Easter Services


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My response to another post got me thinking: What was your easter Sunday service like?

I ask this as I was very disappointed with mine,very impressed with a church of England service I went to on Monday. I thought, now THEY know how to celebrate easter!

RS followed the manual and we had a lesson on peacemakers. Except it turned into the teacher talking about an experience with a suitcase on holiday. :confused:

Sunday school was on the law of consecration. hmm.

I didnt hear the speakers in Sacrament meeting as I had to take my hubby home as he wasnt feeling well. But my sister in law said the Bishop gave a 5 minute talk on Christ. The last speaker spoke of feeling the spirit.

I was very disappointed, especially as there were LOTS of investigators there. And we wonder why people think we are not Christian??

I hope this was just my ward and other wards had Easter service as such. I dont think I heard the words 'resurrection' mentioned ONCE in 3 hours.

When I lamented this to family they said, 'oh, yes but we have to follow the manual'. :confused::confused::confused: why??! Its easter Sunday. Surely we can deviate from a schedule for ONE Sunday to celebrate the resurrection and atonement?

I'm looking forward to hearing what your ward did :)

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Our Sacrament meeting was a fabulous trio of speakers who talked about Christ's ministry, Atonement, death and resurrection. They bore amazing testimonies of Christ's role, and the Spirit was powerful. It was like hearing Elder Holland's talk all over again. :)

We weren't able to attend the classes, but it's generally been my experience that some teachers will insert an Easter lesson and others are more comfortable following the manual.

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I pulled a muscle in my back so I couldn't attend. I had taped the entire 4.75 hours of The Ten Commandments so that became my worship service.

I missed taking the sacrament that day but was soothed by watching Charleton Heston turn gray after taking with God. A very Nicean depiction of God. Reminded me of the value of prophets and the Spirit touched my heart when I realized how much we know of the nature of God.

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My response to another post got me thinking: What was your easter Sunday service like?

I ask this as I was very disappointed with mine,very impressed with a church of England service I went to on Monday. I thought, now THEY know how to celebrate easter!

RS followed the manual and we had a lesson on peacemakers. Except it turned into the teacher talking about an experience with a suitcase on holiday. :confused:

Sunday school was on the law of consecration. hmm.

I didnt hear the speakers in Sacrament meeting as I had to take my hubby home as he wasnt feeling well. But my sister in law said the Bishop gave a 5 minute talk on Christ. The last speaker spoke of feeling the spirit.

I was very disappointed, especially as there were LOTS of investigators there. And we wonder why people think we are not Christian??

I hope this was just my ward and other wards had Easter service as such. I dont think I heard the words 'resurrection' mentioned ONCE in 3 hours.

When I lamented this to family they said, 'oh, yes but we have to follow the manual'. :confused::confused::confused: why??! Its easter Sunday. Surely we can deviate from a schedule for ONE Sunday to celebrate the resurrection and atonement?

I'm looking forward to hearing what your ward did :)

Did you take the opportunity to offer a sincere pray to Heavenly Father in asking for the Spirit to be with them in there talks?

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I didnt hear the speakers in Sacrament meeting as I had to take my hubby home as he wasnt feeling well. But my sister in law said the Bishop gave a 5 minute talk on Christ. The last speaker spoke of feeling the spirit.

Sounds like an Easter message to me?

I was very disappointed, especially as there were LOTS of investigators there. And we wonder why people think we are not Christian??

You were disappointed with Sunday School lesson and RS? Not with Sacrament meeting because you were not there to be disappointed by it.

I dont think I heard the words 'resurrection' mentioned ONCE in 3 hours.

You didn’t hear the bishops talk? Do you know if he talked about the Resurrection? Atonement?

Its easter Sunday. Surely we can deviate from a schedule for ONE Sunday to celebrate the resurrection and atonement?

This would get even more people complaining!

1. What we don’t follow the lesson from the prophets every week

2. I have to come up with my own lesson, I can’t follow the manual

3. Are we going to skip an important lesson?

You do realize why General Conference comes in April right? Far more is spent on Easter during General Conference. But I guess that still isn’t good enough.

My Priesthood lesson was about Joseph Smith in Liberty Jail

The Sunday school lesson was about the Law of Consecration.

Sacrament meeting had one lady talk about the Resurrection and the Atonement ( maybe 10 mins).

Another guy bore his testimony.

The last speaker talked about Christ in general, words from prophets about Christ, nothing really about the Atonement, but about how we can follow Christ more.

So it was a completely failure because two of the hours wasn’t around Easter?

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I just personally feel that on Easter Sunday, more time should have been spent talking about the purpose of easter. At christmas we have special services, why not at easter? Its amazing how church members dont think it is unusual not to really focus our meetings on Easter. And yes, conference was more easter related, i was just surprised that it wasnt made more of a deal of. But it sounds like my ward was the exception, which is no surprise. I dont like my ward.

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Our Sacrement meeting was fabulous. One sister sang the new hymn "In His Hands" (?) from the Ensign and had trouble making it through. The message was very powerful. Another sister spoke and told a story about man who met Christ and never opened his heart until the crucifiction and was found dead of a broken heart at the bottom of the cross. She also sang "His Hands", then we sang "I Stand All Amazed" ... I lost it ... the witness to me was so powerful I could hardly see.

The lessons in SS & RS were great as well. BTW the lessons for SS & RS are as outlined and under direction of the General Authorities. This binds the enitre world together because we are all studying the same thing the same day ... although I think I am a lesson behind for my teens ... must have messed up during Stake conference.

All in all a very very very spiritual day.

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Our Easter service was a.ma.zing, and intrestingly enough, it was the youth speaker who really hit it out of the park. He spoke for 40 minutes, and the Spirit was there the entire time. He quoted some of Elder Holland's talk, but mostly it was him paraphrasing the story of the Atonement in an amazing way. The other three speakers (one of them from the HC) cut their talks and focused on the highlights of the youth speaker's talk, repeating some things and bearing their testimonies, and then the choir sang a beautiful song inbetween there. It was awesome.

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