Only in Canada.

Canuck Mormon

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Has anyone seen this:

PM dares Dion to face voters with coalition plan

Maybe McCain should consider this, oh wait, he can't. Only in Canada can the losers of an election form a Government.

Oh, I forgot to mention that we had an election 6 weeks ago!!!!!!! We elected a minority Government that has been in power since. Parliment has been opened with the new Government for only 10 days!!!!!

Maybe it's time to move.

Edited by Canuck Mormon
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Canuck is exaggerating. The people didn't elect a majority - That means that "The people" disagreed on the direction they wanted the country to go. It doesn't mean that they voted for someone and the losers took over.

A minority government happens when one party has more collective votes than any other single party, without having the majority. This forces them to ally with one or more minor factions in order to pass laws. This is important, because in a minority government, if a bill is defeated it forces a No-Confidence vote. Basically, another election.

It results in one of two things happening:

1) The government, terrified of proposing laws, lets everything operate pretty much as it always has been. Or:

2) The government comes up with plans that actually have a broad appeal. Huzzah!

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Canuck is exaggerating. The people didn't elect a majority - That means that "The people" disagreed on the direction they wanted the country to go. It doesn't mean that they voted for someone and the losers took over.

A minority government happens when one party has more collective votes than any other single party, without having the majority. This forces them to ally with one or more minor factions in order to pass laws. This is important, because in a minority government, if a bill is defeated it forces a No-Confidence vote. Basically, another election.

It results in one of two things happening:

1) The government, terrified of proposing laws, lets everything operate pretty much as it always has been. Or:

2) The government comes up with plans that actually have a broad appeal. Huzzah!

First off, I never said we elected a majority.

Second, how can the losers, yes losers of the election end up running the country? The Liberal Party had it's worst showing ever!!! And now the man leading that party, who has agreed to step down because of his dismal showing, is going to lead the country? They are also in bed with a party who's main goal is to separate from Canada. How is that in Canadians best interests? The other third of this group wants to shut down the only area that is making money, and providing money to the provinces that are suffering, the Alberta Oil Sands. Seems like the right people to lead the country even deeper into a recession. Let Stephan Harper, an economist, do his job and provide a Budget for Canada. The only reason these three are upset is that in a statement to bolster the economy, Harper took away some funding for the all Party's, $1.95 per vote. He also stated that civil servants could not strike temporarily. He then withdrew these, and these three still went after him. Dion said after his humiliating loss that he would work with Harper to move Canada forward, then on the first issue he pulls a stunt like this. And he has the audacity to call Harper a liar.

Scary times here.

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First off, I never said we elected a majority.

Second, how can the losers, yes losers of the election end up running the country? The Liberal Party had it's worst showing ever!!! And now the man leading that party, who has agreed to step down because of his dismal showing, is going to lead the country? They are also in bed with a party who's main goal is to separate from Canada. How is that in Canadians best interests? The other third of this group wants to shut down the only area that is making money, and providing money to the provinces that are suffering, the Alberta Oil Sands. Seems like the right people to lead the country even deeper into a recession. Let Stephan Harper, an economist, do his job and provide a Budget for Canada. The only reason these three are upset is that in a statement to bolster the economy, Harper took away some funding for the all Party's, $1.95 per vote. He also stated that civil servants could not strike temporarily. He then withdrew these, and these three still went after him. Dion said after his humiliating loss that he would work with Harper to move Canada forward, then on the first issue he pulls a stunt like this. And he has the audacity to call Harper a liar.

Scary times here.

The losers of the election can wind up running the country because the 'winners' didn't get the majority government. If the Liberals, NDP and Bloc Quebecois work together, the simple fact is -they- have more votes under our system. Yes, it's back door dealing. The problem is that the majority of Canadians couldn't agree on who should run the country, so numerous smaller parties are working together. That's not bad, that's the way the system works.

Irritatingly, Canada is in the best state to weather the economic crisis and the coalition parties want to change that. Frankly, I hope the Conservatives let it come to a no-confidence vote. I'll vote for the Conservatives despite never having voted for them before... Ever - And I'll vote for them because I want a party that says "Yep. We're doing just fine. Steady as she goes." and not this unholy alliance of NDP and Bloc Quebecois.

Seriously... NDP and the Bloc? What is Jack -thinking-?

Nonetheless, it is not illegal, it is not unconstitutional. It's just not in the best interests of the Canadian people.

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This just got sent to me and I thought it was hillarious!!

Toronto Maple Leafs Win Stanley Cup!!!

Canada was stunned Monday when it was announced that The Stanley Cup will be awarded to the Toronto Maple Leafs, possibly as early as December 6th.

The cup will be stripped from from 2008 playoff champions the Detroit Red Wings and be awarded to the Leafs, who didn't even make the playoffs.

How is this possible, Canadians ask?

Well, the Leafs have formed a coalition with eastern conference semifinalists the Montreal Canadians, and conference quarter finalists the Ottawa Senators, now outnumbering the Red Wings.

According to current Leaf coach Ron Wilson "the Red Wings have lost the confidence of the league and should hand the cup over immediately to our coalition".

NHL commissioner Gary Bettman is cutting short a European trip to try to resolve the unprecedented hockey crisis that could force a second playoff series, or see an opposing team coalition take the cup.


(Toronto hasn't won the cup since '67 and they won't win one anytime soon)

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If it is like our system if neither of the main parties have formed a majority or passed a certain number of MPs then basically it is upto the parties to form a coalition and make up that majority. So for example say the number they have to get is 360 - Labour have 355 and Conservative have 352 - Labour need to form a coalition with 5 MPs from other parties but if Conservative get 8 first they form the government. So actually a majority is in power. If they can't decide a new election is declared, if there is 2 hung parliaments in a row then the Queen closes parliament and takes over until they can sort it out.

