I threw away my book of mormon (quad) and...

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Okay I was reading a lot of "anti" on the internet and went back to my church I knew as a child. One day I threw out my quad in the garbage and 4 months later I got a call from Walmart saying that they found my bible (I had my name in mine)

I went to pick it up and it was my quad!

What do you all think this means?

I would love your thoughts

(I hope this is alright I posted this in general discussion too cuz I would love advice and I don't know if everyone goes there

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Guest tomk

Okay I was reading a lot of "anti" on the internet and went back to my church I knew as a child. One day I threw out my quad in the garbage and 4 months later I got a call from Walmart saying that they found my bible (I had my name in mine)

I went to pick it up and it was my quad!

What do you all think this means?

I would love your thoughts

(I hope this is alright I posted this in general discussion too cuz I would love advice and I don't know if everyone goes there

I guess you can ascribe whatever meaning you want to it.

I am happy you got it back.

Like the other poster said, you just got lucky.

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Guest Xzain

I think it means that God is trying to tell you something. Think of how many miracles it would take to bring your quad from the dumpster to Wal-Mart, then for them to call you and have you pick it up.

Or, it could be God allowing you to be tempted to go back to Church. Of course, that temptation could be very good if it is actually an 'enticing of the Spirit' that we hear so much about.

It seems the real question here is: have you been thinking more about the LDS faith? Why did you search out anti-mormon arguments? Did you ever receive a witness of the Holy Ghost to the truth of the Book of Mormon?

This finding of the book is a sign, but if you don't seek for what it means from God Himself, it won't help you one bit.

Good luck finding your answers!

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I realli believe it is a sign from God telling me I need to go back!

I say "go back"...what do you have to lose? Your time, at the most?

What do you have to gain? Maybe by going back, you will find what it is you need. You are feeling lost, maybe that feeling will go away with your return...it may not. You will not know until you give it a try.

Good luck to you, whatever your choice may be.

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Guest Xzain

well I have been feeling 'lost' lately and missing the church. I also questioned the Anti stuff i wasreading. I realli believe it is a sign from God telling me I need to go back!

I agree- a miracle that miraculous can only have one real meaning (IMHO).

Now, forget that 'anti' stuff you read. I've read a ton in my days, and not one sentence of it is fair, logically sound, or true. If you have any legitimate questions about anything you've heard there are those on this board who would be happy to help you. Indeed, I would be happy to discuss those issues with you (over PM; it's not allowed over the general forums).

Good luck finding what you seek!

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I think it means that God is trying to tell you something. Think of how many miracles it would take to bring your quad from the dumpster to Wal-Mart, then for them to call you and have you pick it up.

I agree. :)

Miracles happen all of the time and those in tune with the spirit will aide in them coming to pass.

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If things happen in your life that lead you to be a better person, or to believe in Christ, it is from God. If not, it is not from God. You have the power within you to judge which is the case in this situation. Let this be your guide:

For behold, the Spirit of Christ is given to every man, that he may know good from evil; wherefore, I show unto you the way to judge; for every thing which inviteth to do good, and to persuade to believe in Christ, is sent forth by the power and gift of Christ; wherefore ye may know with a perfect knowledge it is of God.

But whatsoever thing persuadeth men to do evil, and believe not in Christ, and deny him, and serve not God, then ye may know with a perfect knowledge it is of the devil; for after this manner doth the devil work, for he persuadeth no man to do good, no, not one; neither do his angels; neither do they who subject themselves unto him. (Moroni 7:16-17)

You be the judge. Of course we believe you should go back to Church. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the true Church of Jesus Christ on the earth. I am absolutely positive about this because God has made it know to me by his Holy Spirit. I encourage you to seek that witness for yourself from God.



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Guest User-Removed

Since we are speculating about what it meant, on the one hand we have the idea that maybe it was God. On the other hand, maybe it was Satan putting it back into your life.

Since Wal-Mart is the Great and Abominable Retailer of Satan...you might have a point?


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well I have been feeling 'lost' lately and missing the church. I also questioned the Anti stuff i wasreading. I realli believe it is a sign from God telling me I need to go back!

Wow! What a great store! :jawdrop: It's definitely a sight from God- I can see what you mean!!!!

Heavenly Father loves you sooo much, looks like He has some spacial plan for you and He wants you to go in a right path !

PS You'll have a great story to tell your kids and grand kids !

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I just wanted to update you all and tell you I met with the missionarys tonight and with though and prayer I have felt the spirit and I will be joining the LDS church next week (I couldn't wait!) and confirmed the following sunday!

I really feel this is a sign and i have been reading the BOM all night!

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Okay I was reading a lot of "anti" on the internet and went back to my church I knew as a child. One day I threw out my quad in the garbage and 4 months later I got a call from Walmart saying that they found my bible (I had my name in mine)

I went to pick it up and it was my quad!

What do you all think this means?

I would love your thoughts

(I hope this is alright I posted this in general discussion too cuz I would love advice and I don't know if everyone goes there

You throw it in the trash, where it would end in a garbage dump. But some how 4 months later, it found its way to Walmart and they contact you saying they had it? I would say that the Lord wants you in His Church.

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Guest Xzain

I just wanted to update you all and tell you I met with the missionarys tonight and with though and prayer I have felt the spirit and I will be joining the LDS church next week (I couldn't wait!) and confirmed the following sunday!

I really feel this is a sign and i have been reading the BOM all night!

That's AWESOME! Congratulations elizabeth81! I can personally promise you it's one of, if not the, best things you'll ever do!

Congratulations on understanding what the whole chain of events meant!

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I just wanted to update you all and tell you I met with the missionarys tonight and with though and prayer I have felt the spirit and I will be joining the LDS church next week (I couldn't wait!) and confirmed the following sunday!

I really feel this is a sign and i have been reading the BOM all night!

So have you never been a member before?

You seem very happy.:)

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I'm pleased to hear that you've found happiness since returning to the church, and hope that you continue to do so...

Whatever the reason your quad was returned to you, I think the way that you responded to that event was the test..and whether you found happiness in whichever decision you made..

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i thought this was an interesting post. but I had to say something to it. If I was reading terriorsits material and then one day decided to read stuff that discouraged terriorist material and then I threw it out and one day it showed back up does this mean I should really become a terriorist??

It is foolish to put too much emphasis on circumstances like this. The bible warns us about that. Rather examine the evidence and ask God for his leading with his already written word in the bible. Does it line up to it? Does it fit like a glove etc..?

That is my two cents on it. But I bet you were like WOW that is wild!! Things have shown up at my door beyond explanation that i am glad came back into my life.

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