Hi, from LDS Conservative

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I've been registered on this site since Dec-2008. I've mostly just browsed through some of the discussions, haven't posted until now.

I live in Utah, active in the Church. Served a mission in Haiti (2001-2002). I love the gospel. I love studying doctrine.

Along with the many great truths within our scriptures, I am grateful for the many teachings of the Lord's prophets that allowed me to understand what the scriptures mean in Ether 8: 18-26 (and specifically the commandment to "awake to a sense of your awful situation").

After learning these things I was inspired to create a website, LatterdayConservative.com: Home*-*LDS Prophets, America, Freedom, Liberty, Constitution, Mormon Politics to provide a resource for people to learn what the Prophets and Apostles have said about America, Freedom and the Constitution, in accordance with Ezra Taft Benson's counsel:

"Second, We must learn the principles of the Constitution in the tradition of the Founding Fathers. Have we read the Federalist papers? Are we reading the Constitution and pondering it? Are we aware of its principles? Are we abiding by these principles and teaching them to others? Could we defend the Constitution? Can we recognize when a law is constitutionally unsound? Do we know what the prophets have said about the Constitution and the threats to it? . . .

Edited by ldsconservative
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Hi welcome. I am translateing videos in to my laguage and I also have "met" Davidcat. Really nice videoes. I try to learn to upload them and insert the text as subtitles... but I just had a backlash as I tried to put it on the YouTube it "could not convert it" GRRR I have no idea why that happens.

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