I think thats the basis of the UK parliament is the Canadian one similar? Because Scotland's parliament based on Proportional Representation and not first past the post, it happens more frequently - which I think is good.


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The issues is that a Lib-Green-Bloc coalition was not put before the people at the election (infact from what I've read it was spefically ruled out). However if you can form a majority (if even by coalition) then under normal parliamentary rules you should get to govern.

My suggestion is that Harper the Tory PM, should have let the no confindence vote occur. Then go to the GG and inform him that you have lost confidence and need to resign as PM. Then make the case that the opposition do not have a madate for their coalition and that the only appropriate action is for the GG to use the reserve powers to enforce another election where they can run as coalition or at least not rule it out and appoint him (Harper) as care taker PM as he is the only leader who will request another election occur.

It then falls to the Canadian people to sort out the mess and if they are not capable then they deserve the goverment they then get. (In 75 in Australia, a GG used reserve powers to appoint a caretaker PM so as to call a full dual house election (double dissolution) and the caretaker PM romped it in)

Edited by AnthonyB
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Anthony's right. Just take the no-confidence vote. As an issues voter, the government can't count on me voting any specific way. Heck, I voted Green in the last election thanks to their fiscal and tax policy.

If the NDP think they're getting any seats in a time of economic strife like this, they're crazy. And I'm someone who voted Green Party last time(Ironically due to their fiscal, rather than ecological platform).

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So has Dion given up her singing career for good? If so, she could be Canada's answer to the Governator.

That would be the day when I left Canada.

To those who said to put it to an election, we just had one 7 weeks ago. This parliment has been in session for 10 days!!! Yeah, lets vote every couple of months at $300 million each. I'm glad there is now a cooling off period and people can look at things differently. Even liberal MP's today were questioning the coalition, I doubt it would have lasted the 18 months anyway.

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That would be the day when I left Canada.

To those who said to put it to an election, we just had one 7 weeks ago. This parliment has been in session for 10 days!!! Yeah, lets vote every couple of months at $300 million each. I'm glad there is now a cooling off period and people can look at things differently. Even liberal MP's today were questioning the coalition, I doubt it would have lasted the 18 months anyway.

$300 million dollars down the drain only to find out that the only clear winner in the opposition is the Bloc Quebecois....which wants to seperate from Canada...typical...

When will someone step forward, without personal ambition, tell all sides to kindly shut the hell up, and focus on getting this nation through the economic turmoil of the next few years?

When will we get a leader, or a party worthy of our votes?

I have a sinking suspicion I'll be waiting for a while.

Sorry for the language.

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The issues is that a Lib-Green-Bloc coalition was not put before the people at the election (infact from what I've read it was spefically ruled out). However if you can form a majority (if even by coalition) then under normal parliamentary rules you should get to govern.

But presumably the Liberal and the Green Party etc were both put before the electorate>? And a majority of MPs are put together from MP's voted in? So therefore a majority of people did speak, although it is possible here to get the largest % vote and still lose the election


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But presumably the Liberal and the Green Party etc were both put before the electorate>? And a majority of MPs are put together from MP's voted in? So therefore a majority of people did speak, although it is possible here to get the largest % vote and still lose the election


Just as a note, it's a Liberal-NDP-Bloc coalition.

The Green party didn't even win a single seat.

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But presumably the Liberal and the Green Party etc were both put before the electorate>? And a majority of MPs are put together from MP's voted in? So therefore a majority of people did speak, although it is possible here to get the largest % vote and still lose the election


The Liberals and the NDP combined only come up with 114 seats compared to the 143 for the conservatives. The Bloc, which only has people in Quebec, make up the difference. That's what has everyone out here (West) so upset. A party who's only goal is to leave Canada, has the balance of power. The Green party is a non-factor as they didn't win one seat. Harper needs to do a better job of getting along with the opposition, otherwise we'll be in this same position in a month.
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But presumably the Liberal and the Green Party etc were both put before the electorate>? And a majority of MPs are put together from MP's voted in? So therefore a majority of people did speak, although it is possible here to get the largest % vote and still lose the election


Let me give you a small fact.

Bloc Quebecois, they ran in one province, won 10 percent of the popular vote. They got 55 seats

The Green Party, ran in all of Canada, won 7 percent of the popular vote. No seats. :P

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Let me give you a small fact.

Bloc Quebecois, they ran in one province, won 10 percent of the popular vote. They got 55 seats

The Green Party, ran in all of Canada, won 7 percent of the popular vote. No seats. :P

so the bigger party will usually have the majority say - I have seen it working very well in Scotland with our separaists.


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Guest HEthePrimate

No, not only in Canada. Great Britain has a similar system, and I suspect this sort of situation would arise here in the U.S. if we had more than two major parties. And no, it's not a case of "losers" getting to form the new government. Since when do we call the party that gets the most votes "losers?" That just doesn't make sense...


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No, not only in Canada. Great Britain has a similar system, and I suspect this sort of situation would arise here in the U.S. if we had more than two major parties. And no, it's not a case of "losers" getting to form the new government. Since when do we call the party that gets the most votes "losers?" That just doesn't make sense...


Which party got the most votes?

That's right the PC's. Not the Liberals or the NDP or even the Bloc.

Anyway, it's been put off until January and the Liberals have kicked out their leader and got a new one so we'll see what will happen in January.

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