View 1st edition B of M with Joseph Smith's Preface

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It is interesting to note that the original 16 pages of translated record have not been found. As Joseph Smith related, He was instructed to not interpret the same pages again because of conspiring men whiting to subvert the works of God.

The complete Gold Plates were given back to Moroni. We will one day have them again to receive the closed portion.

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it is interesting to note that the original 16 pages of translated record have not been found. As joseph smith related, he was instructed to not interpret the same pages again because of conspiring men whiting to subvert the works of god.

The complete gold plates were given back to moroni. We will one day have them again to receive the closed portion.


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Great find! I wonder what ever happened to the lost/stolen plates... I'd imagine they were probably melted down and sold or something of that nature... But I LIKE to imagine that they're in someone's attic somewhere waiting to be re-discovered... Preferably Indiana Jones style :)

The plates were never lost. It was the translation of the plates -- words on paper -- that comprised the 116 pages that were lost. The plates were returned to Moroni, according to Joseph Smith's own account, complete with the Book of Lehi and the much larger, sealed portion of the plates that contain scripture not yet available to us.

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After reading more on this thread, one item I do remember from the first several pages of the 1830 Book of Mormon on the above link, is that it read so much easier without all the numbering. It was originally meant as a narrative and now you can read it that way again.

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Great find! I wonder what ever happened to the lost/stolen plates... I'd imagine they were probably melted down and sold or something of that nature... But I LIKE to imagine that they're in someone's attic somewhere waiting to be re-discovered... Preferably Indiana Jones style :)

Only the translated pages were stolen not the plates .. they went back to Heavenly Fathers library with the rest of the plates.

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Be it remembered that the front page contained these words:

"to the convincing of the Jew and Gentile that JESUS is the CHRIST, THE ETERNAL GOD, manifesting Himself unto all nations."

This is and always has been the work and purpose of Mormonism.


I think we've done very poorly in describing to the world that Jesus Christ is the ETERNAL GOD (as opposed to just be a "god"). In fact, I don't think I ever heard a General Conference talk that proclaimed it and it is absent from "Preach My Gospel" and the previous 6 Discussion methodology.


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