So I Have To Be Baptized And Confirmed Again

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No, I have not been excommunicated. I canceled my membership in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints a while back and I just got the letter yesterday saying that I had my membership canceled. This is unfortunate as I still want to be a Mormon. I didn't want to be one at the time that I wrote the letter though. So I have to go 6 months of being morally pure (meaning committing no major sins) and then my bishop will write a letter requesting me to be baptized and confirmed again. Then I have to go to a meeting with the high priests and stuff and they'll interview me to see if I am worthy of being baptized and confirmed again. This is going to really suck. One of the rules that I have to follow is starting Sunday I am limimted to only 30 minutes on the computer per day. That is going to really suck. All well, it'll be worth it.

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I too am in the same position. 20 years ago.. I asked for my membership to be cancelled. In those 20 years I never denied the church. I have always felt it was true. After quitting smoking on Dec 31.. (it has been 5 Months, 5 Days, 8 Hours and 41 Minutes since my last cigarette.) I decided to start attending church again. Smoking was one the things that kept me from going back to church. I knew that whatever they wanted me to do.. I would do. Getting my membership back is very important. So if I have to attend church for 15 years before my baptism.. then so be it. I am working hard on a daily basis and trying to live the life as a member of the church without the benefits. I knew it was not going to be easy. I can't partake of the sacrament.. can't pay tithes (yet I do donate 1/10 of my income to the humanitarian dept of the church).. I can't give talks or hold a position in the church. It is hard to want to be involved.. but not able to. It is one of those "are you willing to do whatsoever the Lord your God asks you to do?" kinda things... My answer is yes.

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Thank you for this post.

Your experience is exactly why I tell people who want to have their membership cancelled to not do so. That way if they ever change their minds they can simply go back to Church without having to get baptized and confirmed again. Most people think about that, especially if their reason for leaving is because someone seriously offended them.

Edit: but on the bright side, once you're baptized you'll be 100% sin free for a while! :D

And mayhaps you'll learn something that will help your testimony. And you can even be a bright star for those you may meet who feel the way you once did. :)

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I must say this though.. For the twenty years I spent as a non member.. if I had still been a member of the church.. still had my priesthood.. and then did the things I did.... and died. It would have been far better for me to have not been a member than to have been one. The additional responsibility of being a member and hold the priesthood would have required Justice to be more severe. At least that is what I have been taught.

But thank you for kind words.

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Mr Nirom, Why can't you take the Sacrament? Non members and investigators take the sacrament, and so right now you are a not a member of the church but you are an investigator. . . It's not like you were excommunicated. . . or is my thinking on this flawed somewhere.

You both are in my prayers though!

I know a man who was excommunicated and years later he is working hard to return to the fold, and often has the Spirit with him, though he has to work harder to keep that Spirit.

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His bishop has probably counciled him not to partake of the sacrament until he gets farther a long in his repentance process. See Mormon 9:

Morm. 9: 29

29 See that ye are not baptized aunworthily; see that ye partake not of the sacrament of Christ bunworthily; but see that ye do all things in cworthiness, and do it in the name of Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God; and if ye do this, and endure to the end, ye will in nowise be cast out.

Just a posibility... :)

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Yes.. the Sacrament is to renew your convenants with the Lord that you made at baptism.. I had mine and gave them up. Converts never had them so partaking is more for remembering the Atonement and Sacrifice Christ made for all of us. So I was told by my Bishop to not partake and I agree with him.

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Guest JHM-in-Bountiful

I know first hand what it's like to have your name removed from the church and then starting the journey back to becoming a member again. I had my name was removed back in 2001. On june 19th, 2007 , I started the process in returning. I'm not fully there yet. My re-baptism is scheduled for July. During my absence from the church, I've transgressed so much through addiction and other behaviors. I was so thankful to know if I refrain from my bahaviors I could become a member again. The process has not been easy for me. For 11 months now, I've been happier than I have ever been. Daily prayer, atttending church, ect is essential. Remember to hold on to the iron rod.


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These two quotes are from your post above:

So I have to go 6 months of being morally pure (meaning committing no major sins) and then my bishop will write a letter requesting me to be baptized and confirmed again.

One of the rules that I have to follow is starting Sunday I am limimted to only 30 minutes on the computer per day.

being on the computer more than 30 minutes a day is not a sin.
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The computer is a tool in today's society. If it was part of your addiction and pattern of transgression you must exercise extreme caution. In fact how long you use it, at what times and where the computer is situated is as critical as the amount of time you spend on it.

Sin is rather a symptom of the actual problem. It is the physical manifestation of an issue that most time remains buried under layers of denial and pain. Your energy and faith should be focused on getting to the root of the issue and you seem to be in teh right road. My prayers are with you.

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Mr.Nirom: I want you to know how extremely proud I am of you. It takes a lot to overcome temptations and make the decision you made,and then follow thru. I can promise you that the end result is worth the sacrifice. I bet your kids and wife are extremly proud and supportative. God bless you for your efforts.

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being on the computer more than 30 minutes a day is not a sin.

