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Near the time of Christ’s second coming, Adam will come again to Adam-ondi-Ahman and hold a great council. All the prophets who have held keys of priesthood authority upon the earth will come to this council to give a report of their work to Adam. Jesus Christ will then come to Adam-ondi-Ahman, and Adam will return the priesthood keys to him. Christ will then return to earth to begin the Millennium, the thousand years when Christ will live on and reign over the earth. Edited by bytor2112
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Who is the Patriarch of our race.. the father of all living beings on earth? The leader of the hosts of heaven and the only person who holds all priesthood keys and gives that authority to Jesus Christ?

Hemi -- check your PMs. I've got something I'd like to discuss with you.

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Near the time of Christ’s second coming, Adam will come again to Adam-ondi-Ahman and hold a great council. All the prophets who have held keys of priesthood authority upon the earth will come to this council to give a report of their work to Adam. Jesus Christ will then come to Adam-ondi-Ahman, and Adam will return the priesthood keys to him. Christ will then return to earth to begin the Millennium, the thousand years when Christ will live on and reign over the earth.

Joseph Smith will hand back all keys to Michael.

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Well, the second coming is certainly getting closer. The scriptures tells us of what will happen before He comes again... Like lots of war and corruption on the earth. Every year, it seems people get crazier and crazier like there's no end or care about consequences. I wonder what I'd be doing on that day...

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  • 2 weeks later...

My wife's says, " she will live well into the millenium" and my neighbor's 17 year old son's says he will live to see the return of the Savior.

SOunds like your Stake Patriarch is really special -- whether in a good way or a bad way we won't know till both your wife and the 17 year old passes. Barring accidents on the 17 year olds part it will be long after a 52 year old like me is gone.
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My wife's says, " she will live well into the millenium" and my neighbor's 17 year old son's says he will live to see the return of the Savior.

Howdy Bytor. :)

P. blessings are a lot like scriptures. None of us are really going to fully understand everything written in them. Many times we will read what we want to read, instead of what the Lord has left there for us.

We had a friend who's blessing said he would see the second coming, so he didn't get life insurance...he died in a car accident, leaving his wife and famly with nothing.

There are a ton of patriarchal blessings of pioneers and children of prophets, etc, that said "you will be in the flesh to whitness the second coming." Look em up. I'm sure several of them thought that would mean they would see it with their mortal eyes.

Just something to think about.

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SOunds like your Stake Patriarch is really special -- whether in a good way or a bad way we won't know till both your wife and the 17 year old passes. Barring accidents on the 17 year olds part it will be long after a 52 year old like me is gone.

Actually, I believe it was two different Patriarchs.......

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Near the time of Christ’s second coming, Adam will come again to Adam-ondi-Ahman and hold a great council. All the prophets who have held keys of priesthood authority upon the earth will come to this council to give a report of their work to Adam. Jesus Christ will then come to Adam-ondi-Ahman, and Adam will return the priesthood keys to him. Christ will then return to earth to begin the Millennium, the thousand years when Christ will live on and reign over the earth.

I'm not Mormon, but i'd like to read more about this, where can I find this revelation?

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