can't do. I hope we'd be able to accept it as easily as you guys have (point for the men). What has this world done to us......dang feminists! LOL
  12. I would certainly hope not HG, and if anyone did, they'd be very much in the wrong for doing so. The only real image that we should worry about in the church is whether or not we are Christ like. We should all be striving to do our best and cutting each other slack along the way.
  13. Ah, but Moe, not having enough hair IS the guy version of Utah hair. You know that a guy didn't work hard enough on his mission if his forehead didn't grow an inch by the time he got home.
  14. Clean cut, often smiling, friendly, outgoing, a clean vocabulary? Not that Mormons have an exclusive claim to that type of personality or image (trust me, I know plenty who aren't and I certainly don't walk around BEAMING all day), but that's the type of person I'd look at and think, "I wonder if they're LDS..." Does that sound like you?
  15. If Checkerboy posts an answer on here you're gonna have to move it to the open forum.... just a heads up.
  16. HAHA He didn't appreciate the post huh georgia2? THANKS MOM!
  17. This is starting to sound like the Academy Awards... Can't you hear the theme music starting to play once you hit the middle of each post signaling the time to start wrapping it up? I wonder who is hosting this year, who's the best/worst dressed, who had wardrobe malfunctions, who showed up with who, who had awkward moments on the red carpet when they were asked to spill secrets about a certain mod they know....
  18. LOL It's not quite a normal chat room. It's like the call center at the MTC - you can go and ask questions about the gospel live with a missionary.
  19. It's part of a new media campaign that they're testing out in different areas of the US. Last year they started it in Las Vegas, somewhere in the mid-west and one other area up in New England. They had radio commercials, tv spots (prime time included), billboards, and banner ads online. The line they use is "Truth Restored" and urge people to visit mormon.org. It's an attempt to try to use the comfort and privacy that people feel at home without someone else there to ask questions that they might otherwise not. The commercials are simple - usually in black and white and show clips from the videos on Mormon.org telling about their conversion or about a certain question they had and the spirit they felt when they learned about the gospel. I don't know about the success rate exactly, but it makes it really easy to hand out the business card sized pass along cards when you know that they can get online instead of having to call someone and order a video or BoM and have the missionaries drop by. It's a bit less intimidating. Anyway, I hope this is what you were talking about and I'm not just going on and on about something random. If it is, the ad you saw was probably black and white with a picture of a person and a question about Families, God, or what happens when we die written in gold lettering.
  20. LOL. She's not here. I'm willing to bet that Checks has already worked over this crowd thoroughly. Not to mention if I was going to pick a girl for him, I'd hope that she'd value his attention to finances - especially if it keeps him from meeting a bunch of other women.
  21. Hope you enjoy yourself here. Welcome!
  22. My husband gets that way with Wipeout too. Also with Hole In The Wall - especially . I really wonder why people would sign up to appear on shows like this. The outfits alone is enough to make me want to change the channel! Still, with as mature as I pretend to be, the way that woman says, "Oh crap!" makes me laugh every time.
  23. Honor


    Oh wow! I actually lived in Windsor and went to church and school up in Healdsburg. Small world!
  24. My parents used to take us into an empty classroom and not give us anything interesting. I've been trying it with my now 2 year old and it's worked for the most part. The less emotion I show as a reaction to his tantrums, the better. I know at 14 months he probably doesn't understand what you say much, but we've always tried to talk to our son like we would if he would understand. We say, "when you stop crying/screaming we can go back." I never wanted us taking him out of a meeting to be a reward. Kids do what works so if that's the way to go have fun, they'll do it! We borrowed the Baby Signing Time videos from a friend of mine. Our son enjoyed them but really, it just taught my husband and I the basic signs that children would use first and he learned them from us using them. I think it helped alleviate the tantrums caused by his frustration with his ability (or lack of) to communicate. Ours is also a pretty strong willed little one, but we saw a difference. I'm no expert, but hopefully you'll get some ideas from this thread to give you some hope. I'm wishing you the best! Oh, and by the way - the two's always seem to start early from what I've seen with mine, my friends and family. 14 months is still a little early, but it's bound to happen anyway.... sigh!