Help! How to love!


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I am 21. I am a male. I was wondering if anyone could tell me what qualities i should look for in a perspective bride to be. Tell me what you look for, or what you love in your spouse. I want to know what i should learn to love about a potential spouse. Give me broad answers, and specifics, anything and everything you think might pertain. How do you know that he/she is the one? Help me please!!!

Edited by ldsconvert122
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Guest Godless

After being convinced three times that I had found "the one", the most important thing I've learned about love is that the best way to know it's real is if it's still there after "the spark" dies. It sometimes takes a long time for that to happen, but until it does, you'll never know for sure. Basically, the initial feelings of love that people feel when they start dating is a mess of hormones and chemical deviations in the body and brain. More often than not, it equates more to infatuation than actual love. When it wears off, the chemistry between the two individuals involved tends to wane as well. If your feelings for each other can survive this initial "infatuation" period, then you're in great shape.

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trust me, if it is the one, you will know from that moment on, with no doubt.

people say there's no such thing as love at first sight, only because they have never experienced it. I'm not just talking about looks either.. you will know what I mean when you find her.

general answer: the person you can be yourself with, as if they arn't there.. if you can understand the meaning there.

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I am 21. I am a male. I was wondering if anyone could tell me what qualities i should look for in a perspective bride to be. Tell me what you look for, or what you love in your spouse. I want to know what i should learn to love about a potential spouse. Give me broad answers, and specifics, anything and everything you think might pertain. How do you know that he/she is the one? Help me please!!!

First, make sure you're the kind of person you want to be when you get married, if you're looking for a bride. Know not just that you're a righteous person, but understand your own strengths and weaknesses.

Second, date a lot of women if you haven't already found someone you think you could marry. Try to pinpoint specific character traits that you like, that attract you, and that repel you. Knowing the general characteristics of a good bride (for you) will be important in making the final decision.

Third, unless you're told so in your patriarchal blessing, chances are that there's multiple women in the world that you can have a loving, celestial relationship with. Don't fret over finding the 'perfect soul mate' or about losing a current prospect if something seems 'off'- there's plenty of fish in the sea. Also, remember that principle applies to guys as well, so if you do find a woman you might want to marry, go after her with all the zeal you possess.

Fourth- good luck!

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I am 21. I am a male. I was wondering if anyone could tell me what qualities i should look for in a perspective bride to be. Tell me what you look for, or what you love in your spouse. I want to know what i should learn to love about a potential spouse. Give me broad answers, and specifics, anything and everything you think might pertain. How do you know that he/she is the one? Help me please!!!

I have a wonderful husband whom I love and who loves me dearly. There's nothing like it for my marriage!!

I love that my husband has a pure heart, is without guile, is sincere, patient and kind. He is soo devoted to me....He holds nothing back but is willing to give his all to make our marriage work. I am so grateful and humbled that HF would give me such a wonderful person.

He waited years for me; yet, was willing to go his whole life without being married and apart from me, if that was what I had wanted~In the end, HF brought us back together again and we ended up getting married!

Friends say we still act like "newlyweds" even though we have now been married for almost four years. This is because we never take for granted the beauty of what we have in our relationship.

In my husband, I have found my home, a place to rest and be comforted. I feel very safe with him, and that heals me often times when life is hard.

I love him dearly, just as he loves me. We try, both of us, really hard, to make it work!

Best of Luck


PS, You may want to look up the attributes of "Charity," or the Pure Love of Christ in the New Testament/Book of Mormon. They will describe what "true love" is.

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One of the things that attracted me to my husband was, he loved me for me. He didn't mind my flaws. (Even perceived ones.) He would listen to me and make me feel my opinion was valued. He accepted my crazy family.

He made me a better person -- I wanted to be a better person.

He was my friend first. We built on that.

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Bytor, lemme guess--your wife's name is Jessica?

I don't want to pick apart Brookshes' post--if love-at-first-sight worked for him, then great--but don't get locked into a mindset that it has to be that way.

Somewhat echoing Godless' sentiments, a cousin of mine once put it this way: You won't always love your wife. But you should always like her. (I realize that some would say the reverse is true, but the point is that a solid relationship will have a strong element of friendship and mutual respect.)

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I am 21. I am a male. I was wondering if anyone could tell me what qualities i should look for in a perspective bride to be. Tell me what you look for, or what you love in your spouse. I want to know what i should learn to love about a potential spouse. Give me broad answers, and specifics, anything and everything you think might pertain. How do you know that he/she is the one? Help me please!!!

Ask Heavenly Mother....that is what I did. ;)

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Here's what you gotta do, brother.

1. Find a girl

2. Take her to the Sizzler

3. When she's not looking, hide a ring in the cottage cheese on the salad bar

4. Suggest that she try some cottage cheese. Not because she's fat, but because you think she would like it.

5. When she scoops some cottage cheese and sees the ring, you get on your knee.

6. Depending on how many dates you've taken said girl on (and whether or not you live in the Provo area), she will either cry or run away.

7. Eat some steak

8. Live happily ever after.

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Loooooooong suffering! No one will last these days, if oen is not forgiving or if one hangs in small things. Ofcourse everyone tries to show the best sides when seeing a girl/boy one likes... but those good sides will eventually vanish and the you who you are will come forth. What would one do IF..... there are millions of IFs... just make sure you endure each others ifs.

You will hurt one an other in one way or an other on the way even without meaning to hurt, it will happen... question is WHAT are you going to do about it.... when it happens. Can you ask for forgivenes or are you too proud for it, can you forgive or are you too proud for it?

My DH p***** me off as he hates sports ANY sports and I am a trainer, he also is a very dull person.. I really have no idea why I love him :eek:


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Things that drew me to my wife. How her family interacted with one another when no one else was around. How she was raised. Her testimony of the gospel and whether or not she attended her meetings faithfully. How she reacted around small children and animals. Listened to her describe her passions and dreams. How she treated me around her friends and others. Was she temple worthy? What were her lifes goals? Did she dress modestly and was she bodily clean? Was she a good listener.

Did we have a lot in common? Did she treat me with respect. Did we have the same views on raising children? What was important to her? Did she have a sense of humor and adventure? Was she someone I would be honored to marry.

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Guest missingsomething

I dont think anyone here can tell you what to look for in a girl for a lasting relationship. Of course you know to take it slow -but you know that - not lust but love - .... When I was 16 we had a dating workshop and was told to prayerfully make a list of physical, emotional, and spiritual qualities of our "Ideal mate" Divide each list in three columns... MUST HAVE... BONUS... and DEAL BREAKERS - then dont compromise on the must haves and the deal breakers!

So here's a piece of advice people may think is cliche... but PRAY ABOUT HER. If there is ANY doubt... Then its a no go. Trust me - from someone who KNEW this advice, but chose to go my own way - its NOT worth it in the long run.

And good luck - no relationship worth having is easy and there are many bumps to overcome - just make sure you have someone willing to work!

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Guest missingsomething

Here's what you gotta do, brother.

1. Find a girl

2. Take her to the Sizzler

3. When she's not looking, hide a ring in the cottage cheese on the salad bar

4. Suggest that she try some cottage cheese. Not because she's fat, but because you think she would like it.

5. When she scoops some cottage cheese and sees the ring, you get on your knee.

6. Depending on how many dates you've taken said girl on (and whether or not you live in the Provo area), she will either cry or run away.

7. Eat some steak

8. Live happily ever after.

LMBO.... HOLY HECK! LMBO... I might pee my pants! Darn laugh button is missin!

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