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Today I was out getting myself a large cup of White Chocolate Soy Decaf Mocha (it's my all-time favourite ;) ).

But something hit me when I payed the 5.95 for the drink: this is almost enough to pass on 2 copies of the Book of Mormon onto someone, 3 dollars more and it'd buy a compact faithfold (wallet sized copy of New Testament, Faithfold.com).

I actually thought to myself, you know, that I want to promise that I'm not going to be so selfish as to enjoy my coffee and think of no one else.

Has anyone else had these sort of thoughts?

I know obviously, that the majority of LDS do not drink coffee -- but you get the idea of the question in general I hope.

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Well not drinking the coffee would be great from a WOW perspective too but yes I must admit I do waste a lot of money on things I don't need which would be better spent on something constructive like that. And it's not just the spiritual or churchy stuff either. Just think how much we could help people in practical ways if we just 'deprived' ourselves of one or two non necessities.
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We waste more resources than just money on things we dont need or crap we dont use. We waste time and energy. We waste natural rescources. Some of us can barely help ourselves and need help from others. We can start by seperating wants from needs, we can live like marines in combat if you want to be ultra efficient. (you know a pair of boots, a rifle, and can of pork and beans) I think it would be another good step to start recycling. Just remember its good to have balance.

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I have to say that I agree 100% with ninjormon about separating our needs from our wants. I have found especially as I grow older (hindsight is 20/20) that there is a lot of stuff that I have simply because I thought that it would be nice to have, not necessarily because I needed it. I think all of us can attest to this fact.

One of my personal goals for 2009 is to consider giving more money to such charities as the American Cancer Society and the American Diabetes Association as several of my family members suffer from both of these.

I also think that it is a good ideal that we try to put the Book of Mormon into as many hands as possible. Just think how much we could do by skipping just one meal at a fast food restaurant eating things often times that are not good for us anyway.

We waste more resources than just money on things we dont need or crap we dont use. We waste time and energy. We waste natural rescources. Some of us can barely help ourselves and need help from others. We can start by seperating wants from needs, we can live like marines in combat if you want to be ultra efficient. (you know a pair of boots, a rifle, and can of pork and beans) I think it would be another good step to start recycling. Just remember its good to have balance.

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I don't know...... I see the virtue in living with discipline and wisdom. Needs vs. wants......its all good stuff. But there IS a place for wants. There is a place for rewarding ourselves or maybe even a little enjoyment here and there. I get worried when I see such perspectives because I think true happiness lies in the proper balances of things. I think swinging too far into either extreme causes problems......whether we live to indulge the flesh or live in extreme sacrifice. Perhaps there is a place for such extremes. Sometimes swinging to an opposite position helps us learn to master ourselves or to give us valueable perspectives. But I think the end goal is finding the balance and learning to live in that narrow space.

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Thanks, Miss 1/2way. I feel the same. I actually budget for charity giving. I also take into account the little givings that happen unexpectedly (such as when a co-worker is sick or someone passes--we take up a collection for flowers).

There is absolutely nothing wrong with assessing your personal life to make any changes you feel are necessary to help others. In fact, I think everyone would encourage it. But don't forget that God made this earth and the things in it to please the eye and bring pleasure to us. So doing things for yourself is ok and healthy and God-given.

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I have to add some personal experience here, at the beginning of this year I had recieved a settlement from a case, at the same time we recieved our income tax money. My family (wife 2daughters) moved from Texas to Arizona (we hate it here) I paid rent in advance and bought a truck cash not having a vehicle (ownership is the best) We had all of our needs met for the forseeable future. I wanted to use the rest of the money left to build a future, go to school and supplement or income, my wife wanted to take a vactaion to visit family and do some other things. Needlessly to say I wanted to make her happy so instead of following through with my plan we bacame too comfortable and too laxed. Now I have to work a few days of overtime a week just to get by. All the little things taht you dont think add up really can, its better to be prepared than be comfortable.

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Today I was out getting myself a large cup of White Chocolate Soy Decaf Mocha (it's my all-time favourite ;) ).

But something hit me when I payed the 5.95 for the drink: this is almost enough to pass on 2 copies of the Book of Mormon onto someone, 3 dollars more and it'd buy a compact faithfold (wallet sized copy of New Testament, Faithfold.com).

I actually thought to myself, you know, that I want to promise that I'm not going to be so selfish as to enjoy my coffee and think of no one else.

Has anyone else had these sort of thoughts?

I know obviously, that the majority of LDS do not drink coffee -- but you get the idea of the question in general I hope.

Just curious, why would you want a decaf? I would think if you're drinking coffee you might as well go for the good stuff :P

You inspired me, btw. I went and added up all my reciepts from the past few days after payday and the amount of money wasted on plain old 'stuff', things that are even now sitting lonely and lost on my livingroom floor where the kids left them, is astounding.

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Our biggest luxury expenditure is eating out. We do it about once a week, usually a pizza. It's usually a $20-25 total. Since our average dinner is about $8 this is about an extra $15 a week. Though I think the biggest place out money goes and I don't even know is how much I spend on something when I could have been paying less. Food for instance (buying things not on sale) or buying new clothes. I wonder how much other peoples budgets are for food. Or even their budjet for the month. We are a family of two adults and two small children and I don't even want to say how much money we spend each month... it's embarrassing!

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Well, when I think about the thousands of people who die every single day without even having heard of the Gospel of Jesus Christ...

By the way, I drink decaf because I have sleep problems.

Coffee is not had as a stimulant for me, I enjoy it's flavor -- but I also like water, so easy to give up.

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I have to admit that this got me to thinking about what I observed yesterday at church. In the Foyer we have a tree with several kids' names ( of unfortunate families in the ward ) as ornaments still awaiting someone to take them off and purhase a gift (anamously). One of the Deacons in our class doesn't have a white shirt or tie and others donot own their own scriptures. We attended Tithing settlement yesterday as well and during this I found myself donating extra to a fund the Bishop has set up to help address Kids Needs during this time, but it still is not enough. We have so many lower income in our ward that it pricks my heart at times. . While driving home from church and even today, these examples have been haunting me. I waste enough money during the month that I could easily help these my brothers and sisters meet these simple desires and/or needs and as I write this post I am inspired to try a little harder to sacrifice my wants to help my fellow ward members meet their needs in the next weeks. Thanks for the thread.

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