Apollo 14 Astronaut says UFOs exist


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Guest JHM-in-Bountiful

Interesting. I've heard of other astronauts that claim to have seen ufo's flying close to the space shuttle, space capsules & space station. On a similar topic, I saw the movie "Contact" when it first came out. There was a scene where CNN had a news story on how people converted to the LDS church. THey did so because in our belief that there are many worlds that have been created. About a month ago, I purchased a used dvd of the movie. That particular scene was not in the dvd version. Did the church have anything to do with the deletion of the particular scene?

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I'm not a subscriber to the view that aliens visit our planet. In the first instance I can see no purpose for it, and in the second any claims of such creatures seems misguided as their appearance would be the same as us - being in the likeness of God.

I believe there was an expereince in early Church history where some people witnessed lights and moving objects in the sky - and Joseph Smith said it was of the devil.

People have claimed in the past to have seen goblins, etc. I think UFOs (where not something from our own technology) are in the same category.

This is, of course, an opinion.

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I don't believe in them personally and when I head abduction stories, I find it interesting because usually the people are in bed and become paralyzed. It sounds like sleep paralysis which can come with hallucinations. I have it, but the first time it happened to me I thought there was an evil spirit in my room. Luckily I knew it wasn't real because my mom has it too. Every time after that, I have only had the paralysis.

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I have to say I'm not a believer, but I will never watch Signs or Fire in the Sky again!! I have to say Fire in the Sky was one of the scariest movies I have ever seen. I was looking up for signs of an alien invasion for months after that.:eek:

As for Contact, I dont remember an LDS reference, so it must have been taken out for some reason.

I do, however believe in the Loch Ness Monster. No joke, I really believe she's there.

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Heard this audio on the radio...

makes you go hmmmmm

I am surprised he has not been on the radio with the dude that broadcasts from his home in Nevada and is always talking about this kind of stuff and fears that black helicopters are flying around his home..

I can't think of the guys name....someone help:)

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I am surprised he has not been on the radio with the dude that broadcasts from his home in Nevada and is always talking about this kind of stuff and fears that black helicopters are flying around his home..

I can't think of the guys name....someone help:)

You're referring to Art Bell. I use to listen to him occasionally years ago. Actually, I stocked up more toward my year supply than any other time while listening to his nightly impending doom messages around the year 2000. :lol:

As far as the alien thing goes, I used to have a book called Aliens & UFOs: Messengers or Deceivers? by James Thompson, which looks at the issue from an LDS standpoint. It has a lot of quotes by general authorities and takes a critical look at some LDS alien and ufo stories. It's not endorsed by the church, but it does take the opinion that this phenomena is engineered by Satan. At the very least, it's a great compilation of what the general authorities have said concerning the matter over the years.

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Guest HEthePrimate

Of course UFOs exist! That doesn't mean they are of extraterrestrial origin, only that the person who sees them doesn't know what they are.

On the other hand, in Star Trek, the Enterprise traveled back in time and was spotted by a pilot in the 20th century, and we all know that Star Trek is true! :D (Never mind that the Enterprise was an Earth vessel--it was a spaceship from the future, and that's good enough.)

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I do, however believe in the Loch Ness Monster. No joke, I really believe she's there.

Me too! :lol:

As far as aliens go...who am I to claim that I know of a certainty of their existence (or lack thereof) in a universe more vast than the mortal mind can comprehend?

There are depths to our own oceans that we have no knowledge of. Every-once-in-awhile there will be a report of a new species found somewhere on this earth that science had not previously known of before.

Hmm...but then some can claim with total authority that there is no life anywhere else in the universe?

I don't have a firm answer either way. I am not omniscient. There is no way for me to make a claim either way, but luckily I have not closed my mind to a possibility that may well be true.

I think it is ridiculous that the government can state with such absolute authority that there is no such thing as aliens. How do they know for certain? Have we even been able to take our own shuttle beyond our own solar system? No. Then how can a NASA or government official claim such authority over an issue that they cannot possibly have absolute knowledge of?

There is a ridiculous notion that some officials have, that if humans were to discover life elsewhere, we would all run around wild, forsaking religion, and reverting ourselves to a basic, primitive nature.

Where does this line of thought come from?

I am LDS. I will be so even if a ship from another planet, galaxy, universe...etc. were to zip over my head. So? Why would that make me run around stark mad, burning my house, pillaging the neighbors home, and becoming a heathen?

