Catholic's appalled at Anti-Mormon commercial


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This is a video produced by our Catholic friends. It is primarily in response to the "Home Invasion" ad that was produced shortly before Election Day. Because many members of the Church and other Californians saw that ad, I think it's worthwhile to pass this video on to our family, friends, ward members, etc.

YouTube - Catholics Appalled at Anti-Mormon Slur

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This is a video produced by our Catholic friends. It is primarily in response to the "Home Invasion" ad that was produced shortly before Election Day. Because many members of the Church and other Californians saw that ad, I think it's worthwhile to pass this video on to our family, friends, ward members, etc.

YouTube - Catholics Appalled at Anti-Mormon Slur

Doesn't help that I break my own rules and post outside the youtube fourm on this one hehe

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Guest SisterofJared

Excellent video!

Thanks for posting it and for posting it here. I have never gone to the youtube forum, so I wouldn't have seen it there! This was a good place!

Sister of Jared

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Has anyone read anything from the Jewish faith? I believe they were for Prop 8 yet I haven't read nor heard anything from them.

I think that would depend on what branch of Judaism. Certainly orthodox Jews and maybe even a significant number of conservative Jews would have supported Prop. 8. I would bet the vast majority of reform Jews would have sided with the opposition (note: Most Jews in the entertainment industry are reform).

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everyone was told not to post this link.... ty

I think your referring to this Moksha.

It really doesn't help when us foreigners don't know what was said but are still getting the flak for it. I was always taught that the Church members should not force their political opinions on others but I'm beginning to get the impression that the Church itself has now done precisely that. Yet I must remain in ignorance of exactly what it HAS done.

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