tired of being tired


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I am desperatly looking for a way to give myself more energy. I am tired all the time.

Currently I work 2 graveyards a week, (monday and tuesday), then the rest of the week I am off. I 42 yrs old mrd and have 4 kids. (18,15,12,9) I have been having health issues with arthritis and fatigue is a side affect of that. I had been going to the gym but a couple of months ago it became too painful and the doc said it might not be the best thing for my joints. Since then i have gained about 15 lbs. I am so frustrated with being tired all the time. I take 200 mg of celebrex per day (400 mg on a bad day), 25 mg straterra, b12, calcium with d, and glucosamine. I also use voltaren 1% gel for my hands and ankles when they get really sore. I don't sleep well because of ongoing PSTD (probably permanant). If anyone has anything that has really helped them I would appreciate your help. Also my 2 younger kids have special emotional needs that can really take it out of you mentally. (and yes if there is a quick fix that would be best):D

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I'm totally resemble your opening statement. . .tired of beint tired. . . I add the words "I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired" There is even a book with the name.

I would ask the same as Gwen . . . "Have you had your thyroid checked?" And then go to Thyroid Disease Information - Hypothyroidism - Hyperthyroidism - Thyroid Cancer - Autoimmune Disease - Hashimoto's - Graves' - Goiter - Nodules .

I was first diagnosed with Fibromyalgia 20 years ago, but we didn't add Chronic Fatigue until I developed Hashimoto's Disease. Its an autoimmune disease which causes hypothyroidism. The standard TSH test can come back normal, but if the thyroid antibodies test isn't done then the disease can go untreated for decades. Be sure to ask for both tests.

Finding solutions to chrnonic health issues is difficult. I stay or rather try to stay away from simple carbs, sugar. . .basically white food. It helps.


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I am disabled with chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia and arthritis, PTSD and every other anxiety disorder you've ever heard of.

When I try to explain the bone crushing fatigue of CFS, no one can understand what I mean, because they have not experienced it.

I try to come up with different words to describe the fatigue, but I really don't have them, and until I found a doctor who treated fatigue, I was very alone with this. It was really a nightmare, but though I'm still ill, I am not as traumatized with it as I was.

I use voltran too, and have had mixed results. I also have good pain relief after going to a pain clinic. Before then, I was crippled.

I used to visit the thyroid site apple posted, and I loved it. The people there are so supportive because they understand fatigue. Even better, it has a lot of information about thyroid issues.

Edit: I just saw where apple had explained how your doctor should not rely on the TSH test only, and she's right. You should have two other tests as well.

Here are the tests you should ask your doctor to order:


Thyroid antibodies

Free T3

Free T4

If you get overwhelmed, you can pm me. I know how impossible it is to think about these kinds of specifics, including dealing with doctors, when you don't have enough energy to breathe.


Edited by Elphaba
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I also understand the tired of being tired. I have sleep apnea. Before I was diagnosed there would be weekends that I did nothing but sleep. I would sleep all night. Get up for a couple of hours and feel so sleepy I went back to take a nap. Would sleep another 5 hours. Get up again and be so sleepy a couple of hours later I had to take another nap. I could sleep anywhere. And I have. The lack of "good" sleep also caused muscle aches and joint discomfort.

Wasn't until I started using a cpap machine that I felt some relief. Not a miracle but at least felt some relief.

I've also noticed that my diet has had a lot to do with it. When I was on Weight Watchers and walking every day, I had so much more energy than I did when I wasn't. When I went off of Weight Watchers and started again on the sodas and lack of exercise (even when using my cpap machine) the constant fatigue was back again.

