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Everything posted by UintahJack

  1. My grandma, one of the most sober honest people ever, not one to tell fibs, did claim that when she was young she was visited by her grandfather the night he died. I never really thought about it much though, other than all the Hollywood stuff and it makes for great stories. That is until I saw two spirits or ghosts or apparitions right in the middle of the day on an air force base right up close and personal. Then I also saw the glowing-face-type you always hear about at 4:30 a.m. when it was dark. Both events happened when I was an adult and were undeniable so I won't count ghosts out. Why do we refer to the Holy Ghost as a ghost? Wouldn't just to say the 'Holy Spirit' make more sense? Hmmm...
  2. Ben, I've thought about getting extra propane tanks like you mention, but I'm a little nervous about having that much around. Is it dangerous? How long do the tanks keep? I have heard the nozzles/fittings can get corroded over time. I haven't really considered much as part of my preparedness plan of what to do for cooking if gas or electricity is scarce for an extended tine. Good ideas here.
  3. I love guns. They are just cool and fun. Me and my boys go shooting all the time, not at animals, just at targets and clay pigeons. It is something we enjoy doing as a family. I would much rather shoot an animal with a camera, but if you enjoy hunting that is fine too, if you eat what you shoot. I even have a 54 caliber Hawken Muzzleloader. So much fun to shoot. I would love to get a muzzleloader pistol.
  4. No, it is not a requirement to say "...name to be known upon the records of this church..." in blessing a baby. I'm sure the blessings of your children are valid as long as the name was pronounced by the power of the Melchisidek Priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ. It is funny how we get in the habit of standardizing things that just started somewhere, especially in words we use in public prayers and blessings.
  5. Traveler, I don't claim to be an expert on math and have just begun to scratch the surface, after thirty years, but I do understand the beauty of it. Something that you are alluding to here. I could kick myself for getting Cs and Ds in the math classes all through junior high and high school. I was too busy playing around and then moaning, "I'm no good at math!" Then in college I actually started studying and had a few good profs and the light came on. Math is a language! Math is beautiful! Now I will sit down and read a math text just for fun. After my college-days epiphany I always encouraged my own kids to appreciate it and make studying it a top priority. Two of my sons are almost math geniuses, partially because of my encouragement, I hope. :)
  6. Strawberry, Thanks so much for sharing the site! I found pictures of ancestors' headstones on just one line that I looked at. I wasn't even sure where some of them had died. I love to drag my kids in far off little cemeteries looking for headstones of ancestors who were supposedly buried there. This will help. :):):):D:):) Now if they moan and groan about it I can blame Strawberry Fields.
  7. Thanks b, I love Bruce R. I'll have to read that one. As far as "Rough Stone Rolling" I highly recommend reading it. I have given it my kudos in other posts too. When I read anything I try to get the REAL story and even in LDS writings things are sometimes, how do I say this... biased. Richard L. Bushman is a faithful latter-day saint and he even admits this, but when it comes to his books he makes a strong effort to be a true historian and to be as fair and objective as possible. He has written about other than the LDS church and is a highly respected and renowned History professor emeritus from Columbia University. I sound like a commercial for him and his books, but I'm not being paid by RLB. I just enjoy and recommend them.
  8. We would like to think so Prospectmom, but I've read that in major disasters in the past when basic needs are not being met for a long the Natural Man takes over and it becomes dog eat dog. I worry about this and the security of ourselves and our supplies, if we were wise enough to build them up, in a long term situation.
  9. Thanks for all the good advice on all of your posts. I'm busy trying to copy and paste all this. Keep it coming. (I know, I know, there is already a lot of good info on the web like on the Provident Living web site)
  10. It seems like just about everybody agrees with your sentiments, as do I. The problem is we often assume people think like us and that they would respect our rules and wishes just like we would theirs. I finally realized after many similar experiences that it's like some people are from different planets and they just don't think the same way we do, which is especially tough when it is family.
  11. Ant, Joyous day!!! Welcome back. I'm not saying the Lord caused this to happen, but maybe you needed to learn something and now you can be stronger than ever. Sometimes we don't know how good something is until we lose it. The journey we make in life matters and what we learn along the way helps us to grow, but I guess it's where we end up that matters most. Hold onto the Iron Rod and protect yourself with the armor of God. I need to do the same. Ephesians 6:13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
  12. It would be interesting to follow up on that and find out if those persecutors of the early saints continued to profit from their deceit or if they met judgment from the Lord in this life. D&C 124 51-52 51 Therefore, for this cause have I accepted the offerings of those whom I commanded to build up a city and a house unto my name, in Jackson county, Missouri, and were hindered by their enemies, saith the Lord your God. 52 And I will answer judgment, wrath, and indignation, wailing, and anguish, and gnashing of teeth upon their heads, unto the third and fourth generation, so long as they repent not, and hate me, saith the Lord your God.
  13. If it is a social club I'm failing miserably. I'm one of those who sits on the back row and slips out as soon as Sacrament Meeting is over and doesn't go to ward dinners. There are a lot of people in the ward whose names I still don't know after five years. Church is to worship the Lord and remember his sacrifice and to learn about him, but it is also about fellowshipping each other, especially new members and visitors. We need to help each other with our trials and burdens. That is part of trying to become like Christ. I really really really need to work on this - true confessions.
