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Everything posted by Honor

  1. Hahahaha! Put a Lakers logo on the helmet and it'd be perfect!
  2. You win! I'm not sure if the dead cow goes on my list of ideas, but WOW when you did something, you did it right!
  3. So happy for you T! I hope that you all are having a wonderful time with him! Did you finally get some sleep?
  4. Just a quick note here. I know I started this thread and I'm not trying to sound like a wannabe mod, but I hope that the feelings of our two dear friends Checkerboy and Elphaba are being taken into account. They are two beautiful people - inside and out (at least Checks would be if he'd wear his High-Hair-Do more often ) who OBVIOUSLY are great sports and have really fun senses of humor. I think there's room for all of us to tease each other a little bit as long as we know first and foremost that we think the world of each other.
  5. -writing- Used... bras.... around.... car.... Got it! Just taking notes for my list of things to pick from when I need ideas.
  6. Did you guys ever get to leave a senior will in high school? Ex and I were thinking of what it would be like to have one on here. The "I leave my little freshman sister my locker and the spare key to the guys weight room" type of thing. Go for it guys, what would you leave each other if your time on the site was running short?
  7. LOL there's no feeling like doing stupid stuff and feeling a tad juvenile. We used to get cups of water and put or tape them to the top of our car and drive around pretending to be oblivious. I thought it was one of those things that was funny because we were 17, but after a girls night out with a few friends from our ward, we did it again and laughed just as hard. 4 moms (ranging 24-37 in age) driving around Las Vegas in the middle of the night laughing our heads off. I think I need crazy moments like that every now and then to stay sane.
  8. LOL I used to work next to a place called Fine Line Laminates. For some reason, whenever I saw their truck, it looked like it said "Nine Fine Lamanites". Very intriguing! Never saw them though, dang it!
  9. And at this exact moment, Elphie was thinking, "........................" Ready go!
  10. My husband really likes buying me expensive jewelry. It makes him feel like THE MAN! The only problem with that is that I don't wear much and I would rather just keep the money in the bank instead of in my jewelry box. Our 2nd Christmas together he bought me a pair of diamond earrings. I was trying not to be upset when I received it because I knew we really couldn't afford it. Then I found out that he had been setting aside small amounts of money away all year to be able to afford it by Christmas. I love things like that - when he does cares how I feel and what I worry about. I never thought that my favorite gift would be diamonds, but because they symbolize his care about my worry, they're priceless.
  11. Meetinghouse Locator It might list a few different congregations (wards) depending on where you live, but it will show you the meeting times for each and the building phone number. Finding someone AT the building when you call is the trick, but keep us posted and we'll do all we can to help you get in contact with someone. Good luck!
  12. I don't know where you live, but I bet that you saw one of the ads for the media campaign running in a few select areas of the country. Did it have something to do with "Truth Restored"? Try checking out Mormon.org. They were running it in Vegas when we lived there, but I haven't seen any since moving up to Salt Lake. Hope this is what you're looking for. Even if it's not, welcome to the site! :)
  13. My sister is teaching college out in the Marshall Islands. Not Guam, but it's still closer to you than it is to me! If she gets off the island, her only options are to fly to Hawaii or to Guam. Anyway, welcome to the site!
  14. Embryonic Stem-cell Research - LDS Newsroom
  15. Wishing the best for ya sweety! I never had ANY braxton hicks. Never had any natural contractions and they had to induce me at week 43. I guess we always want what we don't have. Still, your situation is no one elses and you have to do WHATEVER it takes to de-stress as much as you can.
  16. This summer has brought me to a point where I'm rethinking my entire life. Still not figured out yet... maybe by '09.
  17. It comes from a lesson in the Family Home Evening Manual. Here's the link: http://www.lds.org/ldsorg/v/index.jsp?vgnextoid=e1fa5f74db46c010VgnVCM1000004d82620aRCRD&locale=0&sourceId=27d7a41f6cc20110VgnVCM100000176f620a____&hideNav=1&contentLocale=0 Just in case the link doesn't work, it's found in the lesson entitled "Lesson 2: The Commandments - Gifts from a Loving Father". The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints > Gospel Library > Support Materials > Family (from the list on the left)> Family Home Evening Resource Book (2nd on the main list) > Lesson #2 The Commandments - Gifts from a Loving Father The chart is about half way down the page. :)
  18. I don't know what kind of advice you're looking for specificly, but I'll look forward to reading your posts. Have you ever heard of Brite Music? The creator (Janeen Brady) is LDS but the music and cd's don't have LDS specific themes. I still remember all the words to their songs I listened to growing up - a testimony to the power of music, especially with children. Honor
  19. There will always be something like this in life. There is always going to be a general "expectation" for what people should be doing at a particular time in their lives, and it's not entirely specific to members of the LDS church. There are just things that are generally assumed because they are part of our basic beliefs (like the view of missions, marriage and having families) yet there's more room for personal circumstances than we usually acknowledge. Like Misshalfway, I've felt the pressures of a certain expectation with things like serving a mission, getting married, having children. I had people ask me a month after my son was born when we were having another. My best friend is expecting her 4th child and her oldest is 4 years old. She feels like people look at her and judge her for being a "typical Mormon" who is out to have a million kids before she's 30. But at the same time, I feel a bit of pressure to be more like SHE is. We've been married for the same amount of time and I'm somehow not keeping up with my covenant to multiply and replenish the earth because we only have one child, and I'm sure the pressure is SO much greater for those who don't have any! We naturally have the tendency to believe we'd be happier in someone else’s shoes. However, when I'm speaking with someone else, it's very hard to understand exactly how it would feel to hear or how a question or comment might be received. I find myself not saying anything at all for fear that something I say might be taken the wrong way. It's just always going to be hard to understand a situation when you haven't experienced it yourself and even then, no two people have identical lives. I guess that's where charity comes back into this. We all need to be a little more sensitive to the feelings of our brothers and sisters around us while being more forgiving or quick to assume that someone didn't mean to hurt or embarrass with comments made to us.
  20. This is the best that I could find. Hope it's the type of thing you're looking for. History of the Church of Jesus ... - Google Book Search :)
  21. Archives: Patriarchal Blessing Request Form :) You can do it in person at the Church office building in SLC or via mail with the address provided in the link.
  22. We've used Vonage for years. If you're paying for an internet connection already, it's probably one of the cheapest ways to have a land line. It was only costing us $25 or so each month and we loved the service (it has ALL the bells and whistles) as well as free or really great rates internationally which mattered when my siblings were all over the world. Anyway, we shut it off when we moved to Utah even though we could have easily transferred it (it's just a router through your computer), but didn't because we both have cell phones and didn't need the extra expense. I'd personally like have a landline if I wasn't so cheap, but having our cell phones works fine and we haven't really regretted it.
  23. References Moe, I want references!
  24. My mom shared this article with me today. I love it when someone else is able to put words to my thoughts perfectly. She got it from their local paper, but the columnist is Charles Krauthammer of the Washington post. Thoughts of a global warming agnostic | PressDemocrat.com | The Press Democrat |