Most recent revelation

Guest TheLutheran

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Guest TheLutheran

Hi Friends!

For those who haven't cybermet me, I come in peace!! Our youngest daughter is dating a wonderful LDS boy and I've come to this site with an open mind and an open heart to learn more about your faith traditions. (My farmer hubby and I are trying not to be Tevye and Golda from 'Fiddler on the Roof' with the #3 daughter if you catch my drift.) I'm just plain curious -- no agenda, no picket signs. We good so far? ;)

Here's my question:

What was the last revelation received by your living prophet that met the criteria for inclusion in the LDS canon? I attempted to research this myself but came up empty. I'm sure I just don't know where to look.

I've read on many threads that not every utterance from the living prophet is or should be construed as revelation so I'm just curious how you know when its a keeper. I mean absolutely no disrespect so I hope my word choice isn't offensive. Also, I would completely understand if the circumstances surrounding a new revelation are too sacred to share with a non-member.

Much abliged, in advance, for your insight. :sunny:

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What was the last revelation received by your living prophet that met the criteria for inclusion in the LDS canon? I attempted to research this myself but came up empty. I'm sure I just don't know where to look.

I’m not sure I understand your question. The Last revelation that was Included in the Doctrine & Covenants is section 138. It was voted on by the church and added to the LDS Canon. The Pearl of Great price came after that (voted on and was added to the LDS Canon).

Or are you talking about other Revelations that COULD be added but haven’t yet?

I’m not sure what the newest Revelation would be, but I fully believe one day the Proclamation on the Family (given in 1995) well someday become part of the LDS canon?

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I would say that the revelation regarding the availability of the Priesthood to all worthy males 12 and older.

Official Declaration 2

This official declaration has been added to the end of the Doctrine and Covenants.

Welcome to the site.

We take the words shared with us at General Conference as the will of the Lord and mind of the Lord to us for these days and times.

All the members of the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles are sustained as Prophets, Seers and Revelators. President Monson being the current leader of the church here upon the earth. We believe that Jesus Christ is at the head of the church and President Monson his chosen leader at this time.

Ben Raines

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You beat me to it Ben!

Here's what i was going to say:

Wouldn't the last revelation voted on by the church be Official Declaration 2 on September 30, 1978 at the end of the Doctrine & Covenants? That was the one giving the priesthood to all worthy males.

Here's a good scripture:

Doctrine & Covenants 68:4

"And whatsoever they [the Elders of the church] shall speak when moved upon by the Holy Ghost shall be scripture, shall be the will of the Lord, shall be the mind of the Lord, shall be the word of the Lord, shall be the voice of the Lord, and the power of God unto salvation."

I think most LDS consider the words during General Conference to be "scripture."

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General Conference talks are considered "scripture" by many, but they're not necessarily new revelation. GC talks are generally interpretation of current scripture, or general teachings how we can apply gospel principles to our lives, such as repentence and loving one another. So while they can be included in our scripture study as Latter-Day Saints, they're not necesarily revelation.

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Hi TheLutheran!

I don't know what the latest revelation included in our scriptures is, but,

I must say, You sure are a lucky woman!!! A daughter dating a nice young LDS boy is my dream!!

My daughter, although raised in the church IS NOT dating one!!! Oh how I wish!

Although not perfect, a true good LDS boy dating their daughter is every good mom and dads dream!!!

Congratulations!!!!! LEt her go to church with him. You go too!

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Not all of our revelations make it into our scriptures. We also have major revelations that are given as Official Declarations or Proclamations. Perhaps the biggest one recently is the Proclamation on the Family, which describes our belief in the family structure as given by God.

There are daily revelations received. Most tend towards running the daily Church issues, as most of the foundational issues have been received in the past already. Occasionally, a bigger revelation will be pronounced. Often these are spoken of in General Conference, especially if they tend towards a temporary event. Some of the ones from the past 10 years or so include the major temple building effort that took us from 46 temples to 125 temples in less than 10 years; 1998 call to the Priesthood to get out of debt to avoid the oncoming financial struggles (very timely right now, I might add); creation of Area Authority Seventies.

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Every worthy Christian (not just Mormon) can receive both revelation and inspiration over things they are in authority over (example my wife and I are entitled to revelation concerning our family, I am entitled to revelation regarding a class I teach) however most revelation is not of a doctrinal nature. The Church leaders are entitled to receive not only dictrinal revelation but also revelation for the running and operation of the Church, where to assign missionaries, etc but most of this is not doctrinal and thus does not get published. The last revelation included in canon is the 1978 revelation on the Priesthood, but as Rameumpton has already said there have been further revelation presented to the body of the Church but not included in canon -- or at least not yet, like others I expect the Proclamation on the Family to be included as canon in the near future.

