Do you drink Coke?


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To build on what has already been developed on this thread.

Source: American Trends The Dangers of Soft Drinks - America


High Fructose Corn Syrup, now used in preference to sugar, is associated with poor development of collagen in growing animals, especially in the context of copper deficiency. All fructose must be metabolized by the liver. Animals on high-fructose diets develop liver problems similar to those of alcoholics.

Aspartame, used in diet sodas, is a potent neurotoxin and endocrine disrupter.

Caffeine stimulates the adrenal gland without providing nourishment. In large amounts, caffeine can lead to adrenal exhaustion, especially in children.

Phosphoric acid, added to give soft drinks "bite," is associated with calcium loss.

Citric acid often contains traces of MSG, a neurotoxin.

Artificial Flavors may also contain traces of MSG.

Water may contain high amounts of fluoride and other contaminants.

Again pointing to the wisdom of Moderation In All Things

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"60 minutes" April 7, 1996...

Mike Wallace: No alcohol, no tobacco, no coffee, no tea, not even caffeinated soft drinks...

Gordon B. Hinckley: Right.

Mike Wallace: meat sparingly, exercise...

Gordon B. Hinckley: Right.

Mike Wallace: ...get plenty of sleep.

Gordon B. Hinckley: Right. It's wonderful!

(That was the day I gave up my beloved Dr. Pepper!)

That was the day I drank it even more.

Opinion, no matter the source, is not what we need to follow.

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So does Heavenly Father's opinion not matter to you then? :P

God doesn't have an opinion. Everything he says is factual.

Men have opinions. I don't follow all of them, especially not those solicited from the Larry King Live show...

Now, if Pres. Hinckley had said something to that effect from the "pulpit" then I'd give pause...

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Personally I fail to understand why anyone would drink Coke, even in moderation, when Pepsi is so obviously a vastly superior better-tasting beverage.

But setting that aside for a moment, I don't drink it, but I'm curious what the general consensus is here about green tea? Some people think it has therapeutic value. Is drinking green tea contrary to the WOW similar to black tea?


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Personally I fail to understand why anyone would drink Coke, even in moderation, when Pepsi is so obviously a vastly superior better-tasting beverage.

I'm with you!

But setting that aside for a moment, I don't drink it, but I'm curious what the general consensus is here about green tea? Some people think it has therapeutic value. Is drinking green tea contrary to the WOW similar to black tea?


Yes, green tea is also against the WoW. Anything made from the tea leaf is (which is why herbal teas are not against the WoW, because they are not actually tea).

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Personally I fail to understand why anyone would drink Coke, even in moderation, when Pepsi is so obviously a vastly superior better-tasting beverage.

What's funny is that I have had a Coke maybe three times in my life. It was ok but not great. As prev. posters have commented, if you need caffeine, Mtn. Dew is the way to go! ...I gave up the Dew about 40 years ago. I wonder if it still tastes the same... :(

But setting that aside for a moment, I don't drink it, but I'm curious what the general consensus is here about green tea? Some people think it has therapeutic value. Is drinking green tea contrary to the WOW similar to black tea?

I won't drink green tea, because for me I believe it would be contrary to the WoW.


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Yes, green tea is also against the WoW. Anything made from the tea leaf is (which is why herbal teas are not against the WoW, because they are not actually tea).

Perhaps someone has a quote from a GA regarding green tea. If not, how about the following consideration:

Eating grapes and drinking grape juice is ok. It is only when grape juice is aged/processed/fermented that it becomes offensive to the WOW if one partakes of it.

Green tea is apparently made from green unaged tea leaves (I think.) Could the same reasoning as with grapes be applicable? Is it only aged/processed (comparable to "fermented") tea leaves (i.e. "black" tea) that are contrary to the WOW??

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Herbal products: - Ensign Article - The Dos in the Word of Wisdom

Principles and Practices of the Restored Gospel by Victor L. Ludlow, talks about the Word of Wisdom;

Hot Drinks

The Word of Wisdom counsels against drinking "hot drinks," which have been identified by early Church leaders as coffee and tea. 15 "Tea" refers to the standard tea derived from the tea plant, sometimes called black tea or green tea. The Word of Wisdom has not been interpreted as proscribing herbal teas, stating that "all wholesome herbs God hath ordained for the constitution, nature, and use of man." 16 (D&C 89:10.) Coffee refers to drinks derived from the coffee bean.

Since the revelation containing the Word of Wisdom was given, caffeine, acids, and other potentially dangerous substances have been discovered in coffee and tea. The primary chemical in coffee and nonherbal teas that has generated health concerns is caffeine, an alkaloid stimulant. Caffeine has a number of undesirable effects on the body, and most reports on the effects of caffeine done in the last several years have been negative. 17 Caffeine is a cerebral and cardiovascular stimulant that can sometimes be addictive and that causes anxiety, irritability, unsteadiness, insomnia, restlessness, diarrhea, stomach pains, and headaches. 18 A recent study indicates that women who drink more than one cup of coffee per day or ingest an equivalent amount of caffeine from another source, are half as likely to get pregnant. 19 Other studies "have implicated caffeine in a variety of ills, including heart disease, fibrocystic disease, birth defects, miscarriages, cancer, and ulcers." 20 Since caffeine is also found in other food products, such as chocolate and some soft drinks, wisdom would suggest, at most, only limited or moderate consumption of these items.

Of course, caffeine is probably not the only health reason why we should not drink coffee and tea. A recent study has linked coffee drinking to increased risks of developing pancreatic cancer, but caffeine may not be the cause, because tea drinkers do not have this increased risk. 21 Researchers are still finding new ways that tobacco, alcohol, coffee, and tea can be harmful to us. We should not assume that we are presently able to identify all of the harmful substances in alcoholic beverages, tobacco, coffee, and tea, nor should we assume that we understand the full extent of the health problems caused by these items. Maybe with coffee and tea, more than with the other prohibited substances of the Word of Wisdom, Latter-day Saints still need to exercise faithful obedience to God's law without yet knowing all the reasons why. Spiritually, they will always be blessed for obedience, and physically, they will be rewarded in ways yet unknown.

Edited by Hemidakota
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Herbal products: - Ensign Article - The Dos in the Word of Wisdom

Principles and Practices of the Restored Gospel by Victor L. Ludlow, talks about the Word of Wisdom;

Ludlow's field is Near Eastern and Judaic Studies and I don't think he is a general authority, so we may have to consider his statement opinion rather than authoritative.

Wicki (google "green tea") says that black and green teas are from the same plant, but black tea is oxidized in a process (apparently falsely) called "fermentation".

I'm just playing the 'devil's advocate' here but I continue to think that my analogy about grapes, grape juice, and wine, could be similar to the difference between black and green teas. (Same fruit/leaf but one is further processed and it's that processing that makes it offensive to the WOW compared to the format that is not further processed.)


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Guest Joseph_Smith

No because Pres. Gordon B. Hinckley once said on 60 minutes we as members don't drink caffeinated soda pops.

Even before i didn't drink it, because everyone knows its not healthy ( Scientificllay proven).

It's scientifically proven that the mormon account of American history is false (lamenites and nephites are bogus via archeological record):D

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