I think i may have a problem with food.


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It has been going on for about a year and a half now and has got progressively worse.

It all started when i was introduced to the gym at work, in particular AB machines and since that point onwards i thought if i ate very little fatty foods and eat lots of fruits will make my abs stand out more.

This worked a little bit, but not properly, at the same time i was also doing the weights which made me eat alot, but all i ate was cereals, fruits, breads and fish. But little in fatty foods so i didnt put on weight even though i ate alot.

Then about a year later i went to the states and i returned back losing about 10 pounds in weight, and i was pretty happy about that. My weight dropped from around 144 pounds to 134 pounds.

Shortly after that is where the problems started, it was around christmas, we had a huge stock of junk food in for that period, and when it came to eating it, i hate huge amounts at a time, daily. I think i put on the 10 pounds in no time at all. Then i stopped eating junk food to lose the weight, and it worked a little...but then i got sick and lost more weight, and at the same time i went back to the states and lost another 9 pounds, so i was back to the 134 pounds mark.

Now its gotten worse, i have a eating routine where, monday to friday i dont eat big meals so im always so weak, tired and hungry...but i resist the hunger and it goes away. And then it gets to saturday and literally i will wake up early, go on long walks, while eating HEAVILY, like this saturday i ate in the space of 5 hours:-

5 snickers bars

8 chocolate bread rolls

2 chocolate twists

1 bacon sandwich

a plate full of chips

6 crumpets

But after it i get really guilty and walk for hours and hours, usually 5-7 hours that day.

This also happens on sundays but i find it easier to resist because i know we are not to go to the shops on the sabbath day.

Please could someone give me help and advice on this

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A few years back I tried a diet called 'Fit for Life' by Bill Phillips and lost about 35 lbs in a 3 month period. I got off of this diet/workout program and went back to eating what I wanted basically (usually on the go junk) and got away from excercising and wala, I gained that 35 lbs back quicker than you can say 'Jimmy Crack Corn and I dont Care'

The program in essence educates you in eating 6 small meals a day with 2 cups of water per meal, and also gets your metabolism adjusted to that amount.

One portion complex cabohydrate--one portion protein. Each portion being the size of your fist.

What you are trying to do is to eat like a grazing deer would, several times a day--small amounts. As opposed to a Bear, who eats massive amounts in a day and then is lethargic and lays down to sleep (not to be confused with hibernation)

Cut out all the simple carbs such as pasteries, candies etc and replace them with complex carbs such as brown rice, baked potato, low-fat yogurt, whole wheat bread (not to exceed 2 slices a day) and any kind of fruit--apple, orange, cantaloupe etc.

Proteins such as Salmon, can of tuna fish (I prefer albacore, but more expensive) cottage cheese, serving of chicken or turkey or lean meat.

2 servings of vegtables a day.

Workout with weights--upper body one day--then cardiovascular excercise the next day--then weights lower body the next day--then a cardio the next day--weights upper body the next day--then cardio the next day.

Then on the 7th day is your free day--no weights, no excercise and guess what? You can eat anything you want and as much as you want. ( I used to really love that day)

Then it's back to the grindstone the next day.

Workouts are designed to last from 20-30 minutes. Crunches are also included on the lower body workout if I remember correctly.

This past weekend I had chest pains and spent 5 hours in the emergency ward, so I will be getting back on this diet/excercise program pronto.

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You need to have a more regular balanced diet. Eat 3 meals a day, and dont worrry about the odd chocolate bar here and there. You are going to extremes. If you allow yourself one treat a day, you wont have the urge to binge. Have your fish, veg and rice for dinner with fruit or yoghurt for dessert. But have a biscuit or something in the day. Dont deny yourself, keep it balanced. Eating junk food is not a sin as long as you moderate your intake.

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The book is called 'Body for Life' 12 Weeks to Mental and Physical Strength by Bill Phillips and Michael D' Orso.

It was a #1 New York Times Bestseller for many moons, and if you really stick with the program I can attest and a few freinds at my work can attest that it works.

It is designed to change your way of thinking--mentally and physically for the rest of your life not for just a few weeks.

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It seems as though your pounding down a ton of simple carbs ie. candy bars, chocolote bread rolls, chocolote twists, chips, crumpets etc.

The thing about this junk is that you can eat a simple carb such as a big fat doughnut and in less than a couple of hours if that dozen box of doughnuts is still there--those poor things don't stand a chance, they will be gone.

Simple carbs usually always make you crave more in a short amount of time--especially pastries it seems.

I know because I used to sleep walk downstairs in the wee hours of the night grab whatever kind of sweets that were there and leave a trail all the way back to my bed. :popcorn:

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I agree with FM that 6 small meals a day is much better than the 3 traditional meals a day. Even with the smaller amount of food at each meal, your body never really gets the chance to think it's "starving" and won't start storing those calories for reserve.

I've been doing that for the last 4 weeks and it has really really helped.

