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Posts posted by notquiteperfect

  1. I regret my ambiguity on my initial post. I think the root of the problem is my inability to reconcile the intellectual knowledge with the visceral emotion.  I don't feel loved by God let alone by others. I don't know this emotion though I can observe it. Because of this I have resented God all my life. My mental image of God is that of the Norse god Odin; powerful yet aloof.  I feel nothing towards God, He is just there.  I have to refrain from sarcasm when others ask if I have prayed about this or imply that up to this point I have not made a concerted effort in obtaining what I seek.  Yes I have. It has been a lifelong pursuit. I guess that I bring up this topic hoping someone has this same situation in their life as has succeeded in obtaining Godly love and acceptance when they started not having this experience and I could learn from them.  Or maybe it is a quixotic quest on my part. Surely I can't be the only one with this experience?


    Work on your crown chakra (google it) and look into talking to someone that does EmotionCode (google it; created by an LDS chiropractor).  Although these things may seem different, not feeling loved is no way to live.

  2. Not trying to be a naysayer....can't count how many times this is done and still the ones that we are talking about in this thread are the ones who don't get it or pay attention or think what they are saying is proper. Bishops get nervous in Testimony meetings. Trust me !! :)


    I know but it at least sends a message to the others that someone sees the issue/s and are trying to do something about it. To me, this is step one, step two is a talk with the bishop as you suggested. :)

  3. I haven't done it yet. The urgency I'd felt a week ago has calmed itself a bit, but I feel pretty confident that this is something I want to pursue. I was baptised when I was eight, like most kids raised in the Church, and I don't feel that I knew the magnitude of the decision I was making. I wish I had been allowed more time to learn and process before doing it. Honestly, I don't recall there being much of an option, but I do recall it being expected by family and ward members. I'd like a clean slate and to be re-baptised if and when I'm ready.


    I don't think any of us that were baptised at age 8 "knew the magnitude of the decision" we were making. Hence, 'line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little, there a little'.

    As far as not being much of a reader - than *listen* to them instead.  You can also watch the 'kids videos' on the church website.  

    At any rate, it's your choice but I also don't like the idea of possibly hiding this from family.  I understand about losing your steam but please don't do anything you might regret. 

  4. Someone shared this with me a few years ago and I thought I'd pass it along:


    My First Christmas in Heaven
    author unknown


    I see the countless Christmas trees around the world below
    With tiny lights like heaven's stars reflecting on the snow.
    The sight is so spectacular please wipe away that tear
    For I am spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year.
    I hear the many Christmas songs that people hold so dear
    But the sounds of music can't compare with the Christmas choir up here.
    I have no words to tell you the joy their voices bring
    For it is beyond description to hear the angels sing.
    I know how much you miss me, I see the pain inside your heart
    But I am not so far away, we really aren't apart.
    So be happy for me darlings, you know I hold you dear
    And be glad I'm spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year.
    I send you each a special gift from my heavenly home above -
    I send to you a memory of my undying love.

    After all Love is the gift more precious than pure gold -
    It was always most important in the stories Jesus told.
    Please love and keep each other as my Father said to do
    For I cannot count the love or blessings He has for each of you.

    So have a Merry Christmas and wipe away that tear
    Remember I am spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year.

  5. Great input already.  Will add a couple thoughts.  


    - Depending on the situation, she might be overwhelmed and could use someone to walk her through some things.  For example, when my grandpa passed, my aunt took over paying the bills for grandma since grandpa always took care of it.


    - Help her find new opportunities to get involved in - travel, family history, classes, etc.  


    - Suggest service (one of the best antidotes ever)!  Join her in planning and executing.


    {hugs to all}

  6. If two people both learn the so-called "fairly tale" history, and then they both discover the so-called "true" history, and the one experiences shaken faith, and the other does not, then what would you ascribe the difference too if it is not testimony?


    TFP - I know you were addressing this to Stallion but aside from the testimony side of this, some people put too much stock in things that don't matter in the long run which can then lead to shaken faith.

  7. Had a couple more thoughts about this, KGrace:

    - some people need time to warm up to an idea so don't assume his position can't/won't change

    - if you aren't already, start living the standards even though you're not baptized

         - this way it's more of a gradual change maybe and won't be so shocking if you're able to join the church later

         - he'd be able to get a glimpse of what/how things would be if you were a member

    - stay optimistic and think as though he's totally on board

  8. Normally, this is how it should be.


    When it comes to Catholicism, though...


