Hybrid Commandments?


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My wife's family is all Catholic. We invite them to important events in our religious life, even when one of us is giving a talk in Sacrament meeting. Many of them skip their services to come. In turn, they invite us to important events in their religious lives as well, and when they do, we skip our services to attend theirs.

How would this relate to the sin of leaving church to watch football? Is it just as bad? Not as bad? Not a sin at all?

Just curious.


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All this time I thought you were a female.

My wife's family is all Catholic. We invite them to important events in our religious life, even when one of us is giving a talk in Sacrament meeting. Many of them skip their services to come. In turn, they invite us to important events in their religious lives as well, and when they do, we skip our services to attend theirs.

How would this relate to the sin of leaving church to watch football? Is it just as bad? Not as bad? Not a sin at all?

Just curious.


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I, for one, am not ready to judge people who cherry pick suggestions as sinners.

If we are not 100-percent, we need to change something. It should be a daily ritual to review our lives to see where we are failing and make the necessary changes.

The part of sinning is to learn how to repent properly and not allowing it to fester overtime until it is a burden on ones life.

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Guest TheLutheran

. . .My wife's family is all Catholic . . .

Didn't this thread start with something like "Once upon a time on Superbowl Sunday, our Relief Society president said we shouldn't watch the Superbowl. My hubby . . . . "

Janice . . . . you have a wife? :confused:

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My wife's family is all Catholic. We invite them to important events in our religious life, even when one of us is giving a talk in Sacrament meeting. Many of them skip their services to come. In turn, they invite us to important events in their religious lives as well, and when they do, we skip our services to attend theirs.

How would this relate to the sin of leaving church to watch football? Is it just as bad? Not as bad? Not a sin at all?

Just curious.


Are you Janice's husband posting on her account? If so, that is not appropriate forum ettiquette. Please create your own account.

I do not see a problem with the above because both services are Christ centered.

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Ok I hope you all get the Humor in this.... I was looking at a thread.... there was a post by crytsprospect my old account mname which I lost due to a computer crash , time away and probably stupidity on my part... anyway I resigned up and have been prospectmom for awhile.... back to my story I was looking at a thread with crytsprospect there... what did I do of course report it ... someone using my old account ;} anyway looked again later that day and realized it was me .... I hadn't looked at the date... Duh I am such a goof :]

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Side note Pam, why is it when we view OP personal information it is yellow and hard to see? Can we correct this problem?

What OP personal information are you referring to? Their profile? Is so what part of their profile?

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It's possible the default color is yellow...Unless someone changes their background or their text color..it's going to stay that way. I have been having to hi-light the contact area to read or to see the link I need. I never see the yellow..All I see is a blank area.

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Thank you for having the faith and courage to part ways with your family's religious traditions and beliefs and for following your own course. That could not have been easy, and I commend you for it. Keep up the good work!


It was awkward at first.. but it's fine now -- they respect what I believe. It took a while for them to believe that I was using my brain in deciding where to attend church. Frankly.. my parents stance is "at least he's going to church" ^_^

I've made it very clear that my family comes before the church. If our church didn't emphasize the family unit so much.. I wouldn't have joined to be honest. I won't be getting married in the temple.. that was the big one. When I get married it will be in a regular church.. and when the time is right i'll get sealed in the temple. (I think i've found a loophole to the 'one year penalty' :cool: )

I owe that much at least to my mother. The chance to see me get married.. I can't take that from her.

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I've made it very clear that my family comes before the church. If our church didn't emphasize the family unit so much.. I wouldn't have joined to be honest. I won't be getting married in the temple.. that was the big one. When I get married it will be in a regular church.. and when the time is right i'll get sealed in the temple. (I think i've found a loophole to the 'one year penalty' :cool: )

I owe that much at least to my mother. The chance to see me get married.. I can't take that from her.

Correct. Anyone in leadership will tell you the same. Your greatest work will be done not in the church but in the walls of your home. Meaning, your family.

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My wife's family is all Catholic...Janice

:huh:. No, it's just me. I inherited some sort of dyslexia from my father. You say turn right, and I turn left. It's a good thing my left hand makes an 'L' with index finger and thumb, so I know which is which. East? West? Thank goodness for mountains. You tell me your house number is 1821 and I will knock on 1812. I introduce my niece as my nephew and vise-versa. My sister is my brother. And yes, from time to time, my husband is my wife. I think it comes from part honest-to-goodness dyslexia, and part being extremely ADD and having my mouth run faster then my brain.



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Ironically this is why I barely go to church anymore. Trying to keep the kids reverent enough to not disturb others during church (which starts at nap time) leaves me in an frustrated mood where Christ is the furthest thing from my mind.

In stake conference last year this subject was brought up. Basically, we want to arrive at least five minutes early, though ten is better, so we can listen to the prelude music and prepare for the meeting. This is a good time to get the kids situated. Before leaving is a good time to remind the kids what sort of behavior you expect out of them. However, this does not mean that we should expect Sacrament Meeting to be completely quiet. There will always be the sound of babies and children, and parents whispering to their children. There will always be the occasional burst of loud sound. Such things should not detract from the spirit of the meeting.

I know what it means to have church start during nap time/lunch time. Have plenty of snacks (preztels, apple slices), activities (coloring, books, blank paper), and sit in the back so you can go outside without bringing too much attention to yourself.

Having active children should not bar you from going to church. The very idea makes me feel sad. Your children need the routine of going to church, it will make life so much simpler later.

Here are a few good articles I found, though I've not managed to find the General Authority quote I was looking for.

LDS.org - Ensign Article - Enjoying Sacrament Meeting with Children

LDS.org - Ensign Article - Teaching Children to Worship

LDS.org - Ensign Article - How We Improved Reverence

I hope this helps.

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