Scientists and the government must truly think that we (humans in general, and religious folks in particular) are all too intellectually unstable to handle the "truth", assuming that NASA or the government even knows the truth. I believe that if the government does know the truth, we will never find out from them. There is much that we will never know the truth about concerning our own country, our own leaders, our own government, and our own history. Believing this, it then becomes easy for me to believe that the government would NEVER tell us that other life exists elsewhere if they had discovered/encountered it.

I, for one, don't know the answer...but it wouldn't bother me either way, and it would have no effect upon my beliefs.

My intellect is just fine, and my faith is even stronger.


Edited by Tough Grits
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I wondered about this issue for a long time until I just stopped caring either way. I don't think we WILL know for sure about any of earth's unsolved mysteries (Nessie included ;)) until we get to the other side anyway. I had to make peace with my own life's mysteries and just learn patience. When I was six I came face to face with a white "something" with big black eyes in an Arizona forest. I was walking around, separated from my family, and turned around and there it was staring at me, no more than two feet away. I wasn't afraid and I didn't try to run away, I just stared at it. It didn't have a distinguishable nose or mouth and it was almost the same size I was. But then I "lost time" and the next thing I knew I was running out of the forest toward my car. Was it an alien? I've never said so. Was it a demon? Who knows? I don't really care anymore. I'll know eventually and that's good enough for me.

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I have no doubt that there is life elsewhere in the universe. There are about 100 billion stars just in our galaxy and about 200 billion galaxies observable around us. To think that we are alone in all that space is somewhat rediculous. I do however doubt that aliens have secretly visited us and there is a vast government coverup. For one thing, I don't think our government is competant enough to keep a coverup for that long, and for another, I think that any civilization who had the technology to travel light years across the galaxy (or universe) would either make themselves known on purpose, or have the technology to keep themselves hidden from our primitive tools.

The rantings of Edgar Mitchell are nothing new, he's been saying this type of stuff for a while and even attempted to conduct telepathy experiments from the moon. I don't think he is lying per se, but I do think that he has let his perspective be warped by his strong desire for certain things to be true.

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You're referring to Art Bell. I use to listen to him occasionally years ago. Actually, I stocked up more toward my year supply than any other time while listening to his nightly impending doom messages around the year 2000. :lol:

As far as the alien thing goes, I used to have a book called Aliens & UFOs: Messengers or Deceivers? by James Thompson, which looks at the issue from an LDS standpoint. It has a lot of quotes by general authorities and takes a critical look at some LDS alien and ufo stories. It's not endorsed by the church, but it does take the opinion that this phenomena is engineered by Satan. At the very least, it's a great compilation of what the general authorities have said concerning the matter over the years.

thats it.....I use to get up and leave for work at 4am several years ago....it would take an hour to drive where I worked at....and he was always on....wow....that dude is out there...
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I'll correct that to *NASA denies any knowledge of extra terrestrials or a coverup type thingy* as I think that was more the general gist within the context. I have a feeling that the first extraterrestrial life that we will uncover will be evidence of past microbe life of some sort. All very ho hum.

I don't really have that much interest in it. There are more 'known' fascinating and 'unbelievable' things and way too many mysteries on our own planet to be curious about solving...not Nessie or Bigfoot ...but the cures for new diseases/understanding astronomy and other questions that science is attempting to answer or answering. Science fiction is strictly in the entertainment category for me.

Mind you, where imagination and science overlap there are always new possibilities...it's not without merit. I don't think such beliefs are of the devil...we certainly don't want to assign some of our Jules Vernian type bright minds to the limitations of fear or witch hunting.

Edited by WANDERER
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I have always viewed alien and ufo stories with mild amusement (even my own potential alien story), but I suppose for those who actually have experiences that look and feel real it's not so amusing anymore. Perhaps if I remembered something terrible happening to me in the woods I would be a passionate believer. So I try not to dismiss or ridicule those that swear by their other-worldly stories. If there aren't alien's coming to abduct and spy on us (which I feel there probably aren't) then something else must have happened to these people--something very real in some sense, and definitely something with a real impact on their psyche. I even think the government may have documented stories of "unusual events" happening to their personnel. Does that mean something in the sky is a ufo? No. Does that mean every strange creature is an alien? No. Does it mean there's a government cover-up? No. But with all of the stories I hear and read, I have to believe something is happening to these people. Even if it's just happening in their minds, what's triggering it? There are definitely a lot of questions we won't get answers to any time soon. For me that's not really a big deal because nothing traumatic ever happened to me. For those who have had dramatic experiences, I don't blame them for sharing their stories and searching for answers.

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