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If the Aaronic Priesthood has been conferred upon your son, then he may get a recommend to stand proxy for Baptisms and Confirmations in the temple. He will be able to participate in the other temple ordinances after he has had the Melchizedek Priesthood conferred upon him and received his own temple recommend.

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When they turn 12. The same age the boys are when they recieve the Aaronic Priesthood. The boys can also participate in Proxy-ordinations of deceased men to the Aaronic Priesthood. Both genders from the age of 12 onward can participate in Proxy Baptisms and Confirmations.

In addition to that, I would just add that the baptismal font in the temple has separate entrances. Anyone who is granted a recommend but has not received the endowment is not allowed in any other part of the temple. So, you can go to the temple together, but it would be more that you are going with him. And it is also important to note that these youth recommends are temporary.... one time only type deals. The official temple recommend is good for two years.

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When you go to the Oakland Temple there's a seperate back door that you go through to get to the Baptismal area. It looks more like a service door, with metal railings leading up cement steps to a plain metal door. Not very ornate for a Temple door. :lol:

At the Portland Temple you just go down seperate hallways that branch off from the foyer.

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Just some clean up on things said.

The boys can also participate in Proxy-ordinations of deceased men to the Aaronic Priesthood.

Ordinations to the Aaronic Priesthood are not performed in the temple. Only Melchizedek Priesthood ordinations are performed, as the latter priesthood encompasses all of the former.

And it is also important to note that these youth recommends are temporary.... one time only type deals.

The youth recommends (Limited Time Use Recommends) are usually only given for one use at a time, generally with a group trip. In some instances, where the Bishop feels that the youth is unlikely to need frequent interviewing, the Bishop may grant a recommend for a certain period of time. The length of this time is up to the Bishop, but usually not more than 6 months

Thanks for the comments.

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In most wards and branches youth age 12 can get a recommend from the Bishop/Branch president for baptisms for the dead. Most wards/branches plan youth trips to the temple and encourage the youth to go. They can only go to designated areas of the temple as indicated by the temple staffing and the reason for the youth being there. If a young person is there to be sealed to a parent, that is the only ordinance the youth will be able to participate in. Children, not born in the covenant are able to go to the temple to be sealed to parents. As when a family joins the church and they already have children.

I am not sure i am understanding..are you asking if your 13 yo can accompany you through the temple when you go to receive your endowments or are you just asking if he can be there in the temple while you are going through the endowment session?

I do not know if there is a "rule" or age limit for a temple recommend for all ordinances. Young men and women going on missions go to the temple and receive their endowments before they leave for the MTC and the mission field (Missionary Training Center) A young man or woman who does not go on a mission, but wants to receive their own endowments are generally encouraged to set a goal for temple marriage. Many single people receive their endowments after a time has passed and they are not married or serve missions. This is decided by local leaders and the individual worthiness of the person requesting a temple recommend

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I am not sure i am understanding..are you asking if your 13 yo can accompany you through the temple when you go to receive your endowments or are you just asking if he can be there in the temple while you are going through the endowment session?

No, just intellectual curiousity -- in many nations we have temples in the marriage age can be quite low. Now I know that when I married my wife in Sweden the marriage laws were set by the government -- the Swedish government recognizes temple marriage ceremonies as legitimate while many European nations require a civil ceremony for legal reasons and the church ceremony is just to satisfy your urge to have a ceremony (legally speaking). However, to get your marriage permission from the state you have to prove your age -- I think 17 is the youngest you can marry in Sweden.

However, we have many members in Mexico for instance where the marriage age is much lower. So let's say you have a guy who is 19 and an elder and his fiance is 14 -- can't they get sealed in the temple? I was just wondering if there is an age limit or if it just has to conform to your state or nation's laws.

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I honestly don't know. Sorry.

if the country which they live in does not allow it...then the answer is no....and I am not aware of anyplace that says someone 14 can be married....I have heard you can at 15 in some places but not 14.....perhaps someone else knows...or if you really wanted to know you could call and ask the Temple where you live.
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So let's say you have a guy who is 19 and an elder and his fiance is 14 -- can't they get sealed in the temple?

You can't get your endowments out until you are an adult. So, I think the answer in this case would be an easy no way.

What bishop would let this go down anyway?

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IMHO for wemen the endowment age depends how old are they when they get married. If they marry at 14 they get their endowment first. My frends son married a girl that was 16. He was 17 and it was not a must marriage. They had been dateing seriosly for a year or so. She got her endawnment first. They have to get the endawnment in order to get married in the temple, or theyd have to wait!

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if the country which they live in does not allow it...then the answer is no....and I am not aware of anyplace that says someone 14 can be married....I have heard you can at 15 in some places but not 14.....perhaps someone else knows...or if you really wanted to know you could call and ask the Temple where you live.

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