weapons in the home?

Guest Ceeboos_Boss

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I was wondering what people on this sites feelings are about having weapons in the home (with or with out children)..

I'm not sure how I feel about it just yet so I though id look for other peoples thoughts.



I like having a gun in the house when we are in L.A. but we never have one onboard the boat when we are cruising. Our boat is our home so we never have one. The regulations vary too much from country to country and the reason we cruise is to get away from that type of situation.

It depends on your experience wth weapons, your body size and possibly where you live as to what type. I'm a big guy with no kids in the house, I prefer the shortest legal 12 gauge shot gun with a pistol grip, loaded with slugs or 00 buck kept within reach of my bed. If you have no experience you really should find some one to teach you and shoot a few guns before you purchase. Once you purchase a gun you should fire it at the range as much as you need to, to be proficient and safe with it.


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Topic of weapons, hmmm let me gather my thoughts, ok ready,

Guns-Its in the constitution that we not only can but should (open for interpitation) carry firearms, the constitution being inspired. So if God told these men to put it in the constitution I say he is telling us to carry. (open for interpitation) I personally keep a glock .40 under my pillow or on my hip every where I go, I have others and plan on buying many more. I have heard of missionaries (on current missions) carrying in Atlanta, who knows where else. Read Mosiah Hancocks (LDS pioneer) diary, he and others carried thier rifles into the temple, and Brigham Young knew of it/okayed it. I say guns are great BUT, we that hold them should not depend on them. While able to we need to prepare to protect ourself physically as well (hand to hand). Remember guns are great but there are a few problems, reloading time, distance, jamming, availablity and rediness of ammunition. A knife/sword is more effective in situations under 20 feet and dont run out of ammo. The government can take our guns from us at any time if we give them enough power to. So it is important to have other types as well. Future wars will be fought with information instead of wars. So what you say and do and keeping your identity secure is important as well.

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Kids and weapons-my daughters are 2 and 1 1/2, they know daddy carries a gun to work to shoot the bad guys, they know that daddys guns, knives, swords, nunhucks, shurikens.... are dangerous, their biggest problem now is knowing who the good and bad guys are. So they as toddlers have a decent concept of what they are for. They understand death and injuries as best as they can comprehend at thier age. Everything is still kept out of thier reach.

For FunkyTown though the nitro is powerful, if you miss or have both multiple enemies and broken wrist you are putting yourself in a good situation to be a victim, maybe if we mount it directly in front of the front door? Glock is making a .50 cal for production soon, when I saw that I was drooling, 10,000 rounds through it, dropped multiple times, dirt in it and still fires.

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I have a .38 revolver on my coffee table, a .22 semi auto pistol on my dinner table, a .45 on my nightstand, and 3 longguns in the closet

now you need one in the bathroom, question, what if your in the bathroom and someone comes in the front door? now you dont have one and they have one of the ones on the table?

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Gaspah, the danger of visiting America has been vastly overstated. Seriously, come on over and visit! You're from the land of killer crocs and rabid kangaroos, so nothing here will faze you. You'll have no troubles in Friendly America as long as you remember some simple, common-sense rules:

  • When shaking hands, extend your right hand slowly, and keep your left hand visible at all times.
  • Never look another man directly in the eye. Ever.
  • If you accidentally encounter someone on the street, DON'T PANIC. Just back away slowly.
  • Don't be a fool -- never go out without your body armor.
  • If you hear gunfire nearby, COUNT. Most revolvers hold six rounds.
And remember: "Gun control" means you hit what you're aiming at.

See you soon, mate!

Which animal that has killed more Americans? Bambi the deer. ^_^

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Guest Ceeboos_Boss

I went to the gun range ONCE, I handled a gun 3 times and that's all the experience i have with weapons.I fired a few different guns and they all felt to heavy and to big for my hands.

But there was a lady next to us who had a little gun that could fit in the palm of her hand and that one looked perfect for me. But someone said those guns may not do me any good? Is that true???

When I was at the range I must say that my shot was right on target but it also took me 5 to 10 minutes between shots.

I was really scared holding the gun,I think the thought of what it could do scares me to death but I wonder if that's a normal feeling for everyone in the beginning?

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Guest Ceeboos_Boss

True..they do not have 'stopping power'. What weapon intimates or have a sociological affect on others? The Shotgun.

I really cant see me shooting a shot gun. just the thought of it makes me laugh and reminds me of an old western:)

so whats small but has power and not 2 much kick back ? I dont wanna land on my bottom if I shoot it.

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I went to the gun range ONCE, I handled a gun 3 times and that's all the experience i have with weapons.I fired a few different guns and they all felt to heavy and to big for my hands.

But there was a lady next to us who had a little gun that could fit in the palm of her hand and that one looked perfect for me. But someone said those guns may not do me any good? Is that true???

When I was at the range I must say that my shot was right on target but it also took me 5 to 10 minutes between shots.

I was really scared holding the gun,I think the thought of what it could do scares me to death but I wonder if that's a normal feeling for everyone in the beginning?

I don't know i grew up with guns. I would suggest going to the range a few more time but if you are afraid of what they can do (after more experience and training) DON'T get one. Get a Rottweiler instead. More to clean up but you won't have to worry if you will have what it takes in a bad situation. A good trained dog goes off automatically in a home invasion senerio. Plus they can't be used against you, and work when your not at home.

