For the ladies....


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...or any men with fashion sense.

What is the purpose of the little cloth (and now they are clear plastic) tab thingys sewn into the shoulders of blouses? I always thought they were to make sure that they don't fall off the hanger (I don't know what they are called--they are a one big loop thing). Now I'm wondering because they have changed from being cloth to a clear plastic (very similar to the straps on some bras that are to be worn with tank tops).

These things drive me batty. I don't need them at all--my blouses hang fine on a hanger and these thingys just hang out when I wear the blouse--which makes me fiddle with it or have someone comment that it's showing.

Please educate me! I'm taking my scissors to some in a moment.....

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They are for keeping the piece of clothing on the hanger. If I don't need them I cut them off. So if you don't see a need for them, Go for it!!!

However, there are a few pieces of clothing I have which do fall off the hangers, so I don't cut them off of those. I tuck them under my bra strap. . . then I'm not fiddling with them nor do they show.


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I work at a clothing store so I actually get angry when they DON'T have them! hahaha, but yeah, just take those scissors and have at it! Sometimes they're nice to have also even if your blouse doesn't fall off a hanger, it's nice to use those loops instead so it doesn't stretch out your top. But other than that, they don't seem to serve a purpose! :)

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The first thing I do when I get home from buying clothes, is to cut out every thing...hanger loops, size tags, "care for" tags, and even those they try to hide on an inside seam; and here I thought manufacturers had finally wised up, when they went "tagless"... ^_^

and here I thought it was illegal to remove those tags.....the tag Police will get you....:)
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