A Prophets duty is not so much "fortelling" as it is 'forthtelling", in other words to 'cry repentance' and to teach Gods principles and laws and to teach people how to live a Christ-like life.

Once the Church was set up and doctrine declared there was no longer a lot of need for "big" revelations and new doctrine. I would say most revelation today is more personal or administrative and while it follows doctrine is usually not new doctrine.

Edited by mnn727
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Hi Friends!

For those who haven't cybermet me, I come in peace!! Our youngest daughter is dating a wonderful LDS boy and I've come to this site with an open mind and an open heart to learn more about your faith traditions. (My farmer hubby and I are trying not to be Tevye and Golda from 'Fiddler on the Roof' with the #3 daughter if you catch my drift.) I'm just plain curious -- no agenda, no picket signs. We good so far? ;)

Here's my question:

What was the last revelation received by your living prophet that met the criteria for inclusion in the LDS canon? I attempted to research this myself but came up empty. I'm sure I just don't know where to look.

I've read on many threads that not every utterance from the living prophet is or should be construed as revelation so I'm just curious how you know when its a keeper. I mean absolutely no disrespect so I hope my word choice isn't offensive. Also, I would completely understand if the circumstances surrounding a new revelation are too sacred to share with a non-member.

Much abliged, in advance, for your insight. :sunny:

Coincidentally, Elder Hales addressed this very question in an example he provided at General Conference a year ago:

Early in my Church service, Elder Harold B. Lee taught this lesson when he came to organize a new stake in the district where we were living. Elder Lee asked me, as a newly sustained bishop, if I would join him at a press conference. There, an intense young reporter challenged Elder Lee. He said to him, “You call yourself a prophet. When was the last time you had revelation, and what was it about?” Elder Lee paused, looked directly at him, and responded in a sweet way, “It was yesterday afternoon about three o’clock. We were praying about who should be called as the president of the new stake, and it was made known to us who that individual should be.” The reporter’s heart changed. I will never forget the Spirit that came into that room as Elder Lee bore his powerful witness of revelation that can be received by those faithfully seeking to do the Lord’s will.

Revelation happens constantly, and to all the prophets, not just the Church president. For example, the bishop is a prophet for his ward (congregation), and receives revelation daily or even hourly as needed, if he seeks for it and is in tune. A parent likewise is a prophet (prophetess) for his/her family, and receives revelation as needed when sought.

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Guest TheLutheran

. . . I must say, You sure are a lucky woman!!! A daughter dating a nice young LDS boy is my dream!! My daughter, although raised in the church IS NOT dating one!!! Oh how I wish! Although not perfect, a true good LDS boy dating their daughter is every good mom and dads dream!!! Congratulations!!!!! LEt her go to church with him. . .

I'm sorry if this is a little off my own topic, but I couldn't help but read your post in the voice of Yentl (the matchmaker from Fiddler on the Roof!)

Our daughter attends LDS meetings with him and he attends our services with us. Hard to believe 17-year-olds will spend that many hours in church on Sunday! :sunny:

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A lot of people don't understand revelation. i am sure the revelation received by the prophet regarding the entire church would be manifest in a different way than me asking what lesson I should teach in my class. Ae read in the scriptures, the more in tune we are, the more spiritually mature we are, and the special calling we have would dictate the intensity of the revelation.

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Guest TheLutheran

. . . Revelation happens constantly, and to all the prophets, not just the Church president. For example, the bishop is a prophet for his ward (congregation), and receives revelation daily or even hourly as needed, if he seeks for it and is in tune. A parent likewise is a prophet (prophetess) for his/her family, and receives revelation as needed when sought. . . .

Thanks to all for your responses. I hope that my question was not construed as some type of challenge. I was just seeking clarification on the specifics of the living prophet because LDS treasure it so. :sunny:

Vort . . . may I ask another clarifying question? I understand that the bishop is the prophet for his ward and a parent is a prophet for his/her family and, as such, these prophets receive ongoing revelation. What about a never married, middle aged woman? In the LDS tradition, would she as well receive revelation 'as needed when sought'?

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Everyone can receive revelation and direction from the Holy Ghost regarding their own lives.

