Jesus - Why?


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Last night we had some elders and another couple from the ward over for dinner, and a conversation came up while driving the elders back before the turned into pumpkins, mice, or whatever else happens when the clock hits 9PM.

The question is- and i'm afraid i'm not doing it justice- what made Jesus uniquely qualified to do what he did? Statements like "he was the only begotten son", etc are true and wholeheartedly believed, but don't serve to answer the question since the question can also be paraphrased as "why does that allow him to do what he did?"

I look forward to your thoughts and will relay them on to interested parties :)

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First he was the first born. Birthright.

But more what allowed Christ to do what he does because of how he was born. being really a half God and half mortal it gave Christ the completely unique from any other of God's children. It allowed Christ to bridge the gap between a fallen Mortal world, and a God sinless person.

Now we had somebody that didn't really fall into either realm. Christ then could pay the demands of Justice for us, and satisfy the demands of an eternal law.

Now why was Christ the one chosen, all we know is he had progressed farther then any of God's spiritual children. It really made it so he was the only one that could be the savior.

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Last night we had some elders and another couple from the ward over for dinner, and a conversation came up while driving the elders back before the turned into pumpkins, mice, or whatever else happens when the clock hits 9PM.

The question is- and i'm afraid i'm not doing it justice- what made Jesus uniquely qualified to do what he did? Statements like "he was the only begotten son", etc are true and wholeheartedly believed, but don't serve to answer the question since the question can also be paraphrased as "why does that allow him to do what he did?"

I look forward to your thoughts and will relay them on to interested parties :)

"...what made Jesus uniquely qualified to do what he did?"

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being by Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being......and the Word became flesh.

There is much more to say on this subject, but I think the above says it best. Jesus is the only way to God. Your faith must start and end with Jesus. God Bless, Jim

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what made Jesus uniquely qualified to do what he did?


Maybe Jesus was intelligent enough not to try to throw a bunch of individual spirits into a prefabricated box, (you know, that old box that mere mortals seem to put someone in when they don't really know them or just judge them unfairly for some UN-enlightened reason or another.)because of their looks, their clothing, their associates or their habits.

Jesus had a heart good enough to look past or through all the material things in life in order to see, know and realize the Spirits Inside and not just the the outer covering or the hidden habits or even the wicked ways.

He wasn't prejudice of others, he didn't discriminate against others unfairly.

He Loved!

Jesus had Heart, more than any before or since.

Edited by GingerGolden
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That is the best question ever.

And it is a joy to study, ponder, and pray about.

I wrote a book about it, but in the end it can all be summed up in one word.


Most definitely! Well said... I too, at one time, tried to explain Christ in more depth. There is only one word needed.


It is wonderful and amazing to ponder the depth and breadth of His Love for us.


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I don't want to minimalize this question, or to seem to bring Jesus down to our level. It might seem like that's what I'm doing, but its really not. What makes your bishop uniquely qualified to be your bishop? What makes the prophet uniquely qualified to be the prophet?

He was chosen by the Father. Had He not been, any other reason would be moot. Sure, He held the right of the Firstborn, but that alone did not qualify Him. As we see on earth, some who have held the right of the firstborn in their families have fallen and it was given to another.

I do believe it was because of His unsurpassed love and devotion to the Father and His Father's plan, which in turn meant He loved us as well. But, in the end, the Father foreordained Him for this purpose. His words to Pilate in the New Testament confirm this.

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Jesus the Christ is a most important title. We are told in scripture that there are several unique things about Jesus that qualify him as the G-d of fallen man and the Christ to save fallen man.

1. Jesus is the First born of the Father. Many think this means the oldest. Although he is sometimes referenced in this manner I am not sure it is correct. In ancient time the first born was the most noble born or most noble. It is interesting that in all the types and shadows of the scriptures where two in the same household sought the birthright of the father that it always was given to the younger. The point is that Jesus is the most noble of all the children of the Father.

2. According to LDS theology there was a great counsel in heaven where the Father made known his “Plan of Salvation” for his children. An integral part of his plan involved a Christ or savior. When the signup sheet was passed around there was only one volunteer to complete the mission. The other so-called volunteer intended to alter the plan to his advantage. The point here is that Jesus was the only one that volunteered to be the Christ in the Father plan.

3. Jesus was never fallen and was never subject to the fall of Adam and Eve.

4. Jesus was the only begotten of the Father in the flesh. This relates to #3 and though Jesus called himself “The Son of Man” he was not flesh in the sense that he was fallen and as such subject to death. He could not die by having his life taken but could only die if he gave himself to death.

The Traveler

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My perspective is that Jesus actually lived the 2 greatest commandments. He Loved God, and He loved neighbors, even enemies. His close communion with God allowed him to know his own heart better, and to Love beyond his human defense mechanisms, self-centered and self-righteous motives. When Love is honest, humble, centered, then it is true, honest, pure from the toxic affects of being theologically comfortable, generous to the point of self sacrificing, faithful to the point of risking his own life in challenging conventional wisdom and the powers that Be, and more. I don't know how or why Jesus was able and willing to do this, but I'm grateful.

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I've given the question some more thought and wanted to give a better concrete answer than my previous response.

What made Jesus uniquely qualified to do what he did?

1) Jehovah understood the Fathers plan of salvation better than any of the other spirit children. This is best understood by studying the pre-existence. The Bible deals with the pre-existence in only a cursory manner. Luckily we saints have been blessed with further knowledge and have an excellent history of the pre-existence. I recommend studying The Pearl of Great Price in detail (especially Abr 3 & Moses 1,4,6), Alma 43-44 is and excellent symbolic description of the war in heaven (I just learned this btw, thanks to Justice who also made a post in this thread), and of course the Temple ceremony.

2) Christ was able to live a perfect example and a sin-free life. He made NO mistakes. He had a character, will, and knowledge that allowed him to make perfect decisions and execute those decisions. Have you ever tried to have a "perfect day" give it a shot. It's difficult. He was able to part the veil at an early age and had a clear vision of our pre-earth life and eternal perspective that other mortals don't seem able to understand. He was a spiritual giant.

3) He was able to complete the Atonement. You can study the atonement all day long. It is the central theme of Christianity. Its all over the scriptures. But some of the best comments that I have experienced are within latter-day confrence talks. Take for example Elder Jeffery R. Holland's talk from today's confrence. There seem to be at least 2-3 atonement talks during each confrence. They are powerful. Good testimony meetings are also helpful. But the bottom line to understanding the atonement is - LOVE. He loves us and wants us to be able to over-come the effects of sin and return to live and progress with him and the Father. In the end, that is why he chose to partake of the bitter cup.

4) He had power over death. He allowed himself to die. And He was able to resurrect himself.

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Jesus is the First born of the Father. Many think this means the oldest. Although he is sometimes referenced in this manner I am not sure it is correct. In ancient time the first born was the most noble born or most noble. It is interesting that in all the types and shadows of the scriptures where two in the same household sought the birthright of the father that it always was given to the younger. The point is that Jesus is the most noble of all the children of the Father.

Couldn't agree more.

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