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Guest DeborahC

I would just respectfully suggest that you people who are so tired explore the possibility that you might have Multiple Chemical Sensitivities. I have ALL the symptoms you talk about when I've been exposed to one of my "triggers." But now that I've identified them, I feel good maybe 70% of the time. Three years or so ago, I couldn't get out of bed, and had also been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, rheumatoid arthritis, sarcoidosis, blah blah blah. Then I wearied of taking drugs, and went on a self-healing adventure, which has been marvelous. I'm happy to discuss my plan of action, if anyone wants to pm or email me and tell you what worked for me.

I will suggest you read a book called The 100-Year Lie to begin with... and if you can manage to cut WHEAT and CORN and HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP out of your diet, plus get rid of anything frangranced in your home (including makeup, shampoos, conditioners, bath soap, dish soap, laundry soap, fabric softener, etc.) you will IMMEDIATELY FEEL BETTER. And I'm talking about within ONE WEEK you will notice a change if you're willing to get rid of those things for a week...

You are being poisoned... and you can believe the doctors (who don't know WHAT is wrong) and take celebrex, which will eventually ruin your liver and kidneys and which only treats the SYMPTOMS not the cause, or you can take control of your own healing....

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I would just respectfully suggest that you people who are so tired explore the possibility that you might have Multiple Chemical Sensitivities. I have ALL the symptoms you talk about when I've been exposed to one of my "triggers." But now that I've identified them, I feel good maybe 70% of the time. Three years or so ago, I couldn't get out of bed, and had also been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, rheumatoid arthritis, sarcoidosis, blah blah blah. Then I wearied of taking drugs, and went on a self-healing adventure, which has been marvelous. I'm happy to discuss my plan of action, if anyone wants to pm or email me and tell you what worked for me.

I will suggest you read a book called The 100-Year Lie to begin with... and if you can manage to cut WHEAT and CORN and HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP out of your diet, plus get rid of anything frangranced in your home (including makeup, shampoos, conditioners, bath soap, dish soap, laundry soap, fabric softener, etc.) you will IMMEDIATELY FEEL BETTER. And I'm talking about within ONE WEEK you will notice a change if you're willing to get rid of those things for a week...

You are being poisoned... and you can believe the doctors (who don't know WHAT is wrong) and take celebrex, which will eventually ruin your liver and kidneys and which only treats the SYMPTOMS not the cause, or you can take control of your own healing....

Dear Deborah, I am so very and sincerely happy that this approach worked for you. I deeply wish it worked for everyone. I'm glad you posted because all avenues need to be explored when someone is searching for information about chronic health issues.

My complete list of diagnoses is Chronic Fatigue Immune Deficiency Syndrome and Irritable Bowel Syndrome secondary to Fibromyalgia, also, chronic migraine, nonobstructive sleep apnea, anemia, .... dang there are two more. :D Obviously, I get foggy and forget.

After being diagnosed with Fibromyalgia 20 years ago, I went back to school and worked in Health Care. I had access to the latest research, read the latest articles, etc. I've done the natural approach and the medical approach. Most people with Fibromyalgia have some form of Chemical Sensitivity. There are many "symptoms" that travel with Fibromyalgia. All these things make if even more difficult to find the cause or cure.

I have also been highly involved in many online communities starting back almost 13 years ago.

What I have found through research, trial and error and through other peoples' stories is that: we are all different. What works for one will not necessarily work for the next one. Which is one of the reason Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Immune Deficiency Syndrome, and some other autoimmune illnesses have been and continue to be so hard to diagnose or find treatments for. The reseachers are going in too many different directions IMHO.

I agree with you that improving diet and environment are very important. I believe that its our diet and environment, or HOW we deal with stress, that sets our bodies up to fall into a chronic illness. Fixing the environmental factors can be helpful, but don't always work for everyone in fixing the resultant illness. There are too many differences in each of us to pin it down to one cause, one cure.

I would like to offer a word of caution: Restricting wheat or corn may work for some but it doesn't work for others and can have just the opposite effect. Staying away from High Fructose Corn Syrup is just plain smart for anyone, even those without illness.

