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Hi, I'm new here and I enjoyed reading the "passing the sacrament" thread and thought this new thread might be an interesting spin-off. There are many things we do in the church out of habit/tradition, not necessarily out of proper gospel organization. For example: When blessing a baby and giving the name, the "blesser" seems to always say " to be known upon the records of this church..." I think its funny and it bugs my husband so he avoids that phrase. But, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe my kids blessings are void without that phrase!:o I think we can chuckle at ourselves when we think of all the things we make standard that aren't a requirement. As the ward music coordinator I didn't have the primary sing on mothers day....O the humanity!:guilty: Any thoughts?

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Guest DeborahC

Stock Mormonism:

"I know this Church is true."

Well ok.. that's nice.. but there are other words to express it.

It just sounds a bit "canned" to me and bugs me... sorry...

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No, it is not a requirement to say " to be known upon the records of this church..." in blessing a baby. I'm sure the blessings of your children are valid as long as the name was pronounced by the power of the Melchisidek Priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ. It is funny how we get in the habit of standardizing things that just started somewhere, especially in words we use in public prayers and blessings.

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Just an interesting note to me. I've been a convert for twenty years and I still remember the first have dozen health blessing that I performed. Being the newest I got to hear a lot of "older" brethren giving a health blessings. They had some long preambles to get the job done. It was a three minute process to anoint with the oil. Another three minute process to bless the anointing "before the blessing ever started". Where are these beautiful words came from I dont know. I ask the bishop about it once and he told me to follow the PH card that I carry in my pocket just in case something special comes up. The health blessing is simple but sometimes we get carried away and just add beautiful flowery words that just are not necessary. Its not Right or Wrong Just Different. The Lord knows our spirit and intent. If any of the priesthood ordinances had a specific exactness we would be instructed in the proper way. Just like the Baptism and Sacramental Prayers. We are all helpers of the Lord, perhaps not perfect helpers but helpers none the less. Thanks

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Hi Zookeeper! Welcome.

On this subject, I've always wondered this and never found the answer in the handbook. When blessing a baby, do you speak to the baby, or to Heavenly Father? It just feels odd to me, to speak to a newborn like that, who can't understand you.

The baby may not, but his/her spirit surely does.
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Hi Zookeeper! Welcome.

On this subject, I've always wondered this and never found the answer in the handbook. When blessing a baby, do you speak to the baby, or to Heavenly Father? It just feels odd to me, to speak to a newborn like that, who can't understand you.

The blessings are directed to the I've always heard. I wonder if this is another habit that really doesn't matter? I don't know. I've never thought of that! Of course, throughout our lives, blessings are directed towards the person. So does that fall under the standard for blessings in general? I would guess so. Interesting thought! Thanks!

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"Please bless this food that it may nourish and strengthen our bodies" - right before you are blessing your doughnuts and other assorted junk food.

I've always liked "Please bless this food that no harm or accident may fall upon us."

HA!! Good one! We can be so silly sometimes! Here's a phrase I wouldn't mind never hearing again..."every fiber of my being..."

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Hi, I'm new here and I enjoyed reading the "passing the sacrament" thread and thought this new thread might be an interesting spin-off. There are many things we do in the church out of habit/tradition, not necessarily out of proper gospel organization. For example: When blessing a baby and giving the name, the "blesser" seems to always say " to be known upon the records of this church..." I think its funny and it bugs my husband so he avoids that phrase. But, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe my kids blessings are void without that phrase!:o I think we can chuckle at ourselves when we think of all the things we make standard that aren't a requirement. As the ward music coordinator I didn't have the primary sing on mothers day....O the humanity!:guilty: Any thoughts?

There is no exactness with many blessings in the church that is required but more of a guideline a priesthood holder would follow. In this type of blessing, it is usually held on a Fast & Testimony meeting and basically, there is only five steps to follow:

1] Address Heavenly Father.

2] States that the blessing is performed by the authority of the Melchizedek Priesthood.

