So what is wrong with the Nicene Creed?


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Guest Believer_1829

I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible.

And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all worlds; God of God, Light of Light, very God of very God; begotten, not made, being of one substance with the Father, by whom all things were made.

Who, for us men and for our salvation, came down from heaven, and was incarnate by the Holy Spirit of the virgin Mary, and was made man; and was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate; He suffered and was buried; and the third day He rose again, according to the Scriptures; and ascended into heaven, and sits on the right hand of the Father; and He shall come again, with glory, to judge the quick and the dead; whose kingdom shall have no end.

And I believe in the Holy Ghost, the Lord and Giver of Life; who proceeds from the Father and the Son; who with the Father and the Son together is worshipped and glorified; who spoke by the prophets.

And I believe one holy catholic and apostolic Church. I acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sins; and I look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Amen.

I don't hold it to be "scripture," but as a Christian I do hold it to be a reasonable guide to what the Bible says...

My two problems...

being of one substance with the Father

And I believe one holy catholic and apostolic Church

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What you guys need is a Chinese menu of Faith. Pick one from column A and one from column B. Make up some cool stories add in some of your own work to makeup for the slight insufficient nature of God so you can make a small purchase of Heaven and poof you are in. Its a real shame to devote yourself to something all your life and miss the mark. I think if you believe your works will help you get to heaven you will never have enough good works. When you are dead in your sins you are powerless to help yourself. Im sure there are a lot of good people in here but your good and your works do nothing to get you into heaven.

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"Nothing is final until you are dead and even then I'm sure God negotiates." - Ever After

I don't know why I just wrote that. But, it popped in my head while reading the last post.

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The scariest thing about that last comment is that that persons vote cancels mine out.

Thats why we are in the shape we are in

Wrong. See, you're not thinking straight. You presume I am American and has a vote. I'd be worried that your vote cancelled some good American's.

But then, I never did see the logic between my post and your response... meh, just another dumb Asian, huh?

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08-14-2009 12:19 PM

antsyl What you guys need is a Chinese menu of Faith. Pick one from column A and one from column B. Make up some cool stories add in some of your own work to makeup for the slight insufficient nature of God so you can make a small purchase of Heaven and poof you are in. Its a real shame to devote yourself to something all your life and miss the mark. I think if you believe your works will help you get to heaven you will never have enough good works. When you are dead in your sins you are powerless to help yourself. Im sure there are a lot of good people in here but your good and your works do nothing to get you into heaven.

Antsyl, if you are 100% correct, I have a feeling that we aren't going to be allowed in Heaven because, after all, we devoted ourselves to something all our lives and missed the mark.

Also wanted to correct: "you believe your works will help you get to heaven you will never have enough good works." We believe we do all we can, (not all we "want") and the Atonement will make up for the rest. God is a God of Laws, but He is also forgiving.

My problem with the Nicean Creed is that it was a bunch of mean, centuries after Christ, putting labels and definitions on Christ and democratically voting on the nature of God. What God Is, God Is. We are all here making our own life journies, and we need to come to these conclusions through study and prayer, not by reading a statement written by early politicians ;)

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One more thing about the Chinese Menu of Faith.

You can think about faith as a menu if you'd like. I prefer thinking of a big, big building full of windows. Some windows on one side, some on another. Some are high up; some are near the floor. Some are dirty and only let a pinprick of light through; others are glorious big things. Some are colored, some are not; some reflect back the image of the person who looks at it.

Now. If we consider each window to be a religion, and the light of the sun to be God's Truth, naturally windows with a lot of truth will be similar to windows that let in even more truth. So, if we say several religions have certain truths, and one religion has more truths, naturally the religion with more truths will share certain traits/beliefs/characteristics with other religions.

Clear as mud? ;)

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Guest Believer_1829

What you guys need is a Chinese menu of Faith. Pick one from column A and one from column B. Make up some cool stories add in some of your own work to makeup for the slight insufficient nature of God so you can make a small purchase of Heaven and poof you are in. Its a real shame to devote yourself to something all your life and miss the mark. I think if you believe your works will help you get to heaven you will never have enough good works. When you are dead in your sins you are powerless to help yourself. Im sure there are a lot of good people in here but your good and your works do nothing to get you into heaven.

I didn't read all 7 of the preceding pages, so maybe your post isn't as random as it seems in relation to the topic...

I would agree with you that our works don't amount to a hill of beans and won't be the thing that gets us into heaven, in fact a wise old King from the Book of Mormon agrees with us also...

Mosiah 2: 21

21 I say unto you that if ye should serve him who has created you from the beginning, and is preserving you from day to day, by lending you breath, that ye may live and move and do according to your own will, and even supporting you from one moment to another—I say, if ye should serve him with all your whole souls yet ye would be unprofitable servants.

I would argue however, that works are evidence of our faith and that faith without works is dead...

Question: Do you believe no works are required for salvation?

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Guest Believer_1829

I understand that LDS have a problem with the Godhead being of one substance, but, am I wrong, or does it not teach that there is but one catholic (small-c, meaning universal) and apostolic church?

Depends on what "one" is... I'd guess. From what I understand, the LDS teaches that there is indeed one true church, but it does not teach it in the same sense that many Protestants understand it.... that it is one church with many denominations. For the LDS, they are the denomination.

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