What has worked for me is a combination of everything both natural and medical. In 20 years I've tried everything that made sense to my personal experience. I honestly believe that the patient has to Educate themselves and take the lead in their medical care. Doctors do not have the time to do the research needed to find what works for each patient. The next step is finding a doctor who will listen and work with you. One who isn't threatened by a patient who wants to understand about their medical condition and try many approaches to get better.

You've been very fortunate to find what works for you and I'm happy you posted your experience.

Thank you so much,


P.S. As I was reading for typos (I may have missed some :D) I had another thought. Chemical Sensitivity is often a symptom and not the cause. Have you answsered the question "what is causing me to be chemically sensitive?" I'm not questioning your experience and I'm very happy you feel well 70% of the time. Its just a thought. It would be great if you could feel better 100% of the time.

P.S.S. There is another area I feel the need to address. I acknowledge the Lord's hand in ALL things. I do not understand the reasons why but I do know that I wouldn't want to give back the blessings and lessons I've received through the illnesses and frustrations. I also KNOW that the Lord will lift me up to do the things he wants me to do. I've had the experiences to prove it, both in being lifted when I'm on the Lord's errand and not being able to get out of bed even though I think what I should be doing is the right thing.

Edited by applepansy
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Thanks Thanks Thanks all of you. A little more info.

I have an ed that for a minute is under control, but I have to be careful with limiting foods. It is better for me to replace a food. If you have any ideas for the corn syrup thing. Also the doc as said my blood sugar drops low and has said wheat will help to keep it more regular, if there is a better replacement I would love to try it. Thanks for all of the thyroid ideas. I did have it tested a while ago and it came back fine, but i am going to check what the test exactly were.

This is so frustrating. It makes me feel like I am a failure as a wife,mom,etc. I sometimes begin to think that I am just lazy. Thanks for making me feel like I am not so alone.:)

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Is there any way to stop working the graveyard shift and go back to working a day shift? I worked graveyard shifts in college because it was convenient with school and initially, it wasn't a big deal - it was almost like I had so much energy all the time, and after about a year I got to the point of being tired - I too, only did the graveyard shift twice a week. After a few years, I stopped and my energy was back. If that isn't a option, having a strict schedule and taking a multi-vitamin (cravings are usually the sign of deficiencies) would help. Plus, a good exericise routine like Pilates, or Yoga is wonderful. I hope you feel better soon!

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I crave meat and sugar. Any ideas on that? (i do have that addictive personality thing) so it could be just along that line, not sure thanks.

You're craving meat because you aren't getting enough protein which you need for energy. There could be several reason from digestion issues to metabolic issues.

Sugar will give you quick energy but you crash fast too. Sugar also raises insuling levels too.

Discipline is necessary to change eating habits. Your lack of energy and not feeling well can be motivation. The Word of Wisdom is a good guide. When I eat right I don't crave carbs/sugars.

I have a green drink recipe that helps me get my veggies and fruit which in turn helps me deal with cravings. If you'd like it let me know.


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Thanks Thanks Thanks all of you. A little more info.

I have an ed that for a minute is under control, but I have to be careful with limiting foods. It is better for me to replace a food. If you have any ideas for the corn syrup thing. Also the doc as said my blood sugar drops low and has said wheat will help to keep it more regular, if there is a better replacement I would love to try it. Thanks for all of the thyroid ideas. I did have it tested a while ago and it came back fine, but i am going to check what the test exactly were.

This is so frustrating. It makes me feel like I am a failure as a wife,mom,etc. I sometimes begin to think that I am just lazy. Thanks for making me feel like I am not so alone.:)

I doubt you're lazy and you're not a failure. I would discuss these issues with your doctor. There might be an underlying health issue you're not aware of that is why we suggested the thyroid testing.

Read labels. . . there are foods that do not use high fructose corn syrup. You can buy juices made without it. There are few deserts that use Karo Syup, don't make them. . .make a cake instead. You don't need High Fructose Corn Syrup in your diet. You get sugars from other sources that are healthier.