YOu just have to be in tune with the Spirit, be worthy, understand it, and recognize it. Personal revelation does not come as a lightning bolt, or a audible voice. It comes in powerful feelings of comfort, peace, and sometimes the "still small voice". Descriptions of gifts of the Spirit are in the Bible.

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Guest TheLutheran

Everyone can receive revelation and direction from the Holy Ghost regarding their own lives.

YOu just have to be in tune with the Spirit, be worthy, understand it, and recognize it. Personal revelation does not come as a lightning bolt, or a audible voice. It comes in powerful feelings of comfort, peace, and sometimes the "still small voice". Descriptions of gifts of the Spirit are in the Bible.

Thank you Georgia. I could not agree more with your first statement. From an LDS perspective, is it a belief in the LDS tradition that non-LDS also receive revelation?

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From an LDS perspective, is it a belief in the LDS tradition that non-LDS also receive revelation?

Oh yes, we believe that everyone can receive revelation, both LDS and non-LDS.

God is not exclusive to us. We believe that all religions have truth, some more than others. Some people are more in tune with the spirit than others and some wouldn't know what a revelation was if God hit them over the head with a 2x4.

We do believe that we will only receive revelation for our areas of stewardship. For example you would not receive revelation dealing with my family, nor I for yours. I would not receive revelation for the entire Church - its not in my area of stewardship. However if I prayed for revelation on which job I should take (for example) that would be something appropriate for me, additionally I teach a class at Church, I always go to the Lord in prayer seeking guidance and inspiration when preparing my lesson as I have the duty to teach what God wants the class members to hear and I testify that I have received revelation in that area.

Also, if non-LDS could not receive revelation how could they ever find out for themselves if the LDS religion was right for them?

Edited by mnn727
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I understand that the bishop is the prophet for his ward and a parent is a prophet for his/her family and, as such, these prophets receive ongoing revelation. What about a never married, middle aged woman? In the LDS tradition, would she as well receive revelation 'as needed when sought'?

Sure. Every child of God has access to his or her Father's throne, and can receive instruction through the Spirit. This is revelation, and it is available to all who sincerely seek it and comply with the requirements God has set.

From an LDS perspective, is it a belief in the LDS tradition that non-LDS also receive revelation?

Yes. If non-LDS did not receive revelation, we would have far fewer convert baptisms, since conversion is done through the Spirit. A "testimony" of the Gospel is, in fact, a revelation from God that the Gospel is the word and plan of God.

Having said that, it should also be said that God's intent is that all who seek him enter his kingdom. Therefore, at some point in their development, either in this life or the next, all those who humbly and sincerely seek God will find his kingdom and will have the opportunity to join it. Those who follow through will receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, and with it the potential to receive revelation upon revelation, endlessly, until they stand before God himself.

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What about a never married, middle aged woman? In the LDS tradition, would she as well receive revelation 'as needed when sought'?

Oh yes, she is entitled to receive revelation for herself and her areas of stewardship.

Thanks to all for your responses. I hope that my question was not construed as some type of challenge. I was just seeking clarification on the specifics of the living prophet because LDS treasure it so. :sunny:

I know that I am enjoying ansering questions for someone that truely wants to hear our answers and has no agenda other than to learn 'from the horses mouth' as the saying goes. Feel free to ask anything you want to know about.

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I think an inportant change to the OP question would be asking when the last recorded prophecy of a larger world even to occur. While there were a few BOM prophets who prophecied of events that occured prior to the 1830's and there is a thinly provable prophecy about Joseph Smith predicting the start of the Civil War. I don't know if there has been since then a single reported instance of a prophet prophefising (sorry, is that even a word?) about anything in the latter 19th, 20th, or 21st century.

I wonder why WW1, WW2, Any number of wars since then, or any number of world events were not predicted. I wonder why there are no "future" world event that have been prophicied. There have been a couple of temples accidently (or intentionally) destroyed over the years. Why were these not know about? Why is there zero prophecies about 100, 200, 300 years from now? 1000 years from now.

I would tend to say that as far as revelation making it to canon, I would say that the ones mentioned earlier would count, but I'm actually not sure about the Families one. I've always felt that the proclimation on the family was scripture, but not sure if its been voted upon making it full doctrine.

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rockwoodchev, You ask why world events are not predicted, its a very simple answer. A Prophet is not like 'the psychic friends hotline' they are not made prophets to read the nightly news(before or after the fact). They are there to call people to repent and to teach them how to live. There are FORTHtellers, not FOREtellers.

