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you can buy caffeine tabs at walmart and bronkaid at walgreens ...bronkaid it at the pharmacy, but no rx req'd

After last exhausting researched into the 90s, what was learned, it had to be the Ephedrine HCI version. This is high-grade pharmaceutical version currently made in Utah [st.George] that can be purchased over-the-counter.

Believe or not, there was research done in the 90s to see if this can control or alter the negative charged Neural transmitter for Bi-Polar. Problem found later is the amount of water and constant monitoring of toxicity levels.

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Yes I did Hemi...and wish I hadn't. But that's okay. I needed to do it and know where I'm starting off. I had my first official breakfast this morning...I never eat breakfast but will need to get into the habit.

Yogurt, banana and a glass of skim milk.

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What is hard for us, we have a glass door refrigator that is filled from water, yougart to sodas. Temptation is always there since I cannot eat a pizza without soda. Water or milk just doesn't cut it.

Yesterday weigh-in was 266.4lbs.

This morning: 264.7lbs.

Pam this is what I am referring too..a constant reminder of weight that will help aid in not eating junk. But no help with the convenience store. You are on your own with that issue. :lol:

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Honestly Hemi...I haven't had a problem with snacking at work in ages. Things seriously just don't look good to me there. My main problem is the fast food...wayyyyy too much fast food.

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I am a HUGE Vault drinker. Drinking one right now..but when I wake up in the morning...that's it. nada, zero, zip. I've done it before and I can do it again. I hope. lol

there is a story told of mark twain about smoking. one of his good friends once told him that he needed to quit smoking becuase it was so very bad for him and it would kill him eventually.

mark twain replied that he wasn't particularly worried about it as he knew he could quit whenever he wanted.

his friend was incredulous and asked him how he could be so sure.

"because i've done it," replied mark twain. "hundreds of times."

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Honestly Hemi...I haven't had a problem with snacking at work in ages. Things seriously just don't look good to me there. My main problem is the fast food...wayyyyy too much fast food.

i totally hear what you're saying here!!! working at a convenience store too, the food there isn't really that appealing to me, and rarely do i eat it. the problem for me is that after my 8-12 hour shifts of helping customers, being on my feet, cleaning up, in some cases preparing food....i just don't want to cook at home...espeically on my 40 minute drive home. plus, during those 8-12 hours, there's hardly time to sit down and eat. so i'll go the whole work day without eating and just want a 'quick fix meal'. so those darn fast food chains call to me....believe me, i'd much prefer a home cooked meal...maybe i should hire me a husband to cook for me...

as for the milk issue in this thread...i'm the opposite of you pam. i can't stand anything other than skim to drink, but i'll put 1% or 2% on my cereal.

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Caffeine was added later by the lead editor of EAS to stimulate the overall neuron firing between the transmitters and Aspirin to ensure it added additional 2-hours life and thinning the blood for faster transition of oxygen for the muscle cells.

What effect would this have on, say for instance, a Head Moderator?

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We sell many ephedra based products. Here is the latest that I have found on the ban of Ephedra.

A Utah state court judge declared the FDA ban on Ephedra, Ma-huang, as a drug wrong on of August 18, 2006. This means the FDA is entitled to pose restrictions and/or limitations on sales of pills with Ephedra. However, the FDA won't be allowed to write their own restrictions as they have done in the past. Any restrictions would be presented via a proposal. That proposal would then have to be voted on and passed through both the House of Representatives as well as the Senate.

Currently, this is only a recommendation since the FDA doesn't have legal control over the herb. For the moment, you can still legally buy pills with ephedra in the United States, however, that could change at any time.

I don't know if this ban was lifted only in Utah. But you can sure get it here.

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