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Greetings, I was reading the Book of Mormon last night and came to 1Nephi, chapter 11, verse 8.

8 And it came to pass that the Spirit said unto me: Look! And I looked and beheld a tree; and it was like unto the atree which my father had seen; and the beauty thereof was far beyond, yea, exceeding of all beauty; and the whiteness thereof did exceed the whiteness of the driven snow.

Nephi remarks that this "Tree"s whiteness exceeded the whiteness of driven snow. Now would have Nephi seen snow before seeing he was from Jerusalem ? or am I missing something?

Thanks for your time.

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Perhaps he had heard of snow and what it looked like. Someone who has lived all their life in say Hawaii may never have seen snow in person but knows that it exists and can be white. I think he is just using it as a comparison.

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Greetings, I was reading the Book of Mormon last night and came to 1Nephi, chapter 11, verse 8.

8 And it came to pass that the Spirit said unto me: Look! And I looked and beheld a tree; and it was like unto the atree which my father had seen; and the beauty thereof was far beyond, yea, exceeding of all beauty; and the whiteness thereof did exceed the whiteness of the driven snow.

Nephi remarks that this "Tree"s whiteness exceeded the whiteness of driven snow. Now would have Nephi seen snow before seeing he was from Jerusalem ? or am I missing something?

Thanks for your time.

There are times where it did snow in the 'Land of Jerusalem'.

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Greetings, I was reading the Book of Mormon last night and came to 1Nephi, chapter 11, verse 8.

8 And it came to pass that the Spirit said unto me: Look! And I looked and beheld a tree; and it was like unto the atree which my father had seen; and the beauty thereof was far beyond, yea, exceeding of all beauty; and the whiteness thereof did exceed the whiteness of the driven snow.

Nephi remarks that this "Tree"s whiteness exceeded the whiteness of driven snow. Now would have Nephi seen snow before seeing he was from Jerusalem ? or am I missing something?

Thanks for your time.

There is snow in the hillsides around Jerusalem and Jordan during the winter. Occasionally, the snow falls around 1000 ft which will be sufficient for flakes to reach the northern plain where Lehi's family lived.

Snow blankets Jerusalem in Mideast freeze -, Philippine News for Filipinos

Jerusalem Photos :: Snow :: Snow 2008

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I was once in Syria going west towards Lebanon and got caught on a blizzard in the middle of spring!! I know it is totally counter intuitive but hey, it is God's green earth after all and the weather is of His making.

The BoM speaks of things that most people do not understand, know about or have a clue of what it means but I have first hand experience in the region. Precisely because of those descriptions that were anachronistic in 1830, I know that it was an eyewitness account. Nephi was indeed there for nobody knew or understood these things at the time.

And yes, you Canadians have a quasi-monopoly on snow but a few others get some now and again....hehehehe...

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. . . northern plain where Lehi's family lived . . .

What the . . . you better have proof for this "northern plain" stuff. The BoM does not state where in Israel Lehi lived. Maybe you knew Lehi in a previous life or something? Maybe you knew a guy up in Calgary named Lehi? Either of those could be true, but it's not in the BoM (see: Word Search: northern plain ).
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What the . . . you better have proof for this "northern plain" stuff. The BoM does not state where in Israel Lehi lived. Maybe you knew Lehi in a previous life or something? Maybe you knew a guy up in Calgary named Lehi? Either of those could be true, but it's not in the BoM (see: Word Search: northern plain ).

Hey, hold your horses Paco!!!

It is true we do not have any specifics about where Lehi lived. But we know that Lehi did not live in the city of Jerusalem. They probably lived north of Jerusalem in the plains that surround the Jordan River. Remember, they are descendants of Manasseh and that is the geographical area/land of their inheritance.

Beyond that and although the weather may have changed in the last 2500 years somewhat, it snows pretty much exclusively north of Jerusalem. This is what I speak of when I said that the BoM lays out facts that unless you have been there or studied the region they may escape casual reading. Nephi points to that fact: 2 Nephi 25

Feel better now?

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Hey, hold your horses Paco (hey, how did you know I'm hispanic, oh wait was it the same ESP that told you where Lehi lived) . . . Feel better now? (and no I don't, so don't patronize me)

Nope, you are still speculating. That makes you just as dangerous as some ridiculous apologist trying to explain all things Mormon. Keep that crazy stuff for FHE so the only people you are abusing are your children who probably don't listen anyway.

Now if you really want to trump me use a map ( Bible Maps: The Division of the 12 Tribes ). While this map shows where the tribes lived, it still does not show where Lehi lived.

One day we will know where Lehi lived and what he traded in, but that time is not now so don't get all breathless from some red-herring insight you think the world ought to know as well. Stick to Lehi's message not what we don't know or can't prove through scripture or prophetical collaboration (ie.. something from the first presidency).

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Nope, you are still speculating. That makes you just as dangerous as some ridiculous apologist trying to explain all things Mormon. Keep that crazy stuff for FHE so the only people you are abusing are your children who probably don't listen anyway.

Now if you really want to trump me use a map ( Bible Maps: The Division of the 12 Tribes ). While this map shows where the tribes lived, it still does not show where Lehi lived.

One day we will know where Lehi lived and what he traded in, but that time is not now so don't get all breathless from some red-herring insight you think the world ought to know as well. Stick to Lehi's message not what we don't know or can't prove through scripture or prophetical collaboration (ie.. something from the first presidency).

Gooooosh, chillax man. It was just an expression.

I showed you that yes, it does snow in Israel every year. So now you do know that Nephi was talking about something he had witnessed. We also know that it snows in the north, not in the south. That should give you an idea of where Lehi would have lived with his family, which makes sense given their tribal affiliations.

Of course we do not know for sure, and there are a million other things we do not know with certainty but with three out of four you can triangulate. Keep it simple; the OP asked about snow and that issue was settled.

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I showed you that yes, it does snow in Israel every year.

I know it snows there, but I wasn't discussing the snow, I was discussing you speculating on the completely pointless. Rub some snow in your face, it'll help you keep up with the flow of the conversation.

. . . keep it simple; the OP asked about snow and that issue was settled.

I recommend you follow your advice.

Triangulation?!? Just another method to speculate and patronize those you think you are smarter than.

Make your point (not the one about snow, anyone can look up Israel's weather to know it does snow occasionally . . . what if Lehi traded as far away as Turkey where it does snow? He could have seen it there, but then it doesn't matter; we don't know where Lehi traded either . . . all that does matter is that he knew snow was white enough to create a simile with snow in it, otherwise WHO CARES???) without the speculation and without all the blither blathering.

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I know it snows there, but I wasn't discussing the snow, I was discussing you speculating on the completely pointless. Rub some snow in your face, it'll help you keep up with the flow of the conversation.

I recommend you follow your advice.

Triangulation?!? Just another method to speculate and patronize those you think you are smarter than.

Make your point (not the one about snow, anyone can look up Israel's weather to know it does snow occasionally . . . what if Lehi traded as far away as Turkey where it does snow? He could have seen it there, but then it doesn't matter; we don't know where Lehi traded either . . . all that does matter is that he knew snow was white enough to create a simile with snow in it, otherwise WHO CARES???) without the speculation and without all the blither blathering.


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