Church's stance on Prop 8 from


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My family in Ca has had some issues with putting signs in their front yard. They are constantly vandalized and it has become a huge problem as this is a misdemeanor in CA. Unfortunately it looks like it is a high school group that is supported by a teacher there. It is getting "ugly" and my family is anxious for the election.

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The rest of us are praying that it passes. Sadly, growing up where and when I did, I would never have imagined that society would have become so depraved in our day.

We live in a society where violence and sex are worshiped, truth is relative and meaningless, and true God fearing people are in the definite minority.

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The rest of us are praying that it passes. Sadly, growing up where and when I did, I would never have imagined that society would have become so depraved in our day.

We live in a society where violence and sex are worshiped, truth is relative and meaningless, and true God fearing people are in the definite minority.

How true that is. Makes me sad as I think of raising my kids in such an environment. Motivates me to make sure my home is a strong healthy environment to raise them in

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How true that is. Makes me sad as I think of raising my kids in such an environment. Motivates me to make sure my home is a strong healthy environment to raise them in

So if I see this issue different than you (not including the vandalizing as I do not condone that) does this mean I am not providing a healthy environment to raise my family in?

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Rastler i was referring/ referencing to Rameumptoms comment of "We live in a society where violence and sex are worshiped, truth is relative and meaningless, and true God fearing people are in the definite minority." It is that society that I fear raising my children in

Rastler- I do not know you and have no idea about your home environment so I could not comment on whether or not you are providing a healthy environment to raise your family in. I was referring to an environment, lifestyle, religious upbringing and so forth that I would like in my home.

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Unfortunately it looks like it is a high school group that is supported by a teacher there.

Who said this?

I've searched for a story, or a reference to this and found nothing.

I think it highly unlikely a teacher would support his/her students in breaking the law.

I think tempers are so tender right now everyone believes everyone else is the enemy; thus, such stories are born.


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Who said this?

I've searched for a story, or a reference to this and found nothing.

I think it highly unlikely a teacher would support his/her students in breaking the law.

I think tempers are so tender right now everyone believes everyone else is the enemy; thus, such stories are born.


Other kids in the high school have said this. Although i would hope it is highly unlikely does not mean it doesn't happen and in this case I have heard it from enough people at my old high school there I would believe it.

There is an article in the OC register than does talk about some of the violence and sign destruction that has gone on. see News: Proposition 8 | signs, sign, ban, vandalism, people - and a blog entry

Edited by goofball
Took out blog entry. Realized it was a personal blog. I should not post it without permission
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So if I see this issue different than you (not including the vandalizing as I do not condone that) does this mean I am not providing a healthy environment to raise my family in?

It all comes down to whether we are teaching our children the things the scriptures and prophets teach. As D&C 1 tells us, we must follow the teachings of the living prophets and apostles, or we're veering off course. The Savior stated the same thing in 3 Nephi 12, when he added two Beatitudes to the beginning: 1) listen and follow the 12 disciples, and 2) repent and be baptized.

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Other kids in the high school have said this.

If kids in the high school are talking about this, then the school’s administration has heard it as well.

The administration would never just ignore the rumors out of hand. It would investigate the situation to see if there were any merit to the rumors.

And if there were, the school would take immediate action, including suspending/firing the teacher, and reporting the teacher to the police. To not do so places the school itself at a risk no school administration would be willing to take.

in this case I have heard it from enough people at my old high school there I would believe it.

If you have heard it from enough people at your high school, the press would have heard of it as well, and would be all over it. In fact, this is the kind of story the press loves.

Also, if the accusation is true, have any of your friends called the police to report it? Because if they have, the press would know about it.

And, again, the school’s administration would never just let these rumors fly and not do anything about it.

There is an article in the OC register than does talk about some of the violence and sign destruction that has gone on. see News: Proposition 8 | signs, sign, ban, vandalism, people - and a blog entry

I don't dispute this is happening; in fact, it seems to happen more and more with each subsequent election, even here in Utah.

I just don't believe a teacher is supporting his/her students in this vandalism.


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How true that is. Makes me sad as I think of raising my kids in such an environment. Motivates me to make sure my home is a strong healthy environment to raise them in

This generation is a powerful army. They are going to do some tremendous things. I think the LORD knows what He is doing. I have no fears about raising my children in this day and age, they were made for this century. God bless them!