People allergic to wheat are rare. We need whole grains. Try adding grains like old fashioned rolled oats (oatmeal for breakfast, oatmeal cookies, etc.) There is also a grain called Spelt, its wheat but there are less allergic issues with Spelt. Quinoa is an excellent grain for increasing proteing. (pronounced keenow)

Basically its educating yourself and trying new things. . . which can be hard to do when you don't feel well.

I suggest you try to only make one change at a time. Don't try to change everything at once.


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I am desperatly looking for a way to give myself more energy. I am tired all the time.

Currently I work 2 graveyards a week, (monday and tuesday), then the rest of the week I am off. I 42 yrs old mrd and have 4 kids. (18,15,12,9) I have been having health issues with arthritis and fatigue is a side affect of that. I had been going to the gym but a couple of months ago it became too painful and the doc said it might not be the best thing for my joints. Since then i have gained about 15 lbs. I am so frustrated with being tired all the time. I take 200 mg of celebrex per day (400 mg on a bad day), 25 mg straterra, b12, calcium with d, and glucosamine. I also use voltaren 1% gel for my hands and ankles when they get really sore. I don't sleep well because of ongoing PSTD (probably permanant). If anyone has anything that has really helped them I would appreciate your help. Also my 2 younger kids have special emotional needs that can really take it out of you mentally. (and yes if there is a quick fix that would be best):D

My wife I do consider is a super mom. Even I could not fill those shoes.

What really is disgusting today, when I see awards go to women who claimed to be women of year are more embarrassing to there own gender. We do know who really bring a greater impact to this world then those who have fancy of our poor media outlets. These are the real heroes as they struggled every day to catch up with rest periods while ensuring busing to school, pulling odd jobs to meet the family needs, and other such household issues.

I do struggle even with Mother Teresa when she had no children and never experience that motherhood through trials as a parent. Yes! I do know her accomplishments and she will be greatly rewarded but lesser for those who worked out there salvation with motherhood that is not known to the world.

Unfortunately, the only known neuron enhancers which are sold over the counter and can be consolidated into one does, in aiding the body from being tired, over time may not be conduce to your health .

Powerlifters and pro-bodybuilders know what I am referring too. It was an object of serious testing back in the 80s and 90s. It is now use for those who are clinically depressed and seems to work well in preventing that problem by acting on those neurons with rapid firing and feelings.

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Guest DeborahC

Hi ApplePansy,

Thanks for your post. We agree on some points and disagree on others.

In the end, we're all responsible for our own health. Following the Word of Wisdom is a good start...

Edited by DeborahC
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Hi ApplePansy,

Thanks for your post. We agree on some points and disagree on others.


Its always best to start and end with the Word of Wisdom.

I hope you continue to get better and I hope that some day you'll be able to return to church and the temple.


Edited by applepansy
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Dear Deborah, I am so very and sincerely happy that this approach worked for you. I deeply wish it worked for everyone. I'm glad you posted because all avenues need to be explored when someone is searching for information about chronic health issues.


Thank you. I was going to respond with the same, and you not only beat me to it, you explained it much better than I would have.


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My wife I do consider is a super mom. Even I could not fill those shoes.

What really is disgusting today, when I see awards go to women who claimed to be women of year are more embarrassing to there own gender. We do know who really bring a greater impact to this world then those who have fancy of our poor media outlets. These are the real heroes as they struggled every day to catch up with rest periods while ensuring busing to school, pulling odd jobs to meet the family needs, and other such household issues.

I do struggle even with Mother Teresa when she had no children and never experience that motherhood through trials as a parent. Yes! I do know her accomplishments and she will be greatly rewarded but lesser for those who worked out there salvation with motherhood that is not known to the world.


Coutrygirl is sick and she is in pain.

She cannot catch up on simple rest periods like the mothers you extol in your post.