Prophets help change peoples lives so they can return to heaven, how could knowing about WW2 for example in advance lead more people to Christ? We are to live by faith (and there are many reasons for this), If Prophets revealed every noteworthy event in advance faith would no longer be necessary and our agency (being free to choose) would be done away with. Once you do away with free will then there is no reason for us to be here.

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I think an inportant change to the OP question would be asking when the last recorded prophecy of a larger world even to occur. While there were a few BOM prophets who prophecied of events that occured prior to the 1830's and there is a thinly provable prophecy about Joseph Smith predicting the start of the Civil War. I don't know if there has been since then a single reported instance of a prophet prophefising (sorry, is that even a word?) about anything in the latter 19th, 20th, or 21st century.

I wonder why WW1, WW2, Any number of wars since then, or any number of world events were not predicted. I wonder why there are no "future" world event that have been prophicied. There have been a couple of temples accidently (or intentionally) destroyed over the years. Why were these not know about? Why is there zero prophecies about 100, 200, 300 years from now? 1000 years from now.

I would tend to say that as far as revelation making it to canon, I would say that the ones mentioned earlier would count, but I'm actually not sure about the Families one. I've always felt that the proclimation on the family was scripture, but not sure if its been voted upon making it full doctrine.

A closer look at the War on Prophecy shows that Joseph Smith not only predicted the Civil War, but also the world wars. I also believe he predicted the collapse of the Soviet Union and the current attacks by the radical Arab world. I recommend my article at the link above.

To note Pres Hinckley's General Conference Priesthood Session warning in 1998 about getting out of debt, and suggesting some very difficult financial times for the world are very relevant today. He stated this when the economy was going through a mild slow down - nothing of today (crash of the Tech stocks in 1999, 9/11, Iraq War, $4 gas, crash of the housing market) was on the radar then.

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rockwoodchev, You ask why world events are not predicted, its a very simple answer. A Prophet is not like 'the psychic friends hotline' they are not made prophets to read the nightly news(before or after the fact). They are there to call people to repent and to teach them how to live. There are FORTHtellers, not FOREtellers.

Prophets help change peoples lives so they can return to heaven, how could knowing about WW2 for example in advance lead more people to Christ? We are to live by faith (and there are many reasons for this), If Prophets revealed every noteworthy event in advance faith would no longer be necessary and our agency (being free to choose) would be done away with. Once you do away with free will then there is no reason for us to be here.

One of the proof points we often use in the church is that prophets are able to prophecy of future events. One of the most famous that I'm thinking of from Joseph Smiths life is that start of the Civil War. That was a prophecy in the D&C that is constantly used to show what a great prophet he was.

As a second example, prophecies in the BOM about the founding of a free country in which the BOM could come forth. These sound quite like predicting world events. How offensive it is that you would take things like this and equate them to "the psychic friends hotline".

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To note Pres Hinckley's General Conference Priesthood Session warning in 1998 about getting out of debt, and suggesting some very difficult financial times for the world are very relevant today. He stated this when the economy was going through a mild slow down - nothing of today (crash of the Tech stocks in 1999, 9/11, Iraq War, $4 gas, crash of the housing market) was on the radar then.

No... You didn't just say that "general" predictions of future events show that in hindsight what a prophet said is proof?

I'll go on record in saying the following things:

1. There will be a epedemic in Africa in the next 50 years

2. There will be widespread civic unrest in the middle east.

3. The world will undergo major climate changes within 100 years.

4. The church growth rate will diminish to <1% year on year.

So... 10 years from now when these predictions come 50% true, will you talk about me in a post?

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One of the most famous [prophecies] that I'm thinking of from Joseph Smiths life is that start of the Civil War...As a second example, prophecies in the BOM about the founding of a free country in which the BOM could come forth...How offensive it is that you would take things like this and equate them to "the psychic friends hotline".

Read again, O Offended One:

A Prophet is not like 'the psychic friends hotline' they are not made prophets to read the nightly news(before or after the fact). They are there to call people to repent and to teach them how to live.

mnn didn't equate fraudulent fortune-tellers to the "things like this" that you mentioned. True prophets do not, in fact, do prophesying parlor tricks for the amusement and amazement of spectators.

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Many times prophecies are given a little vague on purpose. It is so that the righteous, through the Spirit of God, can see when they are accomplished, while the wicked remain in the dark. This is similar to Jesus' reason for teaching in parables.

For the righteous, they study the prophecies and see when they are fulfilled. I believe most of D&C 87 has been fulfilled, or is being fulfilled right now in our day. But that's because I've pondered and studied these things for several decades, and watched for their fulfillment with an open mind.

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