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Everything posted by Jeny

  1. Hi Patoot!! Now the party can REALLY get started!!!! ...Just stay away from my chocolate!!!
  2. Probably...look at how Mary was deified. And you can BET they would blaspheme her!!!
  3. Oh, and I am glad my computer savy friend has the same stuff as I do!! Now I know who to go to for advice!!!!! Hee hee hee!!!!
  4. That is what I have , a Dell notebook. I like the convenience of not sitting at a table...I am curled up in bed as I type this!!
  5. I am so sorry that I abandoned you over there...I just got disillusioned by all the bickering...I like my fellowship warm and fuzzy!!!!
  6. It doesn't puff up like popcorn and you have to be careful not to burn it...keep checking it. It should only get golden brown...not black. The wheat just changes color...but it taste yummy!!!!! Salty and crunchy!! I am SO glad my son loves it as it is very good for his bowel problems...
  7. Don't believe we have met, but it looks like you are someone I want to get to know!! Welcome aboard, PP!!!
  8. Jeny


    GG, You are just as sunny as that avatar of yours!!!
  9. Just put down the chocolate and get out of my way!!!
  10. Jeny


    There are some other great people here from the Madd boards, too!!! I am thrilled to see some familiar faces!!!!! (so to speak)
  11. So glad you guys came over here....this place will be great...after all...I'M here!!!
  12. Hale hale...the gangs all here!!!!!
  13. Jeny


    Then we need each (sis)!!!!!
  14. Jeny

    Reverence Tips

    My son wore pull-ups until he was about he refuses to wear them!! He has an intensive case manager who comes to visit him once a week, and he goes to day treatment all year round...but I have nobody to give me "breaks" I am alone in raising these kids...He is 13.
  15. Yeah, my hores's name was Rebel, but he was no rebel!! I used to ride him backwards all the time and fall asleep on his rump!! He would just ignore me and continue to graze!! I would get the occasional swat in the face with his tail...but we had an understanding...him and I...
  16. Jeny


    I just feel very alone as I am the only LDS in my family and they don't speak to me anymore...
  17. Jeny


    I was just kidding...but not really!!!
  18. I am so happy to see my buddies are finding me over here!! welcome aboard, Elpheba!!!
  19. I am also a licenced cosmetologist... I taught myself most of my braids by riding my horse bareback, backwards and flipping his tail up and playing with it as a child. I did a lot with his mane, too. I ended up teaching my braides to the owner of the cosmetology school that I went to and he gave me a break on my tuition if I would teach a class on braiding and the braiding demonstrations at the State Fair was for his school...he gave me credit hours and a financial break for doing that, too!!!
  20. Jeny

    Reverence Tips

    It was a very long process!! He got miss-diagnosed for a long time!! He got his first diagnoses at three...but they didn't figure out that he was autistic till he was around 9 yrs then he had been on the wrong meds and his system was a mess!! I had him in the hospital twice for dissimpaction's and now he has megacolon syndrome as a direct result of the Concerta that he was erroneously taking for ADHD which he does NOT have!!! He also has an encomprieces problem now that is a direct result of his mega colon. He has at least 4-5 BM accidents a week!! That is HELL! He has a tendency to try to "hide" his soiled pants, but the oder gives them away...I find myself going on a soiled pants hunt every other day or is very exhausting!! least he does not play with his BM anymore...I truly have been through Hell with this kid!!! You have no idea how much I despise and resent his father for walking out and leaving me to raise him alone!!! The coward could not handle his disorder!!! Ooooh!!! Don't get me started on the ex.... ...My son is a prodigy at the piano!! without even taking a lesson, he can duplicate tunes from just the first time that he hears them. He is also a wiz at puzzles!! He can put a 1000 piece puzzle together in a day or two...'course, he will do little else till he finishes the puzzle!! ant it is a battle to tear him away from something that he has fixated on!! I buy lots of puzzles, they help keep the Peace around here!! ...He also drives us all nut with his obsession with reading the ingredients of all our food labels!!! He will not let me put the groceries away till he reads EVERY label!! OUT LOUD, and gets irate if we don't listen to him read off the ingredients...what a PAIN!!!!! ...Gotta love him!!!!!
  21. I pop it just like popcorn...a lady at church taught me how to do it...Just get a pot, add some canola oil and salt and a thin layer of wheat kernels...then cover and shake over a medium heat. The wheat will "pop" like popcorn and it taste BETTER than popcorn!! My son loves it!! So do I!! My daughter won't touch it, but then...she hates popcorn, too!!!