Good Day from a Sunny South Africa


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Good Day Everyone

I've been lurking around here for a while now, and realised it may be good manners to introduce myself at last :blush:

I am a practising Christian and I try my best to live as close as I can to God’s will, despite my mistakes and sins.

I made friends with a few LDS members on my life-journey, as well as many friends from all walks of life. I wanted to find out what the LDS church is all about as I am one who prefers to read up and explore things for myself, rather than trusting or blindly believing others' sometimes uninformed opinions or knowledge, with regard to any subject.

I've learned that there is always two sides to a story and that one cannot form an informed opinion from only one side of the fence. After all God did give us the intelligence as well as His Word and the Holy Spirit to discern what is right and what is not. One does not need to fear any new knowledge that may just make one a better person with aformentioned in mind. Life is wonderful, with so many new things to learn. I have also learned that it is important to glean knowledge from both sides in a non-judgemental, loving and open manner too, it is our duty to do so. And yes, I do challenge people in the process too :lol:


I look forward to more interesting discussions and thank you for having me here :)


Edited by Twospirit
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