I think that "whatsoever" the Lord or his servants who are called (The Bishop) have asked us to do.. (the inspiration to direct our lives).. will we follow and obey? Sometimes others may not understand the reason for the directives.. and to speculate would be judgemental... but I am sure it is out of Love that the directive is being given. It is our job to follow regardless of how we feel about it. And I think if the one being given the directive prayed about it.. it would be confirmed. So that would be between the Bishop and the member. Thank goodness we don't have to pray for confirmation about every decision our leaders make about everyperson they deal with. Much to time consuming :-)

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The computer is a tool in today's society. If it was part of your addiction and pattern of transgression you must exercise extreme caution. In fact how long you use it, at what times and where the computer is situated is as critical as the amount of time you spend on it.

Sin is rather a symptom of the actual problem. It is the physical manifestation of an issue that most time remains buried under layers of denial and pain. Your energy and faith should be focused on getting to the root of the issue and you seem to be in teh right road. My prayers are with you.

I am sorry if I missed something.....where did this come from what you have this someone telling you this or is it your opinion????
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30 minutes of being on the computer per day? Who are they to tell you what you can and can't do with your life?

They can't tell her what to do with her life. The bishop CAN tell her what she needs to do to overcome addictions and weaknesses, so she can prepare to be baptized. And for baptism, she'll have to go through the bishop, who is the judge in Israel for his ward.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I recall short time after being out of High School I was called to be the Elders Quorum Secretary. During this time there was a great curiosity among the Elders and High priests of my ward to know where the inactive members stood with the church.

Elders and High Priests would meet up once a week and go out in groups to try to find these people. We had sheets of paper which had simple questions to find out the following.

If they wanted to be contacted.

if they wouldn't mind receiving a ward news letter.

If they wanted home teachers to stop by regularly.

There was plenty of room on the paper to write down quotes and actions of these members.

Some were rather friendly, others were so so about seeing us and sadly there were also some who had a flaming spark of hatred appear in their eyes when they saw us.

During this time I was assigned to make an excel spreadsheet with all of these members that we knew little or nothing about. I wrote down all the quotes actions and answers to the simple question on this spread sheet.

It was a lot of work especially since I only knew the very basics of working Excel. Fortunately I had plenty of free time on my hands for reasons that at this point in my life I had no job and wasn't really doing anything to further my education. When it was all finished both the Elders and High priests were pleased.

The curiosity had been lifted with the collected knowledge that had been put into a neatly made spreadsheet.

Those who wanted the news letters received them by mail. Those who wanted home teachers got them.

Those that seemed to not like us we unfortunately had to meet again. This time however it was the job of the Elders Quorum to see these people again.

We were advised to ask if they wanted to be put on the Do Not Contact list,which seemed to last for 5 years or so. We also offered them an opportunity to have their church membership removed.

Since I was without a job my EQ President knew that my schedule was pretty much open. On many occasions I was the one who went out with him to see some of these people.

Some felt the need to keep his or her records in the church but wanted to be placed on the no contact list. Others calmly accepted the offer of having no contact and removal of church membership.

I recall two different men that we visited one night. Both these men who lived in two very different locations had the same look of anger towards what we represented. Although one was a bit more hostile than the other. With the both of them we couldn't get our point across because they didn't give us a chance to speak. Eventually in one way or another both these men received letters with information of what we were trying to present to them.

The more hostile man eventually wrote a letter to our Bishop requesting his records to be removed forever and ever. If memory serves me right the other man later apologized for his behavior and allowed a news letter but preferred not to be contacted in any other form.

I was always curious about the ones who seemed angry when they saw us. I wanted to know the stories behind the hostility but I suppose some stories aren't meant for me to know.

I do know that all these people were good. I'm sure that had we met on different circumstances they would be friendly. Since we were in suits and traveled in twos they knew who we were. They weren't necessarily angry at us but rather at the church at we represented. The source of that anger I do not know.

It is good to read that there are some people who do come back and have the desire to join the church again.

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I am not a member of the LDS, but I have read this thread and your posts.

I encourage you in your efforts in working with your Church in your journey of faith. Many of us have faith journey's with ups and downs. I am a Catholic, but greatly interested in the LDS Church. Reading your posts has been an encouragement to me. You have a caring community to which you belong and will belong in a more complete way after your Baptism. Blessings to you on your journey of faith and your return to your Church.

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No, I have not been excommunicated. I canceled my membership in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints a while back and I just got the letter yesterday saying that I had my membership canceled. This is unfortunate as I still want to be a Mormon. I didn't want to be one at the time that I wrote the letter though. So I have to go 6 months of being morally pure (meaning committing no major sins) and then my bishop will write a letter requesting me to be baptized and confirmed again. Then I have to go to a meeting with the high priests and stuff and they'll interview me to see if I am worthy of being baptized and confirmed again. This is going to really suck. One of the rules that I have to follow is starting Sunday I am limited to only 30 minutes on the computer per day. That is going to really suck. All well, it'll be worth it.

You can usually rescind the action before the thirty day mark but I do see, it was too late. Be fortunate it is only six-months. :D Bishoprics are instructed give a one-year minimual for your case and you will be treated as a new person when interviewed for baptism. However, there is another process after your baptism to reinstate your former blessings that you may not have too follow as a new convert of the church.

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