3] Gives the child a name.

4] Gives a priesthood blessing as the Spirit directs.

5] Closes in the name of Jesus Christ.

Anything else is "gravy' during that prayer. :D

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I'm amazed at how many people know things "beyond a shadow of a doubt, wiith every fiber of [their] beings. That's right, even their toenails have supreme confidence in the validity of the gospel. :lol:

There are so many hackneyed expressions used in church. Another one that drives me bonkers is, "we thank thee for the moisture we've received"... Ugh. The MOISTURE? So does that count the humidity, as well? Why can't people just say RAIN or SNOW? Why does everyone say MOISTURE? My wife knows I hate it and will look over in the prayer to see me rolling my eyes. :lol:

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When blessing a baby and giving the name, the "blesser" seems to always say " to be known upon the records of this church..."

lol when naming our kids hubby and i couldn't agree on the name at one point. i threatened him saying, well the hospital gives me the birth certificate to fill out, so i can use whatever name i want. he responded with i do the name and blessing..... so wonder if you could have one "legal" name and one "for the records of the church"

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Ok I can't stand this one. "I took out my endowments." Oh yeah where did you take them? Did you all have a good time?

Or were they buried somewhere and you got them out and dusted them off.

A more correct (in my opinion) way of saying this is "I received my endowments."

Oh boy! :lol: You and my husband. This drives him crazy. "Received" is correct.

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The blessings are directed to the I've always heard. I wonder if this is another habit that really doesn't matter? I don't know. I've never thought of that! Of course, throughout our lives, blessings are directed towards the person. So does that fall under the standard for blessings in general? I would guess so. Interesting thought! Thanks!

The whole ordinance of blessing a baby is confusing to me. It's an entirely unnecessary ordinance (with the exception of a few administrative technicalities). It bugged me that I had to get up in front of the entire ward to perform the ordinance when it could have just as well been done at home. In fact, it could have not been done at all with zero eternal consequences.

I must confess though, and don't tell my wife this, but before blessing our daughter, I thought long and hard about how I could get through the technicalities of the blessing (stating authority and purpose of the blessing) with as few words as possible. I assure you that the words "the name by which this child shall be known on the records of the Church" will never cross my lips.

The other thing I like to do when giving blessings is state that the blessing is given in the name of Jesus Christ at the beginning of the ordinance. Then, when I've said everything that I feel needs to be said, I simply say, Amen. It usually makes people jump.

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Guest DeborahC

"Please bless this food that it may nourish and strengthen our bodies" - right before you are blessing your doughnuts and other assorted junk food.

I've always liked "Please bless this food that no harm or accident may fall upon us."

Hahah! Yeah, that's pretty good.

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There are so many hackneyed expressions used in church. Another one that drives me bonkers is, "we thank thee for the moisture we've received"... Ugh. The MOISTURE? So does that count the humidity, as well? Why can't people just say RAIN or SNOW? Why does everyone say MOISTURE? My wife knows I hate it and will look over in the prayer to see me rolling my eyes. :lol:

I think that's only in Utah. :P

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This is a point that was brought up to me as we prepared to bless one of our grandchildren. Is there are right or wrong and is something valid or invalid, I don't think so but think of what is proper and what is not.

In blessing a baby:

You begin by calling on Heavenly Father, by the Priesthoo, give a name and then, as I see it, seek a blessing from The Father, prayer should be continued to Father. You should not start a prayer to Heavenly Father and part way through the naming of the baby begin speaking to the baby to pronounce the blessing. Something along this line.

Father at this time we seek a blessing upon this child, Father we ask that she/he be blessed with ____ and ____ that she/he will be an example and ____. When all finished then end in the Christ's name. Amen.

Some if not many of the things we do we do out of habit. This one made a lot of sense to me as it was explained to me by my daughters father-in-law, the stake president.

Is there are right or wrong, no. Is there perhaps a more correct way of doing it, yes. At least I think so.

Ben Raines

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