The Disney Marketing Machine


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Guest Godless

I happen to be a big fan of south park, and there was an episode a few weeks ago regarding that very was great.......anyone who's interested can see it on south park .com.......i think thats the address........draw your own conclusions. is the address, and that was a fantastic episode.

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I love Disney in that I love the Disney cartoon classics. But the constant pushing down my throat everywhere I turn the Disney stars from the Disney channel is sickening.

Though I suppose those with younger kids, having role models like Hannah Montana, Lizzy McGuire and a few along that line are much better than other supposed role models the kids have to follow.

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Disney may be a shameless marketing machine, but they put out really good songs. I've had that song from Brother Bear going through my head for days....*hums to herself 'tell everybody I'm on my way, new friends and new places to see...'* Koda is adorable!

YouTube - On my way - Brother Bear

Edited by talisyn
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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Alana

I'm tired of the marketing machine in general. Disney or otherwise. This is why I don't have cable. Best move I ever made. At first you might think, what will we do to unwind after the day? I don't mind if my kids watch tv. It's on before breakfast, after lunch and a night time show, more if my husband wants to watch a show, he loves tv.

We get netflix. Plus tons of shows are available online. We rent a lot of shows from the library. We own over 200 dvd's. We buy them used at garage sales, never more than $4 bucks each. SO, there's plenty to watch when we want to watch, but I can control everything my kids watch.

We house sat for our neighbors a while ago. We had dinner there and watched tv. At the end of the night we realized something interesting. All the shows we watched that we liked, we'd already seen before. (most amazing cop chases, a show about cats, some reality shows) We had seem them all over 2 years ago when we had cable. Plus, my son wanted pretty much everything he saw on there. Then two interesting things happened. We turned on ABC Family. WOW> If two teenage girls making out is a family show, no thanks. Also, we were watching 'survivor' at 7pm, and it had commercial breaks that included really scary movies. I don't want my kids to see that!

Oh and the commercials in general, so flashy, so needy, so loud, yeah, I don't miss cable.

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I think I agree with all of you. There is nothing better than Goofy and the little mermaid. But I am with you Alana, I think I am sick of the marketing machine. It is like everyone is on promoting overload. I wonder if our culture will really look like the Tom Cruise movie, Minority Report, where you can't walk anywhere without someone yelling your name to sell you something.

And if it wasn't for my need to watch Ghost Hunters (OH! and let's not forget Ghost hunters International).....Hee hee hee.......then I would join you in turning the cable off. Well, except for the fact that I would have to go back to rabbit ears. YUCK. I think I like having a clear picture when we do watch TV.

Well, there is always Hulu, I spose.

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Beyond not having cable, since the digital switch, we only get one channel of regular TV at our house! ^_^ But we do have DVD's and NetFlix, although we're starting to cut down on how many DVD's the kids are allowed to watch during the day (typically one after lunch, because watching a movie is the only fool-proof way I've found to get my almost-3 year old to take a nap), and one at night before bedtime. And we always have a Friday Night Movie Night where we watch a family movie and pass around the popcorn. I can't remember the last time my kids saw a commercial for anything other than another movie. I LOVE it.

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