  14. TNT, Hey, stuff happens. Sometimes things are our fault and other times there is no way to avoid it. I checked and I have yet to find a perfect person on this site either, but from what I've seen you've come to a great place to make new friends, vent sometimes and even learn. I think you'll enjoy it too. Welcome! :)
  15. Thanks Islander! I'm always looking for a good new book to read. I'll check it out.
  16. I second Jenamarie's advice to read "Rough Stone Rolling" if you have a problem with this. It is written by a devout member, Richard L. Bushman, who is also a nationally recognized and highly respected historian from Columbia University. He writes about the life of Joseph Smith in as unbiased a way as a Mormon can. It is a great book and is probably a better resource than anti-Mormons trying to discredit The prophet Joseph.
  17. We will eventually find out the answer to your question, but I think it is best to repent in this life. If someone else has a reliable source on progression between kingdoms I would love to hear it. I just know now is the time to be prepared for your judgement. I don’t know who said it, but I wrote down the quote: “Our Heavenly Father could call me home at any time—and I want to be ready to leave this earth with the peace of a repentant and clean soul.” Remember the scripture verses that say: Alma: 34:33 …I beseech of you that ye do not procrastinate the day of your repentance until the end; for after this day of life, which is given us to prepare for eternity, behold, if we do not improve our time while in this life, then cometh the night of darkness wherein there can be no labor performed. 34. Ye cannot say, when ye are brought to that awful crisis, that I will repent, that I will return to my God. Nay, ye cannot say this; for that same spirit which doth possess your bodies at the time that ye go out of this life, that same spirit will have power to possess your body in that eternal world. Mormon 9:14 “And then cometh the judgment of the Holy One upon them; and then cometh the time that he that is filthy shall be filthy still; and he that is righteous shall be righteous still; he that is happy shall be happy still; and he that is unhappy shall be unhappy still.” :)
  18. bytor2112, Thanks for posing the interesting question on progression between kingdoms. I don’t have the answer, but I’ve wondered about that too. In mormon.org under Plan of Salvation it says: “Death will not change your personality or your desire for good or evil. If you choose to follow Jesus Christ during your life on Earth, you will be at peace in the spirit world. Those who choose not to follow Christ and do not repent will be unhappy.” Of course we know that repentance is possible after death. If the dead couldn’t repent why would we do vicarious work like baptisms for the dead? D&C 138:58 The dead who repent will be redeemed, through obedience to the ordinances of the house of God, 59. And after they have paid the penalty of their transgressions, and are washed clean, shall receive a reward according to their works, for they are heirs of salvation. I believe there can be progression within the kingdoms, but I’m not so sure there is progression between kingdoms. In D&C 98:18 Let not your hearts be troubled; for in my Father's house are many mansions, and I have prepared a place for you; and where my Father and I am, there ye shall be also. (See also John 14:2)
  19. Well done. Anything done to bridge the gap is well worth it. When Mitt Romney was running for president I couldn't believe the things I saw on political blogs that became more platforms to say why Mormons aren't Christians. People on both sides need to be more open-minded and learn about each other and your site helps do exactly that. Thanks.
  20. I'm sorry, but a lot of you are sounding like a bunch of snobs in this thread, and I don't just mean the Utah bashing. I've also lived in Memphis and Pittsburgh and Oregon and people all spoke differently in each place. So what. When I lived in France it was the same thing, people bragging about their area speaking the most pure French and putting down other regions and how they talked. It was a bunch of crap there too. We are all different and we all speak differently. Diversity and variety is what makes things interesting. I'll admit that I do struggle with correcting my own kids here in Utah for not saying the 't' in mountain or fountain or Layton. Oh well...
  21. (said in a kind of soft, controlled, benevolent, slightly hick, western accent. that comes from watching Conference and trying to emulate, badly, General Authorities Golly, I'm from Utah and I didn't know I had an accent! I'm sorry it bothers you Snow. I'll try to listen to Oregonians and learn their pure way of talking. (I never heard that before )
  22. Mullenite, I have to agree with Pam and the others who are saying they don't think this is presaging or a call-out, but a warning to head the prophet's voice and follow him. That is always good advice and has been something the members have needed to do for the last 178+ years. I have lately noticed, however, a renewed voice of warning from all quarters for us to be prepared temporally and spiritually, and all that goes along with that including food storage. Are we being warned of impending doom? I don't know, but it is always good advice for anyone to have extra food, money, water and clothing who could face job loss, natural disasters or whatever at any time. We also need to be called-out to prepare ourselves for anything spiritually. Is that what the scriptures mean in 1 Nephi 22:17, "the righteous need not fear," in that if we are prepared and heed the prophet's voice we will be ready for anything?
  23. UintahJack

    Some poetry I wrote

    Tom, Good stuff. You are very talented at painting pictures with your words. Keep on sharing your poems.
  24. Thanks for the link Strawberry. I'm traveling through Wyoming right now (spending the night in Laramie) and it is just amazing how much the pioneers went through. I can just zip along the interstate in a few hours versus the weeks and weeks it took them over rutted trails and treacherous terrain. It was fun to follow their path on this web site.
  25. Ska, Good advice from somebody who has been there. You are brave to reveal your failures and successes like that. Good luck in your goals to start doing things more wisely. The provident living website the church has that you referenced is fabulous and is definitely a great place to go on this subject.