Hollywood, a tool of Satan?


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Have you read any Greek tragedy?

The Bacchae?

The Trojan War?

Not much has changed, really...

Heh or the Decameron and the Symposium. I've heard the stories in their are pretty risque. Course these two books are slghtly the basis for Chacer's Canterbury Tales. Not sure how many have read Chaucer but a lot of the stuff in their can make you blush.

Edited by AngelLynn
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Ma and Pa Kettle. I didn't think anyone but Pam remembered that show, that and Francis the Talking Mule. How about The Court Jester with Danny Kaye?

Fond memories.

Thanks to DVD I have Red Skelton, The Vikings with Kirk Douglas, 300 Spartans, etc.

Ben Raines

Do you think they had TV back in her day, let alone electricity....:D:D
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I agree with last 2 posts I flatly refused to restore some paintings and ornaments from the past they were awful.

I don't think things are worse there is just more choice and its availible to more people. In the 50s and 60s here not everyone had a TV set if they did it had 3 channels (right up until 1982 I remember the switch on for channel 4) Now I have the choice of 75.


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The elite (so called "stars") can afford to indulge, sin and mock just about anyone that dares point to their wickedness. They can selfishly and without decorum flaunt their lifestyle and entice million to imitate them. Their wealth becomes the drug that soothes the heartache and the pain caused by their own hand on account of their failed lives. Those silly enough to imitate them will suffer in their own flesh and without remedy, without the false comfort of the applause of the populace.

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." Eph 6:12

Edited by Islander
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In 1968 a senate bill 372 was introduced in the state of CA that would create "The California Motion Picture Review Board." This state entity would be charged with the responsibility of rating motion pictures on their suitability for family viewing. The commission would develop a rating system etc.

The Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) moved quickly to defeat the measure. However there was sufficient support for the measure to pass the house. Soooooo

The Industry came forward with in irresistible proposal. The state cost was estimated to be around $500,000 per year. The Motion Picture Association came forward and said in effect that if the senate would hold the bill in committee the industry (promised) to develop the very proposal contained in the bill but at the sole expense of the industry. There would be no cost to the taxpayers or the state.

Fox watching the hen house? This was 1968 it is now 2008.

source? book "A war we must win" by John Harmer (elected member of the CA state senate in 1966)

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Every generation has believed that morals were in decline, and it's no different today. That goes for music as well as forms of entertainment such as books or plays. Epidemics of disease, famines, and other disasters were blamed on people living sinful lives.

I'm not a fan of censorship, if you are offended by something in movies, then don't watch those particular movies. There are plenty of Christian and LDS films out there to see. One can also find books written by LDS and Christian authors that are very clean, either online or at specialty bookstores.

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If only the Catholic Legion of Decency would once again give a thumbs up or thumbs down as to that is allowed to be shown, we could once again be treated to our current Lucys and Rickys sleeping in twin beds with a night table in between or else each keeping one foot on the floor in a double bed.

This might also signal the return of Donny and Marie taking up where Lawrence Welk left off. However, as Mormons, what would they do about the champaign bubbles? :)

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The elite (so called "stars") can afford to indulge, sin and mock just about anyone that dares point to their wickedness. They can selfishly and without decorum flaunt their lifestyle and entice million to imitate them. Their wealth becomes the drug that soothes the heartache and the pain caused by their own hand on account of their failed lives. Those silly enough to imitate them will suffer in their own flesh and without remedy, without the false comfort of the applause of the populace.

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." Eph 6:12

Explain how that is different to the 1950s??? or even artists of any era?? or for that matter the wealthy or very poor of any era?? The Victorian Values that her reign were so famous for were because of the rise in the Middle Classes, the poor and the wealthy usually did not follow that morality. Michaelangelo and Leanardo Da Vinci got away with lifestyles many in their day would not have, Socrates, would have had a traditional teacher student relationship with Plato and Plato with Aristotle (assuming Socrates was real of course) and if we were following ancient times our atheletes at the Olympics would be performing in the nude. Certainly our royalty and some of your presidents are not noted for their morality

It's not worse than it has ever been just more plentiful and more easily accessible by the great unwashed like ourselves. Filthy books would not have been an issue to many of my ancestors as they could not read, however they also could not understand the sermons given at church in Latin or read the Bible Along with more bad also comes even more good.