The gun you are trained on is the best gun to have.

In other word while smaller calibers can be less effective then their larger cousins but proficiency is far more important then caliber.

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I really cant see me shooting a shot gun. just the thought of it makes me laugh and reminds me of an old western:)

so whats small but has power and not 2 much kick back ? I dont wanna land on my bottom if I shoot it.

look at a 9mm, its the caliber that MPs and alot of police carry, lightweight, and not much recoil.....

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I'm all for weapons for self and family defense and hunting... I would just make sure that they are properly taken care of and that anyone with access to said weapons knows exactly how powerful they are, that they're not a toy, and that they know how to use them properly and for reasonable circumstances... We don't need more folks running around shooting each other/themselves in the face, there's enough of that :o So I suppose that anyone with access to a weapon in your home should also be able to be trusted to wield it :D

My mom was adamantly against having guns in the house when I was growing up (even toys). My wife's dad stores his rifles in an unlocked cabinet in the living room... I have a baseball bat by the bed (we don't exactly live in a crime-ridden area and I've never hunted a day in my life) and if need be, I'm fine with having a gun in the house and making sure that we all know how to use it.

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I really cant see me shooting a shot gun. just the thought of it makes me laugh and reminds me of an old western:)

so whats small but has power and not 2 much kick back ? I dont wanna land on my bottom if I shoot it.

The military has invested a lot of money in a better auto shotgun that has small limited recoil. The after effect is practical usage for the civilians to employ such technology.

In the heat of urban battle, there are two sounds that the enemy recoils from, the 50 and shotguns.

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Guest Ceeboos_Boss

I don't know i grew up with guns. I would suggest going to the range a few more time but if you are afraid of what they can do (after more experience and training) DON'T get one. Get a Rottweiler instead. More to clean up but you won't have to worry if you will have what it takes in a bad situation. A good trained dog goes off automatically in a home invasion senerio. Plus they can't be used against you, and work when your not at home.

The gun you are trained on is the best gun to have.

In other word while smaller calibers can be less effective then their larger cousins but proficiency is far more important then caliber.

Do 2 fat & lazy goldens count?

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Guest Ceeboos_Boss

I'm all for weapons for self and family defense and hunting... I would just make sure that they are properly taken care of and that anyone with access to said weapons knows exactly how powerful they are, that they're not a toy, and that they know how to use them properly and for reasonable circumstances... We don't need more folks running around shooting each other/themselves in the face, there's enough of that :o So I suppose that anyone with access to a weapon in your home should also be able to be trusted to wield it :D

My mom was adamantly against having guns in the house when I was growing up (even toys). My wife's dad stores his rifles in an unlocked cabinet in the living room... I have a baseball bat by the bed (we don't exactly live in a crime-ridden area and I've never hunted a day in my life) and if need be, I'm fine with having a gun in the house and making sure that we all know how to use it.

The funny thing is- is that I have a bat under my bed, I have mace and pepper spray, I have to dogs, I live in A very safe area & my hubbys home every night.

LOL maybe its time for the meds??????;)

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Guest Ceeboos_Boss

Let's see...I have bats in my attic, no mace but some old nunchucks in the garage, and ground pepper in my kitchen.

Yep, I'm all set.

I know, my husband must think im nuts

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Do 2 fat & lazy goldens count?

If they bark, yes, actually, they do count. It won't stop someone who has decided to specifically target you or your hosue. But if you're a burglar out making the rounds, there are plenty of homes to choose that don't have dogs, so why bother with a home with dogs?

Good fencing, good landscaping that doesn't offer a place for a bad guy to hide, good nighttime lighting, dogs - all of these are more useful than a gun when it comes to avoiding or deterring a potential random burglar/home invader.

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Guest Ceeboos_Boss

If they bark, yes, actually, they do count. It won't stop someone who has decided to specifically target you or your hosue. But if you're a burglar out making the rounds, there are plenty of homes to choose that don't have dogs, so why bother with a home with dogs?

Good fencing, good landscaping that doesn't offer a place for a bad guy to hide, good nighttime lighting, dogs - all of these are more useful than a gun when it comes to avoiding or deterring a potential random burglar/home invader.

wow, it seems like you have really thought about this! I thought I was the only one! thats great that someone has the thoughts as me... I cant wait to tell hubby im not the only one!!! :):):):)

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how about claymores in the hallways?

Not enough swinging room, those things are huge! Great katanas are out for the same reason. Crossbows though, that I like.

It's great that people have kids that will understand and respect guns enough that they will leave them alone and are not curious about them. My little spawn and her cousins, however, are enthralled with Star Wars: Clone Wars to the point where they tried to make their own lightsabers using parts of an electric fence (yes the zappy parts), a couple of sparklers left over from New Year's Eve, rope, and a couple sticks of bamboo. Sparks and hilarity ensued (so I was told, I was at work at the time).

I can just imagine the conversation involving projectile weapons:

Jer: Hey let's pretend the stray cats are evil Sith lords and we have to stop them!

Elijiah: Ok, let's grab our lightsabers!

Genie: Why do we always have to be Jedi? Let's be Sith!

Jer: But we don't have red lightsabers...

Genie: We can be droidikas! I'll go get mom's guns!

Yeah no guns in my house for about 5 more years.

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