Called to serve - as a CYBER Missionary?

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Called to serve - as a CYBER Missionary!

I sometimes think the admonition "if you have the DESIRE you are called to the work" is quite important.

I was tracted out and converted to the LDS Church when I was in my early twenties, but already married. So, although two of my sons served honorable missions, I did not personally qualify until a few years ago when I had retired. My wife and I put our papers in to serve as senior missionaries. When she read the call to me and I heard that we were to serve in the China Hong Kong Mission, it literally knocked me off my feet, I'd been learning Spanish. :-) But we loved our 18 months in tiny Macau, China.

A year or so after our mission I was again making noises to my wife that it was about time to serve again. There were valid delays but I was still anxious to put on the badge again. Until a few weeks ago when all that changed!

About that time I became aware of three talks Elder Ballard gave, in each of which he asked LDS members to join in religious discussions on the INTERNET!

Well, I've posted the story of how that hit me elsewhere but suffice it to say that although I haven't been officially called as an LDS Cyber Missionary, that's what I've been doing. I no longer have the desire to leave my home to serve, though of course if an unsolicited official call came I would respond.

I've been writing on several boards. On one of the large discussion boards (Hannity) I started a thread called "Ask a Mormon". In less than six weeks that thread has attracted more than 3,000 posts, and 37,000 views!

There's a whole lot of online interest in the "Mormons", and a whole lot of misinformation to correct. It is possible I think for any active Latter-day Saint with a strong testimony to unofficially serve as a missionary right now, without even leaving their home!

I've written about my experiences on the LDS Cyber Missionary Board. Anyone who is interested in the possibility of being an unofficial LDS Cyber Missionary is invited, when there's a lull on this board, to meet others with similar interests, and discuss the idea on the LDS Cyber Missionaries board. You can also copy, edit, and post in your own screen name a whole bunch of great responses to common questions asked online about the "Mormons".


Edited by justamere10
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I've been writing on several boards. On one of the large discussion boards (Hannity) I started a thread called "Ask a Mormon". In less than six weeks that thread has attracted more than 3,000 posts, and about 33,000 views!

That is you!? Wow, I registered on those forums some time ago but for some reason I can't post. Although my registration was confirmed it still tells me I need to register. Some glitch or other. I saw your post there. I've been listening to his show all year and following current events and of course the election process. This guy is on the cutting edge of news. I wish I could help you on your ask a Mormon section.

That's great that you served in China. I honestly thought that was the last frontier of missionary work. Is there no other corner of the globe that missionary work isn't being done?

Oh, by the way, welcome to the boards! ^_^

p.s. I'd love to be able to post on the other two boards as well, but I'd be spreading my time out too thin. If I can retire and do nothing but this, then I'd be delighted to.

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That is you!? Wow, I registered on those forums some time ago but for some reason I can't post. Although my registration was confirmed it still tells me I need to register. Some glitch or other. I saw your post there. I've been listening to his show all year and following current events and of course the election process. This guy is on the cutting edge of news. I wish I could help you on your ask a Mormon section.

That's great that you served in China. I honestly thought that was the last frontier of missionary work. Is there no other corner of the globe that missionary work isn't being done?

Oh, by the way, welcome to the boards! ^_^

I appreciate your welcome to this board. There are about 20 active LDS writing on the Hannity board so it's pretty much under control. :-)

Missionary work in China can only be done in Hong Kong and Macau but there are quite a few branches in the mainland, they just can't proselyte. The Church has excellent relations with the government in Beijing and carefully keeps all their laws.

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We shouldn't forget about signing up on Non-LDS sites as well, that permit LDS interaction. Many Christians won't go near a pro-LDS site, so we can answer questions in their forums. A few have dedicate sections for LDS to post such as and and Beliefnet. Besides 3 pro LDS sites [as Casslan], I am currently signed up to 8 "Christian" sites under other names. :)

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Elder Ballard's recent advice I suspect will lead to problems. Your going to get these young bucks on the net heeding the call and they are going to be met with things they have never heard or thought of. I think the counsel might have some bad repercussions.