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I think you see just as much anger and gut-wrenching pain as you did in the ‘50s. In fact, I think the plots are far more complicated, and far more realistic, than the were in the ‘50s. Actually, I‘m surprised at your observation, because, to me, it seems backward.

People are still making movies about Christ, analogies of Christ, metaphors of Christ, other religious persuasions, and redemption. It took me an hour to come up with the first section on my own. Then I googled Christian/religious/redemption films, and came up with those in the second list. Most of them are about redemption, but not all of them.

The Mission, Tender Mercies, Dead Man Walking, The Passion of the Christ, Where the Heart Is, The World According to Garp, The Fisher King, Schindler’s List, Chronicles of Narnia, Simon Burch, City of Angels, House of Sand and Fog, Godspell, I Walk the Line, Dead Poet’s Society, Ghandi, Brigham City, Malcom X, Antwone Fisher, Magnolia

Prairie Home Companion, A Man for All Seasons, The Apostle, I am Legend, Jesus Christ Superstar, The Five People You Meet in Heaven, Angels in the Outfield, The Preacher’s Wife, Saving Grace, Redemption

Obviously many of you will disagree that some of my choices, because the majority of them are not centered around Christ, and many of them are rated R. But they are about redemption, with characters whose lives are full of staggering pain, confusion, and anger. It is this pain and anger, and decency, that propels them to make poignant changes in their lives, and that touch the people in their lives for the good.

Although, sometimes things do not work out that way, because real life doesn't always work that way.

Every culture on the earth has its “poison.” In America, what we called “poison” twenty years ago is now looked on with nostalgia as the “good ‘ol days.”

Again, every generation thinks its society is a crumbling mess. Thirty years from now people will look back at the 2000s with nostalgia, and wish they could turn back the calendar.

Censorship is abhorrent to me. Movies you think should be censored are those that move me the most.

If you start watching a movie, and you don’t like it because of its content, stop watching it.


Well, then we disagree. Btw, the two movies I was referring to were, "The Bigamist" and "The Man in the Grey Flannel Suit".

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If you start watching a movie, and you don’t like it because of its content, stop watching it.

I had that happen to me last night I was watching a movie and the content, a lot of bathroom humor, was so disgusting, I was about to vomit, it was gross. I turned it off and deleated it off the dvr. So there is self control. A lot of pople may not think they have it, but it does exist.

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In 1978 the industry of pornography had a managment consulting firm do extensive research and market analysis (to significantly increase revenue for the pornographers)

These were there findings and ten year reccomended plan.

1. Dramatically improve the aesthetic quality of the product.

2. Make the product accessible in the home without the need for patronizing the "adult theater" or "adult book store" in public view.

3. Develop a marketing strategy that would make pornography acceptable to women.

4. Use the motion picture industry to create an attitude of casual acceptance of explicit sexual material.

5. And finally, most perceptively, introduce a camouflage into the presentation of the pornography in the form of humor and/or presentations of dramatic human endeavor. (In other words, if you could associate pornography with laughter or drama the explicit sexuality would be overlooked as a necessary component of the presentation.

source - A war we must win by John Harmer

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Every generation has believed that morals were in decline, and it's no different today. That goes for music as well as forms of entertainment such as books or plays. Epidemics of disease, famines, and other disasters were blamed on people living sinful lives. QUOTE]

Any student of history/scriptures knows that there are periods of moral declination and history does repeat itself. However, likewise, we also have periods of renewed religious growth. Todays world however has a few more of the Devils tools that were not present or readily available in bygone generations. Videos, XXX and R rated movies, Internet, Pornography (Magazines & Internet sites),Drugs, etc.

One way that God has continued to humble us is by Epidemics, famines, and disasters.

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Movies are just a form of entertainment, just like music. Everyone is welcome to watch whatever they please.

So live and let live? Just curious but wouldn't it have been nice if gary bishop and ted bundy hadn't pornography so readily available to them? Or Are we supposed to say that they just made bad choices and it doesn't affect us at all. That we have no right to interfere. ??? But what about the rights of their victims or do the victims not have rights?

By the way my LDS pics are:

Sound of music

Yours mine and ours (original)

With 6 you get eggroll

Mary Poppins

and Wizard of OZ

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So live and let live? Just curious but wouldn't it have been nice if gary bishop and ted bundy hadn't pornography so readily available to them? Or Are we supposed to say that they just made bad choices and it doesn't affect us at all. That we have no right to interfere. ??? But what about the rights of their victims or do the victims not have rights?

