Hello from a Newbie


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Hello all:

I'm a Christian who is thinking about becoming apart of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. A little background on me... I've been Christian all of my life, though my dedication has varied. I went to a Catholic church for several years when I was a little kid (19 years old now), and then stopped. Several month ago, I decided it was time to stop being lazy and "walk the walk." I started attending a non-denominational church weekly, every day I read the Bible and an excellent daily devotional a friend gave me, and got rid of all the things and habits (nothing illegal or immoral!) that would prevent me from being the best Christian as possible. My life has improved greatly, and my faith is strong. I started looking around at the different denominations, and came across a few LDS websites. I'll be honest, at first, I thought Mormon beliefs were too weird for me to be apart of. But once I started thinking about it, it started to make more and more sense.

As I kept crossing denominations off because I don't agree with their beliefs or way of doing things, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the only one that has stuck. I've been doing a lot of praying lately to see if this is the direction God wants me to go, so here I am doing research and investigating.

I've been to pro-Mormon and anti-Mormon sites during my research. The pro-Mormon websites have had the most convincing arguments, because they present evidence to back their claims up. I've noticed anti-Mormon websites, however, use a lot of "fluff" and make sensational claims about Mormonism that they don't back up with scripture or evidence. They are also impetuous: "OMG!! Look at this! Evidence the BoM and Momormism is fake! Members are leaving the church in droves!" That got annoying quick and led me to believe that if the only thing anti-Mormon websites can do is appeal to the emotional and ignorant side of people instead of their rational, thinking side, then maybe I was onto something.

I only have a few unresolved questions that I would like to have answered before I possibly make the jump to become LDS.

And one of the biggest things for me, is not having any family members who are LDS. I would be the first. I don't care what they think of me being a Mormon, but I guess it's the awkwardness that I'm the first and only that I don't like. I do know a few Mormons in real life and on the internet, and they are all stand up people. Another part to that is if someone asks me how long I've been LDS and I say "A couple of days; two weeks; six months", etc. I don't want to be looked down on because I'm new, though I'm sure that's an unfounded fear.

So there ya go! The encyclopedia version of my life story. If you read the whole thing, thanks for reading. If not, I don't blame you! I'm looking forward to becoming an active member on this forum.


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Don't worry about the family part. That might change. Also, find a FHE family. Someone you can go to Family Home Evening with. That might be people like yourself (if you are single, find a singles group) or it might be a family with ten kids.

When you meet the missionaries, ask them if they can help you find one.

Unknown to most people, being a new member is the best part. Eventually you will be so new, that after forty years you will still laugh and smile at something you've never noticed before in the scriptures (I did this morning, it was just great).

Welcome to LDS.net. I'm glad you are here.

Aaron the Ogre

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Hi, Seekos!

I just arrived on this board myself, and so far so great.

I converted to the Church at 24, and am still the only member in my original family, as far as I'm aware. I married into a long-time LDS family, though.

Your research and reactions to it make a lot of sense to me, but I would urge you to also take Moroni's advice in Moroni 10:3-5. Read the Book of Mormon and pray to know the truth of what you read and what you have learned about the Church. It's my opinion that we're meant to use both study and the guidance of the Spirit to arrive at truth.

Hoping to have a lot more conversations with you!

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welcome........as for your questions.......i, too, am the only member of my family to be mormon......so what?.....lol......i mean, it makes no difference........and secondly, being a new member is not looked down upon at all, from my experience......but if someone does do this, i'd say that person is a bit confused about some things........sounds like perhaps someting a child would do.....i wouldn't worry about it.........i joined at age 46 in 1998........was welcomed warmly by everyone i met.......i'm sure you will be too if that is your wish

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Thanks for the intro and welcome.

I knopw about beeing the only one in the family, but I am sooo happy I joined and at least most of my own family are active members. I really feel blessed.

Dont worry about answering I been a member for a day, a week.... it really is great to be able to answer that!!

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