What to do for Mother's Day


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At the Branch I went to in Oregon, they always gave out 4" potted plants. There was an assortment, and I always picked a snapdragon. I would pot it outside of my kitchen window as soon as I got home from Church. They loved that spot. By the time I moved to AZ there were four HUGE plants in four different colors.

The sisters loved getting the potted plants. Those visiting our branch on that sunday got a plant too and always remarked that they wished their ward would follow suit.

The huge chocolate chip cookie was for the Fathers/Men on Fathers Day.

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Our ward gives out little boxes of chocolate truffles and a rose. The truffles come from some place in Utah and taste very good.

Ben Raines

Probably Utah truffles and they are excellent. I know the people that own that company. They used to bring me bags of them every week. Especially after one of their employees went into a grand mal seizure while I was ringing up her sale. I had to help her until the paramedics got there. They REALLY became my friends then.

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4" plants are nice. But not when you get geraniums year after year after year. I supposed I shouldn't even complain. It's the thought that counts right?

our ward used to give out african violets every year. my mom ended up with about 8 i think. we kept trying to kill them but they just wouldn't die.

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4" plants are nice. But not when you get geraniums year after year after year. I supposed I shouldn't even complain. It's the thought that counts right?

I love geraniums - they keep deer away. They don't like them at all, just like they don't like tomato plants. Way too aromatic for them. Bitter, nasty aromatic I mean.

I really don't like marigolds, though I do plant them in and around my root vegetables. Their roots repel microscopic insects that will kill root veggies.

I LOVE nasturtiums. I eat them. All but the stamen and the stems. The leaves and petals added to a salad of garden greens are wonderful! Pull the stamen out keeping the flower intact. Stuff the flower with cream cheese flavored any way you like. Place a "bouquet" of flowers on a plate of crackers and you have a very pretty, totally edible hors d'oeuvre.

Pam, they really should offer a variety of plants. It really wouldn't cost any more. It is just a matter of telling the nursery to give you a selection of 4" plants.

I had white, pink, red and deep burgandy colored snapdragons. They were so pretty growing under my kitchen window. They actually took up a 4 foot long section. Even though they are annuals, they became perennials in my garden. AND they smelled heavenly.

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Guest SisterofJared

Personally I think the WORST thing to be given is one of the little booklets... mother's day can already be a hard day because you listen to the speakers describe their "angel" mothers, and all the time you are thinking of the mistakes you have made and that you just aren't such an angel.... then to get a booklet that describing the virtues you should possess.... not good to me. Give me a plant over a booklet anyday, and I don't really want the plant!

One of my previous wards got it right.... See's candy. They had Key Lime truffles and some other (I can't remember what) individually boxed, then two boxes tied together with ribbon, and presented each sister with a set. So we each got two chocolates... which is perfect even for a diabetic who avoids sugar, 2 pieces of candy a year isn't bad. They did that every year, and one year even had sugar free candy for those who wanted it.

In my daughter's ward the youth served ice cream sundaies after church for mother's day. That was nice, even though it was slightly chaotic.

Now I want candy. LOL.

Sister of Jared

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Thanks everyone. I appreciate the suggestions.

Part of the problem in our ward is that we're on an extremely tight budget. There really isn't much available to put towards gifts. And our ward is so transient that we have to publish a photo directory every year. The directories cost us almost $3 each to print, and we've got 116 families in the ward (about 80 who attend regularly). As awful as it sounds, I think the ward could use the money somewhere other than Mother's Day gifts.

The suggestions for CD's and books crack me up. Most anything I can find would end up costing me about half of my administrative budget for the year. I'll go shopping for some deals, but I might have to resort to chocolate. Thanks for the sugar-free reminder.

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Personally I think the WORST thing to be given is one of the little booklets... mother's day can already be a hard day because you listen to the speakers describe their "angel" mothers, and all the time you are thinking of the mistakes you have made and that you just aren't such an angel.... then to get a booklet that describing the virtues you should possess.... not good to me. Give me a plant over a booklet anyday, and I don't really want the plant!

One of my previous wards got it right.... See's candy. They had Key Lime truffles and some other (I can't remember what) individually boxed, then two boxes tied together with ribbon, and presented each sister with a set. So we each got two chocolates... which is perfect even for a diabetic who avoids sugar, 2 pieces of candy a year isn't bad. They did that every year, and one year even had sugar free candy for those who wanted it.

In my daughter's ward the youth served ice cream sundaies after church for mother's day. That was nice, even though it was slightly chaotic.

Now I want candy. LOL.

Sister of Jared

While the chocolate sundaes sound yummy after Church..not practical in a building that has 3 wards back to back and the kitchen etc is used as a classroom.

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Last year the young men and women volunteered a night of watching all the wards kids. They did it I think the Tuesday after Mothers Day. They watched all the kids in the gym at church and had snacks. It was nice. Free baby sitting! Though, that wasn't anything the ward planned, just the youth.

That is the best gift you could give. It can't be given away,(I recall my mother giving us her candy to keep us quiet) It wouldn't cost anything and it isn't another thing to take care of like a flower.

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