Ted Bundy was mentally ill since birth. I don't know much about Gary Bishop, only the fact that he was a serial killer. Both of these men were really sick and that has nothing to do with making bad choices. I wonder what's your opinion of Ed Gein then.

Are you suggesting that pornography turns people into serial killers? I hope not. Pornography does harm some people but not in those ways that you described. People should be allowed to watch what they want or believe in what they want. Do you have any idea what people think of Mormons? A lot of people today are still very prejudice against Mormons and have these crazy ideas about the LDS chruch (The Mormon Jesus is not the same as the Jesus from the Bible, Mormons have multiple wives,...) are they right?


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everything is a potential tool of satan.

if you want to convince people of your 'program' and want an effective way to do it what would you do? consider that money and resources are unlimited. consider your will to do this is unbounded.

now lets think. is satan trying to draw as many people to him as possible? is he strong willed about it? does he have endless resources?

what do you think would be his plan? what are the most effective ways to get your message across to the max number of people?

it would be hard to deny that movies etc are very good for this kind of thing.

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Yours mine and ours (original)

I knew there was a lot of reasons I liked you. That's one of my favorite movies as well. But has to be the original with Lucille Ball and Henry Fonda.

That's directed to Countrygirl.

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Both of these men were really sick and that has nothing to do with making bad choices.

The fact that these people were serial killers, whether sick or not had nothing to do with making bad choices? That doesn't make sense.

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Ted Bundy was mentally ill since birth. I don't know much about Gary Bishop, only the fact that he was a serial killer. Both of these men were really sick and that has nothing to do with making bad choices. I wonder what's your opinion of Ed Gein then.

Are you suggesting that pornography turns people into serial killers? I hope not. Pornography does harm some people but not in those ways that you described. People should be allowed to watch what they want or believe in what they want. Do you have any idea what people think of Mormons? A lot of people today are still very prejudice against Mormons and have these crazy ideas about the LDS chruch (The Mormon Jesus is not the same as the Jesus from the Bible, Mormons have multiple wives,...) are they right?


Um yeah I am suggesting that about pornography. Ted Bundy said so himself before he was executed. He said it was where he started. Do I think it turns everyone into that? no Do I think it has anything redeeming or helpful to mankind at all????? NOOOO. Do I think it creates victims all over the place? Yes Does it interfere with a persons ability for compassion and love of others? Yes Do I think it can ruin lives? Yes Do I think that is what satan intends to use it for? Yes

Of course you should believe as you feel is right and i am sure you do. It is difficult for me when we live in a world where so many feel that they should only be concerned with themselves and their own. Just worry about what they teach in their homes and to their children and leave the rest to the world. I think heavenly father will hold us accountable for doing the best we can to create a world good for all of his children.

Yes I do think people should be allowed to beleive what they choose to. (me included)

Yes I know a lot are prejudice against the mormon church. We are who we are. The only way to overcome that IMO is to live our religion to the best of our ability. :)

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Ted Bundy was mentally ill since birth. I don't know much about Gary Bishop, only the fact that he was a serial killer. Both of these men were really sick and that has nothing to do with making bad choices. I wonder what's your opinion of Ed Gein then.

Are you suggesting that pornography turns people into serial killers? I hope not. Pornography does harm some people but not in those ways that you described. People should be allowed to watch what they want or believe in what they want. Do you have any idea what people think of Mormons? A lot of people today are still very prejudice against Mormons and have these crazy ideas about the LDS chruch (The Mormon Jesus is not the same as the Jesus from the Bible, Mormons have multiple wives,...) are they right?


The common characteristic that seems to exist in the people listed here was incredible turmoul in their formative childhood years. Sick? They were legally sane -- although I am not totally sure about Gein.

Pornography contributes to people wanting to engage in sexual practices that can run against Gospel principles such as fornication, adultery, group sex and (as in the case of many young women today) same sex experimentation. The evidence that it affects rape is inconclusive (the Japanese have an incredible use of porn but a low rape rate). I have seen nothing that would indicate that porn causes people to go on murderous rampages.

The causes of seriel murder are not totally understood. Males usually are the ones who engage in it but the individual who has the record for murder was a woman. Most have troubled childhoods but others come from ideal family situations. Most show signs of being psychopaths yet 99+% of psychopathic people never commit murder.

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