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I also excercise every day but hit a wall at about 210 lbs (I'm 6"3), so I've tried several diets. I like Fit for life and Body for life, but have found a few other diets that I love. Alli is the only FDA approved diet pill that I LOVE! You take one pill (I take up to 3) with every meal, and what it does is bind to the fat in your food. Every pill takes about 25% of the fat out. So when you make mistakes like candy bars and such, just pop a few extra. It will prevent your body from taking in a lot of the fat, and it will also give you motivation not to eat bad any more (I won't go into details, but the fat has got to get out somehow).

Tomorrow I'm starting an extreme diet that would also be beneficial to you as well. It's called HCG. It's a hormone found in women during pregnancy that you inject IM daily for 23 days. It boasts of 1 lb a day weight loss (not muscle or water weight, but pure fat), something I would be VERY skeptical about, but have over a half a dozen friends who have done it and lost between 1-2 lbs daily. You get on a 500 calorie a day diet, and the HCG keeps your body from going into starvation mode. It's a VERY STRICT diet, so much so that if you even touch certain oils, use certain shampoos or toothpastes, you will not lose any weight and possibly gain weight. It sounds crazy and I didn't believe it, but since I've seen it with my own eyes in my friends who were on it, I have no choice but to believe it.

HCG was created by a Doctor in Italy and is prescribed by Doctors for a chunk of change, around 300 dollars. I got 2 23 day doses for 80 here:Buy Hcg Pregnyl Online Now

Again, I would never even think about ordering drugs online, but all my friends got there HCG from this site as well with no problem.

Anyway, because you can only eat certain foods that equal to 500 calories, and not even touch others, you would have no choice but to stay away from the bad foods. Otherwise, there would be major weight gain.

Oh, and the first two days of the diet, you are supposed to eat as much and as bad as you can before the 500 calorie diet starts. I can't weight for that part! Cheesecake here I come!

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livy, that sounds very dangerous. You really should be under the supervision of a doctor for a diet that extreme. BTW (don't know if you are LDS or not), but that diet sounds like it's against the WoW to me (not against as in lose your recommend, but as in it doesn't follow the principles found therein).

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It will prevent your body from taking in a lot of the fat, and it will also give you motivation not to eat bad any more (I won't go into details, but the fat has got to get out somehow).

Yes Alli has some very nasty and embarassing side effects if taken while injesting too much fat.

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That probably would be best, but I'm not to worried about it. I'm still pretty young and don't feel it is necessary. Not that I wouldn't recommend it, but for me, I don't think I need it.

As for the WoW, I would disagree it is against it. It definatly is not habit forming in any way. I am a lover of food (which can be against the word of wisdom) and it is a great sacrifice to go on so little of it.

Thank you for your concern though.

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From lds.org concerning diets.

On Dietary Recommendations

Although we often consider the verses teaching us to avoid alcohol, tobacco, and hot drinks to be the most important parts of the Word of Wisdom, the larger portion of this revelation is actually devoted to teaching us what we should consume: wheat, other grains, fruits, and vegetables. Grains are mentioned repeatedly in this revelation, with special mention of “wheat for man” in verse 17.

“And again, verily I say unto you, all wholesome herbs God hath ordained for the constitution, nature, and use of man—

“Every herb in the season thereof, and every fruit in the season thereof; all these to be used with prudence and thanksgiving.

“Yea, flesh also of beasts and of the fowls of the air, I, the Lord, have ordained for the use of man with thanksgiving; nevertheless they are to be used sparingly;

“And it is pleasing unto me that they should not be used, only in times of winter, or of cold, or famine.

“All grain is ordained for the use of man and of beasts, to be the staff of life, …

“All grain is good for the food of man; as also the fruit of the vine; …

“Nevertheless, wheat for man” (D&C 89:10–14, 16–17).

What does medical science teach us about this kind of diet? Certainly all kinds of diets are being recommended by one seeming authority or another. The diets in fashion change from year to year. Consistently over the years, however, the evidence favors a diet in keeping with the recommendations contained in the Word of Wisdom. The medical community widely accepts that a low-fat diet consisting mostly of complex carbohydrates found in whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, along with limited amounts of nuts and high-protein foods like low-fat meats, is associated with lower incidences of disease and a longer life.

The benefits of this type of diet are likely related to many different interrelated nutritional factors. For example, such a diet is naturally low in fat. I recently attended the American Society of Clinical Oncology meetings, where I heard research presented on postmenopausal women who had undergone treatment for early-stage breast cancer. Women who followed a low-fat diet, which was remarkably similar to the foods recommended in the Word of Wisdom, were less likely to have their breast cancer return after treatment.8

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I think that is great advice from LDS.org. If most people would follow those principles, the world would be a much healthier place. I try to follow that as best as possible, but still do not see anything wrong with additional diets.

Thanks for the clarification Beefche. I should have read your post a bit more carefully.

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I also excercise every day but hit a wall at about 210 lbs (I'm 6"3), so I've tried several diets. I like Fit for life and Body for life, but have found a few other diets that I love. Alli is the only FDA approved diet pill that I LOVE! You take one pill (I take up to 3) with every meal, and what it does is bind to the fat in your food. Every pill takes about 25% of the fat out. So when you make mistakes like candy bars and such, just pop a few extra. It will prevent your body from taking in a lot of the fat, and it will also give you motivation not to eat bad any more (I won't go into details, but the fat has got to get out somehow).

