weapons in the home?

Guest Ceeboos_Boss

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Guest Ceeboos_Boss

I was wondering what people on this sites feelings are about having weapons in the home (with or with out children)..

I'm not sure how I feel about it just yet so I though id look for other peoples thoughts.



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Being a rep for the church and the Savior [smiles here], I am careful in not being explicit in presenting the notion of purchasing a weapon for the reason of killing others.

If you plan to purchase such, buy something that can do the job right. As a former military member, I can attest, not all handguns, rifles, shotguns can do the job. :)

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I was wondering what people on this sites feelings are about having weapons in the home (with or with out children)..

I'm not sure how I feel about it just yet so I though id look for other peoples thoughts.



Get a custom bore handgun firing the classic .700 Nitro Express cartridges.

Then you can say, "This is the most powerful handgun in the world. If I fire this, it will break both of my wrists, probably knock me on my bum and deafen everyone within thirty feet. When I fire, it won't matter if you're behind a wall. It will erase your torso and leave only your head, two arms and two legs lying neatly on a pile. You think Dirty Harry was hardcore? I'm a Mom."

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Get a custom bore handgun firing the classic .700 Nitro Express cartridges.

Then you can say, "This is the most powerful handgun in the world. If I fire this, it will break both of my wrists, probably knock me on my bum and deafen everyone within thirty feet. When I fire, it won't matter if you're behind a wall. It will erase your torso and leave only your head, two arms and two legs lying neatly on a pile. You think Dirty Harry was hardcore? I'm a Mom."

Ever consider the Desert Eagle?

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Just make absolutely certain they cannot get to them, and make sure they understand weapon safety if they SHOULD come across them on accident. Otherwise I cannot think of why you couldn't have them in your home.

Good point, It's like a kitchen knife, it is better to show the kids, explain the danger and tell them not to touch it then hide it from them and hope they won't find it.

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Guest Ceeboos_Boss

I don't hide my guns from my kids. I exposed them to the realities of what a handgun or rifle or shotgun can do at a young age and taught them gun safety. They understand by first hand witness what awesome destructive power a gun can wield. Now they aren't curious.......

How old are your kids?

My son is A crazy wild monkey. He 7

And he loves PLAY GUNS and I think that is one of the things im most scared of.

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Guest Ceeboos_Boss
Good point, It's like a kitchen knife, it is better to show the kids, explain the danger and tell them not to touch it then hide it from them and hope they won't find it.[/QUOT

it is just so scary to have a gun in the home.. I hear all the time on the news how kids get a hold of there parents guns:eek:

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Guest Ceeboos_Boss

Get a custom bore handgun firing the classic .700 Nitro Express cartridges.

Then you can say, "This is the most powerful handgun in the world. If I fire this, it will break both of my wrists, probably knock me on my bum and deafen everyone within thirty feet. When I fire, it won't matter if you're behind a wall. It will erase your torso and leave only your head, two arms and two legs lying neatly on a pile. You think Dirty Harry was hardcore? I'm a Mom."


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Guest Ceeboos_Boss

Tch! A mere .50 caliber? Why would you do that when you can get custom bore guns firing Elephant Gun ammo?

I mean... Sure... You might say something like "I don't like recoil breaking my wrists" or "You're completely insane."

I say the bigger the caliber, the better off you are!

I say funkytown has lost his mind or hates to be serious! :)

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Tch! A mere .50 caliber? Why would you do that when you can get custom bore guns firing Elephant Gun ammo?

I mean... Sure... You might say something like "I don't like recoil breaking my wrists" or "You're completely insane."

I say the bigger the caliber, the better off you are!

Caliber is not the issue but the how the bullet is made and the grains it carries.

How bout a smart AI 22mm size sniper [we called the mini-Tomahawk] round that locks on you as a target> ^_^ [idea that was given back few years ago].

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it is just so scary to have a gun in the home.. I hear all the time on the news how kids get a hold of there parents guns

Without wishing to get overly judgmental: kids get a hold of guns because they were not stored properly.

Some people just aren't usually careful/conscientious/obsessive-compulsive enough to put the gun back in the safe after every time they have it out. I think a potential gun-owner should honestly ask him/herself if he/she is willing to put the time, effort, and money into storing a gun properly after each and every use; if not, and there are kids in the house, maybe a non-lethal weapon like a Taser or pepper spray would be a better option.

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I have a .38 revolver on my coffee table, a .22 semi auto pistol on my dinner table, a .45 on my nightstand, and 3 longguns in the closet

If you have guns, don't do that. Especially if you have kids.

I know someone who keeps the guns handy, but will only have bullets on his person. They're never available in the house, but he carries them. This prevents issues with the gun being found by kids.

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If you have guns, don't do that. Especially if you have kids.

I know someone who keeps the guns handy, but will only have bullets on his person. They're never available in the house, but he carries them. This prevents issues with the gun being found by kids.

no kids, no chick, just lil old me, so the guns lying all over the apartment are of no danger to anyone except a home invader....

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I was wondering what people on this sites feelings are about having weapons in the home (with or with out children)..

I'm not sure how I feel about it just yet so I though id look for other peoples thoughts.



Are you gun enthusiasts or you were thinking more for protection? It does make a difference.

If you are think about a weapon for protection I would suggest a shotgun. Go to Walmart and purchase a Mossberg 500 BANTAM, a good trigger lock and a bunch of shells. Take or basic NRA safety course and you would be ready to go. The idea is to have a weapon that is easy to use and just about fail proof. With a shotgun you aim in the general direction and you can hit anything at 30 feet.

You do have to show you kid a video about gun safety and what guns do to children. It will shock him but that is the idea and to remove the temptation to go and try play with it. When you bring it home you have to let him see it and handle it a bit and then you put it away. Someplace where you can get to it on a hurry if need be, with a trigger lock ON. The key on a magnet glued to the wall high up 2 feet from there.

Anything else, in terms of weapons and objectives requires a lot more money, training and more expensive safety measures.

Edited by Islander
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wow. you Americans sure love your guns. i'm 27yo and ive never even seen a gun besides television. or maybe the butt of the gun in an officers holster, but ive never seen out of the holster or close up. i was thinking about going to America to see the salt lake temple one day, but maybe i'll consider staying here. :o

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wow. you Americans sure love your guns. i'm 27yo and ive never even seen a gun besides television. or maybe the butt of the gun in an officers holster, but ive never seen out of the holster or close up. i was thinking about going to America to see the salt lake temple one day, but maybe i'll consider staying here. :o

Yeah, it is in the country's DNA. That is why we wrote it into the constitution. Hope not, but you never know when the people need to defend themselves from tyranny again.

Beyond that, just like there are people who play cards as a pass time, in the US there are shooting and hunting clubs. Others want to feel they can protect themselves and their families. Most invasion rubberies end up with somebody dead. as penalties increase in severity criminal figure that witnesses are a serious hazard so they do kill them. Some families would like to do something (purchase a weapon) and plan for their own home protection.

Temple Square in Salt Lake is just beautiful. And there is nobody with guns hanging on their hips on the street, if that's what you are thinking. So, do come and visit.

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