Some very profound thoughts on Global Warming


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Guest GhostRider

MoE...i saw the one strip the other day and about died!

Here is an interesting fact though about global warming. Due to the works that I have read pertaining to archeology this so called "Global Warming" is a trend that actually leads to another Ice Age. Nice warming trend then the temps just plumet. If you want will try and find the link that is buried in the overly burdened file that is called "Internet Favorites" I think it might be in the Chaotic File called "Stuff, Archeology" lol

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These thoughts are copyrighted, so I'll just post the link to the original source:

Global Warming is a Hoax

How to End Global Warming

The stupidity is not in the fact that there currently is global warming. The stupidity is in the politics in the claims about the cause and the hysteria surrounding unproven solutions.

The Traveler

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