Spirit World Family?


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Ok, I don't know much about the Spirit World. I haven't been to the temple so maybe there are teachings that answer this, but I don't know about them right now. In other words, this is a stupid question with no basis on fact or knowledge.

How did Heavenly Father choose the brothers and sisters we would have in this life? I am wondering if they could be the ones we had the most problems with in the Spirit world. Face it, sometimes our family can be the most difficult part of enduring to the end, but as we mature, we become closer and closer to our brothers and sisters. It's as if the trials of life draw us closer together.

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Dear Rico,

Sounds like there have been some struggles in your family but that they have bonded you and your siblings. I have heard a variety of answers to your question about how we came to have the family we have here in mortality. For sure, Father is guiding this. We chose our parents before we come. I have a feeling that some of us were essentially in the same relationship with our family members in the pre-existence as we are here in mortality. For each meeting, there is a purpose. I look at my own children, at their relationship with each other.... it is different from my relationship with my siblings. Fortunately the relationship that my own children have with their siblings is very close, supportive and caring. My sisters and I are a touch-base every once in a while sort of relationship. I wish on you the kind of relationship with your brothers and sisters as my own children have.

And no question is a 'stupid question'. There are probably many who wonder this same thing, and are glad you asked. I hope that someone else will also reply with a more in depth and detailed response. There is a lot of knowledge in the collective here. :)

And yes, in the temple you will learn more about your purpose and your understanding of the plan of salvation, to include pre-existence, mortality and our destiny will become more clear.

Will you be able to go to the temple soon?


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From what I understand, we knew our family, we knew what circumstances we would be born in to. The children to a family could be older spirits in the spirit world. WE actually were formed in to family units and loved and cared for each other very much. One thing we didn't know was just how hard it would be! Just like anything you want to do but have never done it before, you think you will be able to handle it with no problem. This is one of the main reasons we had to come and get a body and get mortal experience. You can't get it any other way!

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Ok, I don't know much about the Spirit World. I haven't been to the temple so maybe there are teachings that answer this, but I don't know about them right now. In other words, this is a stupid question with no basis on fact or knowledge.

How did Heavenly Father choose the brothers and sisters we would have in this life? I am wondering if they could be the ones we had the most problems with in the Spirit world. Face it, sometimes our family can be the most difficult part of enduring to the end, but as we mature, we become closer and closer to our brothers and sisters. It's as if the trials of life draw us closer together.

Some Christian creeds claim that God is a spirit, so large that He can fill the immensity of space, or so small that He can dwell in your heart. This is untrue. God is a corporeal being of limitless love and power who comprehends all of creation. It it the Holy Ghost who is a personage of spirit, and who can dwell in one’s heart. In fact, his companionship can be constant for those who have been baptized through the proper priesthood authority and who have had the gift of the Holy Ghost conferred upon them by the laying on of hands.

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Rico, I think two possible ways may have been used. The first was to place us all in spiritual type Bingo cage that would stop at a random number of spirits. Perhaps when he got to the Mormon and Catholic categories, He decided to increase the upper possible number.

The other way would be in a spiritual Scrabble manner, in which we were drawn once again at random and our family unit either spelled out something like food storage or else bvlkx.


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Family! Nothing hurts more, I swear! It must be with anything great.....it doesn't come easy but its worth it when its done right.

There is no doubt in my mind the pre-earth life personalities play a role in our relationships and in our growth because of those relationships. But I think more and more it is the family that is taking the biggest hit from Satan. I think he is attacking every relationship in the family. I think he uses our weaknesses and differences against us. I think he stirs us up to stuff like contention and narcissism and infidelity and deception and selfishness. I think he helps us to become overly offended over things that maybe we wouldn't otherwise. I think he helps us project our weaknesses on others and makes it very convenient for us to blame others for our discomfort or for things not going "right".

I think more than ever the proclamation on the family is the most profound warning for the world today. I think we need to rely heavily on Christlike Charity and that long list in the scriptures that describe what it is and make sure that we are applying ourselves to excellence in those areas.

How easy it is to see anothers faults or flaws! How easy it is to get bent out of shape over a misstated word or an innocent comment! We can do better. We NEED to do better! We need to be better spouses and parents and in laws and siblings! Thank goodness we have the institution of the family because it, more than any other institution, will bring refinement and safety when we commit to a higher way of living and reacting and relating.

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Guest ceeboo


I think more than ever the proclamation on the family is the most profound warning for the world today. I think we need to rely heavily on Christlike Charity and that long list in the scriptures that describe what it is and make sure that we are applying ourselves to excellence in those areas.

How easy it is to see anothers faults or flaws! How easy it is to get bent out of shape over a misstated word or an innocent comment! We can do better. We NEED to do better! We need to be better spouses and parents and in laws and siblings! Thank goodness we have the institution of the family because it, more than any other institution, will bring refinement and safety when we commit to a higher way of living and reacting and relating.

( Heavy applause ) from the Catholic guy in the back row !!!! :):):):):)

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While it is a nice warm and fuzzy feeling would someone please share with me scripture about these links being pre-mortal.

I do know that all things physical were created spiritually first. Not sure if that means my family as it is constituted. Families, yes, actual family, I am not sure.

Would love some scripture reference.


Ben Raines

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To make it personal and testament to those who want to know, our companions and children are those who we hang with in the pre-mortal life and not by chance they were born or married to us. :D

THis is something that I hope for and it makes sense. It totally makes sense because we already love each other.

"While it is a nice warm and fuzzy feeling would someone please share with me scripture about these links being pre-mortal." quote from Ben

My reference for these issues came from doctrinal books written by a prophet, such as, "Doctrines of Salvation" by Joseph F. Smith and "Gospel Scholar Series" by several authors. The most recent book I have read that REALLY explains things in a very easy to understand way, is Gospel Scholar Series by M. Catherine Thomas. These books don't just claim these things, they give the scriptural references as well as quotes from prophets.

I have found that when I am studying the scriptures on a regular basis, the SPIRIT can teach me things that aren't necessarily written out ver betum (sp?). In addition, when I read these deep doctrinal books, it teaches me that when the Spirit has taught me is right on! I would definitely recommend this last book, it is for sale now at Deseret Books.

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