    You know how LDS believes that when you have a testimony and then you do things against that testimony it is doubly bad?  The Catholics believe in the same thing... basically, when you've been through the Catholic sacraments and you go outside of the Catholic faith, your soul is damned... there are no 3 degrees of glory in the Catholic Church... It's heaven or hell...


    So... for a Catholic, supporting your spouse to go outside of the Catholic Church is tantamount to paving her way to the damnation of her soul...


    So, it's really a very tricky situation.


    Perhaps and I see your point but since the op said that he's of the "I go to mass when I can, and I do this bc that is what I grew up doing" variety, I didn't put as much stock in that as I otherwise might.

  9. As noted, growth and change is going to happen in marriage so it's 'unfair' of him to expect otherwise.  Ideally, you grow and change together.  To me, if a spouse finds something good that makes them happy, why not support it?  Have you asked him if there's something specific about the church that he doesn't like?  He might just have a misunderstanding about some aspect.  Also, have you asked him what he's afraid of?  Again, there may be a misplaced fear that you can reassure him about.  Lastly, you mentioned praying for him to have a change of heart and I suggest coupling that with fasting periodically.  hth 

  10. Amen to what Vort said.


    fwiw - Years ago, a person in a stake yw (?) leadership position mentioned that "the secretary takes care of the temporal affairs so the presidency can focus on the spiritual".  That gave me a different perspective on the importance of that position.


    Anyway, I've done the primary sec thing myself and there's more involved then people think but I enjoyed it.  


    I'm sure you'll do great, Silhouette!

  11. Bolding, italics & underlining is by me.




    Iggy - it wasn't a commandment when it was given because the Lord knew it would be difficult for the members to give it all up over night.  Hence the mercy.  However, it was changed to be a commandment later - and is still en force now.


    From YW manual 1, lesson 38:


    To be sure the young women know that the Word of Wisdom is a binding commandment for us today, read the following:

    “The reason undoubtedly why the Word of Wisdom was given—as not by ‘commandment or restraint’ was that at that time, at least, if it had been given as a commandment it would have brought every man, addicted to the use of these noxious things, under condemnation; so the Lord was merciful and gave them a chance to overcome, before He brought them under the law. Later on, it was announced from this stand, by President Brigham Young, that the Word of Wisdom was a revelation and a command of the Lord. I desired to mention that fact, because I do not want you to feel that we are under no restraint. We do not want to come under condemnation” (Joseph F. Smith, in Conference Report, Oct. 1913, p. 14).


    Bolding, italics & underlining is by me.

  12. Oh, dear.  I would probably do the following:


    -tell the bishop you'll do it for 6 months and reassess in case it really isn't working out

    -act as though you're completely oblivious to how they feel*



    All the best - you can do it!


    *a few benefits to this: 

    - one being that as long as you're friendly and helpful, it's on them if they're not

    - unity is important so fake it till you make it

    - starting off on the right foot can make all the difference

  13. If I'm not mistaken, peppermint is a remedy for alertness.  Aside from having it as herbal tea, find a good quality essential oil and either dab it on key points (wrists, etc), spray it, diffuse it or have a small bottle close by to smell as needed.  


    I'm sure there are other options but that's what's coming to mind.  hth

  14. Silhouette - "Released Time" is when it's part of the school day.  Since it's a religion course, the kids are 'released' from school for a 'time' in order to participate. 


    As far as a small stipend for those that teach the 'early morning' version, my friend was given something like $50 to cover copies, visual aids, donuts, whatever.  Let's just say that hardly covered what was needed.

  15. My mom passed away due to cancer and I was there the last 3 months of her life to help.  What I wish I had known was that there are other options!  Western-trained doctors don't have all the answers so I'd find others who do (naturopaths, herbalists, etc).  Since you live a distance away, start searching the internet for info (check dr. mercola's site,, etc). There's info out there, just start looking.  You can even check amazon for essiac tea (native indian remedy that shrinks tumors).  Do a search on this forum where I've listed other things (getting sunshine, alkalized diet, etc).


    Aside from learning that cancer is optional, focus on life and create memories.  


    As far as getting support, if you can anticipate some things, bundle them up so someone can help for an afternoon maybe?  At any rate, reach out and let others have the blessing of serving.


    Love and prayers - A