This is exactly what doctors will tell you NOT to do. This is dangerous and could cost you your life.

Tomorrow I'm starting an extreme diet that would also be beneficial to you as well. It's called HCG. It's a hormone found in women during pregnancy that you inject IM daily for 23 days. It boasts of 1 lb a day weight loss (not muscle or water weight, but pure fat), something I would be VERY skeptical about, but have over a half a dozen friends who have done it and lost between 1-2 lbs daily. You get on a 500 calorie a day diet, and the HCG keeps your body from going into starvation mode. It's a VERY STRICT diet, so much so that if you even touch certain oils, use certain shampoos or toothpastes, you will not lose any weight and possibly gain weight. It sounds crazy and I didn't believe it, but since I've seen it with my own eyes in my friends who were on it, I have no choice but to believe it.

HCG was created by a Doctor in Italy and is prescribed by Doctors for a chunk of change, around 300 dollars. I got 2 23 day doses for 80 here:Buy Hcg Pregnyl Online Now

Again, I would never even think about ordering drugs online, but all my friends got there HCG from this site as well with no problem.

Anyway, because you can only eat certain foods that equal to 500 calories, and not even touch others, you would have no choice but to stay away from the bad foods. Otherwise, there would be major weight gain.

Oh, and the first two days of the diet, you are supposed to eat as much and as bad as you can before the 500 calorie diet starts. I can't weight for that part! Cheesecake here I come!

You won't lose any weight on this diet because of the Hcg...you'll lose weight because you are only consuming 500 calories per day (the average person requires about 2,000). This is essentially starving yourself. The problem is, your body will literally eat your muscle to feed itself when you do this, and not just your fat. This is a stupid stupid stupid thing to do. I don't think I stressed that enough. This is a STUPID thing to do.

Do not do this to yourself. This is extremely unhealthy and no credible doctor would ever recommend this. The best way to lose weight is what physicians have been recommending for years: increase your activity and reduce your intake of calories. Healthy weight loss consists of 2-3 pounds per week. Any more and you risk doing damage to your digestive, muscular, skeletal, and endocrine systems.

Miracle diets and fad diets are almost never what they are made out to be. Eat a balanced diet (balanced can mean over 3-4 days, not necessarily every day) and get plenty of exercise and you'll find yourself losing weight and improving your health.

Never, ever, ever take a diet pill or medicinal treatment without the supervision of your physician.

I recommend you talk to your physician, and you may also want to check out an LDS Addiction Recovery Program in your area.

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I'm not going to tell you not to do it, but if you do, be very careful. It can be very dangerous, even for people who seem to be healthy, even for a short period of time. Also, at 500 calories/day, maybe that's where the weight loss is coming from, not necessarily the pills.

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It has been going on for about a year and a half now and has got progressively worse.

It all started when i was introduced to the gym at work, in particular AB machines and since that point onwards i thought if i ate very little fatty foods and eat lots of fruits will make my abs stand out more.

This worked a little bit, but not properly, at the same time i was also doing the weights which made me eat alot, but all i ate was cereals, fruits, breads and fish. But little in fatty foods so i didnt put on weight even though i ate alot.

Then about a year later i went to the states and i returned back losing about 10 pounds in weight, and i was pretty happy about that. My weight dropped from around 144 pounds to 134 pounds.

Shortly after that is where the problems started, it was around christmas, we had a huge stock of junk food in for that period, and when it came to eating it, i hate huge amounts at a time, daily. I think i put on the 10 pounds in no time at all. Then i stopped eating junk food to lose the weight, and it worked a little...but then i got sick and lost more weight, and at the same time i went back to the states and lost another 9 pounds, so i was back to the 134 pounds mark.

Now its gotten worse, i have a eating routine where, monday to friday i dont eat big meals so im always so weak, tired and hungry...but i resist the hunger and it goes away. And then it gets to saturday and literally i will wake up early, go on long walks, while eating HEAVILY, like this saturday i ate in the space of 5 hours:-

5 snickers bars

8 chocolate bread rolls

2 chocolate twists

1 bacon sandwich

a plate full of chips

6 crumpets

But after it i get really guilty and walk for hours and hours, usually 5-7 hours that day.

This also happens on sundays but i find it easier to resist because i know we are not to go to the shops on the sabbath day.

Please could someone give me help and advice on this

Just because I think this link will get lost in the other conversation, I think you should talk to your doctor and check out LDS Addiction Recovery Programs in your area. These are probably your best bet.

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How long has this kind of diet been around. Relatively new? If new, they haven't had a chance to see what the long term affect is on your system. That's a risk I sure wouldn't want to take.

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I've done OA, but have just joined TOPS. I think I will like that better, becasue it focuses more on food and nutrition than the OA group I went to. I will let you know how the TOPS group turns out. I think it will help having support from others with the same goal I have. It is not very expensive. Good luck.

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