Officially a pandemic


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Like it's a big surprise. Swine flu was officially declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization today.

Statement to the press from the Director-General of WHO: WHO | World now at the start of 2009 influenza pandemic

Article from the Associate Press: WHO: Swine flu pandemic has begun, 1st in 41 years - Yahoo! News


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I think that the virus threatens those in developing and third world countries. They're the human beings that we should be concerned about.

However, if it did get bad... maybe there could be good in it. We need something to bring us together.

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The Swine for creating this flu? I'm sorry that I have to be so serious when you're making a joke, but this flu is either:

1. Laboratory engineered (which is fairly unlikely)

2. Caused by factory farming conditions where living conditions for animals are filthy (this is the same in so-called developed countries, too).

The latter is the likely cause. It's like if you put human beings in filthy conditions, it doesn't take long for disease and sickness to come about.

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The Swine for creating this flu? I'm sorry that I have to be so serious when you're making a joke, but this flu is either:

1. Laboratory engineered (which is fairly unlikely)

2. Caused by factory farming conditions where living conditions for animals are filthy (this is the same in so-called developed countries, too).

The latter is the likely cause. It's like if you put human beings in filthy conditions, it doesn't take long for disease and sickness to come about.

It's actually the fault of Satanist anti-Mormon liberal abortionist global-warming-believing Mexican homosexual Illuminati. :D:P


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Like it's a big surprise. Swine flu was officially declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization today.

Statement to the press from the Director-General of WHO: WHO | World now at the start of 2009 influenza pandemic

Article from the Associate Press: WHO: Swine flu pandemic has begun, 1st in 41 years - Yahoo! News


If President Woodruff vision ever came true, we will suffer a global pandemic with Ebola.^_^

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I'm disappointed in you for spreading disinformation.

It's the SAMLAGWBMH Mafia, not Illuminati.:D

I had to say "Illuminati" because my coworker has started going conspiracy theorist. He'll tell people, "I don't normal believe in conspiracy theories, but the way things are going... " and then proceed to explain all about the Illuminati. I just let him have at it, smile, and think to myself that the Illuminati are THE conspiracy theory par excellence. :D


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I had to say "Illuminati" because my coworker has started going conspiracy theorist. He'll tell people, "I don't normal believe in conspiracy theories, but the way things are going... " and then proceed to explain all about the Illuminati. I just let him have at it, smile, and think to myself that the Illuminati are THE conspiracy theory par excellence. :D


Depending on how much he's told you may find this interesting reading: New World Order (conspiracy theory) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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I had to say "Illuminati" because my coworker has started going conspiracy theorist. He'll tell people, "I don't normal believe in conspiracy theories, but the way things are going... " and then proceed to explain all about the Illuminati. I just let him have at it, smile, and think to myself that the Illuminati are THE conspiracy theory par excellence. :D


Depending on how much he's told you may find this interesting reading: New World Order (conspiracy theory) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Does anyone have a current death count of swine flu versus the regular flu for this flu season?

Per the article linked in the OP there are an estimated 30,000 cases of swine flu, to put that into perspective the US according to the CDC (cite) had ~36,000 flu related deaths on average for the 93-94 and 02-03 seasons. As far as world wide flu stats they are estimated at 250,000 to 500,000 yearly deaths (cite) caused by Swine Flu's more pedestrian cousin.

I know its not exactly what you are requesting, but its what I could find.

Edited by Dravin
Condensed my two posts into one.
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The Swine for creating this flu? I'm sorry that I have to be so serious when you're making a joke, but this flu is either:

1. Laboratory engineered (which is fairly unlikely)

2. Caused by factory farming conditions where living conditions for animals are filthy (this is the same in so-called developed countries, too).

The latter is the likely cause. It's like if you put human beings in filthy conditions, it doesn't take long for disease and sickness to come about.

You have errored not understanding how viral strains are created. Filth is where bacterial infestations are generated not viruses. Flues like the “bird” flu or “swine” flu are developed when humans live too closely to their animals and thus a virus is generated that can infect both as hosts.

Many people do not understand the danger that can result from sharing their living quarters with pets and other animals or care so little about their own children or consider their pets as family (equal to children) that they are willing to take the risk – that for the most part is very low.

But in environments where human nutrition is low and thus individual immune systems are weak are ideal for creating dangerous viruses. This is why such problems almost always arise from less developed countries.

The Traveler

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The article I linked stated 144 swine flu deaths so far, compared to 500,000 (normal) flu deaths in an average year.

Thanks. My understanding is that most of the deaths are people who have had other underlying medical conditions. While this strain may bear keeping an eye on it, I don't know that the global scare is or was warranted. As with many sicknesses, flu shots and basic hygienic cleanliness will be enough for most people to keep this at bay.

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Thanks. My understanding is that most of the deaths are people who have had other underlying medical conditions. While this strain may bear keeping an eye on it, I don't know that the global scare is or was warranted. As with many sicknesses, flu shots and basic hygienic cleanliness will be enough for most people to keep this at bay.

Most of the deaths have been people who aren't normally target demographics for normal flu. They're not infants, old people, or others with chronic illnesses. Swine flu hits in the middle.

With the pandemic level raised, drug companies are fast tracking production of a vaccine against swine flu, but it still won't be available en masse for several months. It also poses another problem: they can't produce a swine flu vaccine and a normal influenza vaccine simultaneously. There will be another flu shot shortage this year.

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Oh, I understood that Traveler - I just didn't see the need to go into detail. :)

It was your references to filth and factory farming that impressed me otherwise.

Btw there is another great problem brewing. It comes from illegal immigrants and others that have contracted various infections and illnesses that go to emergency rooms for treatment receive care and do not completely finish their treatment; thus not killing the bacteria or virus but breeding resistant strains to known treatments. My friends in the medical profession are more concerned at such a possible pandemic unlike any in human history.

The Traveler

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Btw there is another great problem brewing. It comes from illegal immigrants and others that have contracted various infections and illnesses that go to emergency rooms for treatment receive care and do not completely finish their treatment; thus not killing the bacteria or virus but breeding resistant strains to known treatments.

I hope your reference "others" includes just as many non-immigrants as immigrants. I know a number of people who do not complete their antibiotic treatments because they feel better and don't think they need it. I've done this myself. No need to single out immigrants.

Also, I suspect immigrants don't finish treatment because of the cost, though I have no information that says this is so. It is a guess on my part.

My friends in the medical profession are more concerned at such a possible pandemic unlike any in human history.

I keep wondering if this pandemic is limited to so few people right now BECAUSE of the WHO's efforts to contain it. Perhaps without their actions, far more people would be suffering, or even dead.


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