Additionally, her affliction has nothing to do with awards going to women you don't like, or the media, or Mother Theresa.

Hemi, I speak from experience: When someone like Country lays out her deblitating symptoms, and you reply with a commentary on Mother Theresa's refusal to have children, you're not helping.

Unfortunately, the only known neuron enhancers which are sold over the counter and can be consolidated into one does, in aiding the body from being tired, over time may not be conduce to your health .

Powerlifters and pro-bodybuilders know what I am referring too. It was an object of serious testing back in the 80s and 90s. It is now use for those who are clinically depressed and seems to work well in preventing that problem by acting on those neurons with rapid firing and feelings.

So, what is it?


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Light physical activity in the morning. After a medium sized breakfast.

I wasn't going to respond to this but then I had second thoughts. This is exactly what my Dad used to say to my Mom when she complained about how tired she was. I've never understood the male mindset that exercise will fix everything that ails you.

Sorry bmy, but exercise isn't always tthe answer. Especially for a Mom with young children. She's getting exercise. . . by chasing kids all day.

With my Mom there were undiagnosed medical issues and I'm Hoping that CountryGirl will get the evaluations whether, Medical or Alnernative, to help her overcome the changes that happen to a women's body when she's in her child bearing years.


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Thanks for all your support and good thoughts. The last few days have been kind of rough. I have been trying to add more good protien to help with energy. Does anyone have any ideas for something good for you that gives a quick energy burst. As I have thought about it I use sugar when I feel poorly but have to push myself to keep going. Hopefully I will be able to quit my job in another year, but until then I have to get by. I do have an appointment with a reumetologist, but they can't see me until the middle of march, so until then I have to just keep using the meds I am on now. Thanks again.

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Different things work for different people: so don't know if this will help...

I found a teaspoon full of extravirgin/cold-pressed coconut oil in my oatmeal porridge in the morning gave me energy (I don't know why and it seems illogical ...but : ).

For the sweet factor I throw in another teaspoon of manuka honey or pure maple syrup. I'm trying to train myself to eat fruit when I get a sugar craving...going for purple colours (dried cranberries etc) as they have some antioxidant properties. The concept that sugar is equivalent to chocolate is a learning curve LOL. The other thing I'm working on is drinking water more often...particularly when I'm tired...this one's probably more relevant if you live in a hot weather climate: I now carry an insulated sigg bottle everywhere.

For the protein I'm into cheese and nuts for snacks during the day and I make sure I get that meat/beans serving in at dinner...high temperature cooked tomato puree type sauces help with absorbing protein.

I also found OAMC: home made meals from scratch that are frozen was a great sanity saver...even when tired I still eat a healthy meal. I focus on fresh food for lunches and while the frozen meals are complete I will add extras at times.

I'm also a fan of some flylady organisational things...anything I don't think I have the energy or motivation to do gets the 10 minute timer treatment. Healthy sleep patterns help, but I'm a shocker for bad sleep hygeine. I also find the preparing the night ahead tip helps a lot with morning rush syndrome and better sleep. And as a result I'm not just grabbing quick things to take to work for lunch.

Ginger and lemon tissanes are great pick me ups for feeling drained at work...it's spicy enough to drink without sugar.

I don't have major health problems, but I do have a habit of putting work ahead of basics when things get hectic and stressy...as they often do. And since I work with kids I need that high energy level and it's easy to cave in to quick energy fixes like softdrink.

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Diet and exercise are good for fighting being tired. I personally eat things like rice and beans because of the instant and lasting energy they give. If you feel tired or groggy, you can always splash cool water on your face (not the cologne) or my personal favorites do some flips or jumping jacks, run up and down the stairs just get your blood flowing. Dont forget to drink water either it helps with blood flow and helps with digesting the food and actually break down the food for energy. Powerbar used to have a warning on the label that in order for it to work you had to drink water for that purpose.

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