Edited by KosherXMorg
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Elder Ballard's recent advice I suspect will lead to problems. Your going to get these young bucks on the net heading the call and they are going to be met with things they have never heard or thought of. I think the counsel might have some bad repercussions.

I personally think it will be a net gain. Over time.


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The internet is killing the Church.

The "every member a missionary" idea was witty and had meaning twenty years ago, but the fact is most Mormons aren't prepared to share factual information that means anything to a critical investigator, beyond sharing their testimony.

ROFL. I don't think you're joking, but .... I think you underestimate the power of truth. If the ignorant LDS masses learn something new, I don't think that is a bad thing. And I don't think a testimony is meaningless, either, even to a "critical investigator".


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ROFL. I don't think you're joking, but .... I think you underestimate the power of truth.

I don't underestimate the power of truth. What's truth anyway? Saying "I know the Church is true" ad nauseum? People want to be shown why it is true. Simply saying so does nothing to convince, anymore than antis have power in saying its false. The responsible thing here to do is to investigate. And investigation requires reading both sides, not just one.
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I don't underestimate the power of truth. What's truth anyway? Saying "I know the Church is true" ad nauseum? People want to be shown why it is true. Simply saying so does nothing to convince, anymore than antis have power in saying its false. The responsible thing here to do is to investigate. And investigation requires reading both sides, not just one.

Profound question, AlexanderX, very profound. Ponder that one, will you? Maybe God will help you out, if you have faith that He can.


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Unfortunately you are at a disavantage, since I am not in a controlled environment starring at a couple of 19 year old Elders. I am free to roam libraries and get all the information I need to make an educated decision.

If all investigators did this, the Church would have to rely on membership births to continue the growth of the Church.

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The internet is killing the Church.

The "every member a missionary" idea was witty and had meaning twenty years ago, but the fact is most Mormons aren't prepared to share factual information that means anything to a critical investigator, beyond sharing their testimony.

Even negative publicity is effective. It oftens drives curious people to the official LDS websites.

Since Elder Ballard's three talks requesting that members actively participate in Internet discussions, there has been a whole new meaning to spending time on the Net. A lot of Latter-day Saints are beginning to feel that they have been unofficially 'called' to serve as LDS CYBER MISSIONARIES!

I think that is going to pick up a lot of speed in the coming months as the Saints get organized and start "Ask a Mormon" threads everywhere there are Religion forums.

You can meet with other like minded LDS Cyber Missionaries and even find messages that respond to frequent questions about the Mormons. Those messages can be copied, edited, and posted in your own name. They're on the new LDS Cyber Missionary Board:

Every member a CYBER missionary!


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Elder Ballard's recent advice I suspect will lead to problems. Your going to get these young bucks on the net heeding the call and they are going to be met with things they have never heard or thought of. I think the counsel might have some bad repercussions.

I wouldn't fully agree with this. Of course there will always a be a few who that might happen to. But for the most part, these "young bucks" are already the Internet super-users who spend hours a day on Facebook, on Youtube, and on the Internet in general. They are already met with things they have never heard or thought of--encouraging them to blog about their faith and join the discussion will not add a lot fuel to the fire.

If the Internet has had a negative impact on the Church thus far, I personally believe that will start to change. First, more positive content is being put up constantly, including answers to every "anti-Mormon" claim I've come across. Second, the younger generation (the super-users I've mentioned) are more skilled at researching on the Internet and will be able to find the answers to the issues.

The most important thing I've learned during my time online is that for every issue or question you have about gospel doctrine, Church history, etc., there are many faithful, smart Latter-day Saints who have also spent time thinking about it and can help share what they have found in their research and thinking. There are answers--just be willing to find it.

Every Latter-day Saint, in this Internet age, needs to understand that.

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As a recent "newbie" to the online blogging of fellow church members, I say be careful what you ask for. There are MANY members of the church without a sound testimony, and some of these discussion boards bring up many questions and problems to members. Its a little disappointing when having been in the church my whole life (over 30 years) I can go online and learn things I had no idea about. The recent posting of the handbook of instructions (i had no idea male sterilization was against policy), or postings about the Spaulding papers. In my opinion, its opening up a huge can of worms.

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