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There is an article in the OC register than does talk about some of the violence and sign destruction that has gone on. see News: Proposition 8 | signs, sign, ban, vandalism, people - and a blog entry

Thanks for the link. It is a shame those vote no on #8 signs are being vandalized. Vandalism is a crime. Perhaps the proponents of this ballot measure were feeling the spirit a little too highly. It will be nice when this election is over and things can go back to normal.

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It all comes down to whether we are teaching our children the things the scriptures and prophets teach. As D&C 1 tells us, we must follow the teachings of the living prophets and apostles, or we're veering off course. The Savior stated the same thing in 3 Nephi 12, when he added two Beatitudes to the beginning: 1) listen and follow the 12 disciples, and 2) repent and be baptized.

So basically are saying that unless someone is LDS the rest of the world in raising their families in unhealthy environments? I am just trying to clarify here. Do most LDS believe this as well?

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Rastler i was referring/ referencing to Rameumptoms comment of "We live in a society where violence and sex are worshiped, truth is relative and meaningless, and true God fearing people are in the definite minority." It is that society that I fear raising my children in

Rastler- I do not know you and have no idea about your home environment so I could not comment on whether or not you are providing a healthy environment to raise your family in. I was referring to an environment, lifestyle, religious upbringing and so forth that I would like in my home.

Okay, fair enough. Mine is an environment that has the kids respect the adults. Education. Fitness. Volunteerism. Stuff like that. It admittably doesn't include religion but does have a different sort of spirituality.

For my part I don't care whether they outlaw gay marraige or not. I see marraige as a religious thing only anymore and do not plan on remarrying 'officially'. But I do think this "us versus them" mentality (played to the extreme by both sides) is not particularly helpful. This sense of an underlying 'hate' I get is the sort of thing which would have me want to protect my family from a group...... religious or not. It is part of what I consider raising a family in a safe environment. Have people vanadalying my stuff - with little ones around - doesn't seem all that safe.

FWIW, I know a number of gay people because of family connections, and they truly think that people in your religion, and your religion in general, hate them.

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So basically are saying that unless someone is LDS the rest of the world in raising their families in unhealthy environments? I am just trying to clarify here. Do most LDS believe this as well?

Given the joy you exude when talking about your daughter and her many accoplishments, it is obvious you are doing things right. I am LDS and I have approved this message. :)

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There is an article in the OC register than does talk about some of the violence and sign destruction that has gone on. see News: Proposition 8 | signs, sign, ban, vandalism, people - and a blog entry

I forgot to mention, the cities in the article are where I grew up--I probably lived in all of them at one time or another.

So I was wondering what high school you attended.

It was really strange to read the article, and know exactly where the signs were being vandalized.


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So basically are saying that unless someone is LDS the rest of the world in raising their families in unhealthy environments? I am just trying to clarify here. Do most LDS believe this as well?

That is not what I was saying. I was saying that there are certain moral issues, and for religious people, religious issues, which are necessary for a society to survive.

Religion is only as good as its people, just as anything in society. Can there be a good people who are not Christian? Of course. But as we move away from traditional standards of morality, and into the materialistic "feel good" ways of a selfish society; we are again falling into the age old traps that have destroyed previous nations. Rome collapsed from several reasons, but the main ones were tied to internal corruption.

Do you teach your kids honesty? Do you teach your kids respect for the Constitution? Do you teach your kids committment in relationships (marriage or otherwise), or do you teach them that a relationship is a temporary thing that can be changed like the dishwater? Do you teach your kids to work? What exactly do we teach our kids from our actions, words, and example?

Too many parents have given up being parents, and allow society to teach them. Kids learn about sex from their friends and school classes - and it is almost never in the context of committed love. We teach our kids how to do all sorts of sexual positions, but we don't teach them how to save money, go without, be resourceful, or make a relationship work.

And that is endemic in our society right now, Christian or not.

So, now that I've better defined what I was saying, how do you fit into this concern?

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Marriage is one of those few things that pertain both to Religion and Government.

I think the reason for tax breaks for married people is because children born within marriage and children who continue to have both parents at home are less of a burden to Government and provide a stronger base for Society in general.

I do believe, also, that children, including those adopted have a right to be raised by two parents of the opposite gender.

To have a constitutional amendment defining marriage as stated in the California Prop 8, may not immediately solve the problems, but it is a step in the right direction.

I really like my cousin who is a lesbian and I have never met a gay man who wasn't very kind and good, but I think marriage is more a privilege than a right.

I also think that it would open a whole can of worms if any gender of person could marry any other person and any number of people, especially if they did so just to claim tax exemptions. Society would then have greater burdens resulting from marriage.

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