Gay Penguins

Winnie G

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I admit, that thought had crossed my mind ;)

Though 'bird' is really street language for a woman. I have never and never will call a woman a 'bird'. It's disrespectful IMO.

Oh I agree but somehow it becomes respectable when you refer to someone as a game old bird lol well maybe not.


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If they are gay animals around the globe, and this is "natural", what does it mean to gay people in the church? What to our leaders? Does it changed everything? I guess not?

Animals are animals, and we are not animals. We are human beings. For us they is a different standard then to animals. God told us, that being gay is unnatural for HUMANS, Not, that it is it for animals.

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If they are gay animals around the globe, and this is "natural", what does it mean to gay people in the church? What to our leaders? Does it changed everything? I guess not?

Animals are animals, and we are not animals. We are human beings. For us they is a different standard then to animals. God told us, that being gay is unnatural for HUMANS, Not, that it is it for animals.

Lol, to be pedantic, as has already been pointed out, we are animals. Just a distinct species.

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Also, being able to eat your husband after you had children would drastically reduce the divorce rate.

The would be no reason to eat your husband. After impregnating you ladies many of us would move on to find another mate. Lower numbers of marriage would drastically improve the the divorce rate.

"Only about 10 percent of the birds and mammals that seem to mate for

life are actually faithful to their partners, according to studies

that suggest infidelity may be nature's way. Blame it on biology, say

the experts...

"Infidelity may be natural according to studies that show nine out of

10 mammals and birds that mate for life are unfaithful. Experts found

animals that fool around are only following the urges of biology.

[sarcasm] Next time you hear about the cheating husband or wife, and the dead beat dad remember that you are judging a person for following their natural instinct. You can't help who (or how many) you fall in love with [sarcasm]

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If they are gay animals around the globe, and this is "natural", what does it mean to gay people in the church? What to our leaders? Does it changed everything? I guess not?

Animals are animals, and we are not animals. We are human beings. For us they is a different standard then to animals. God told us, that being gay is unnatural for HUMANS, Not, that it is it for animals.

actually he didn't say it was unnatural just we were not to do it. There have always been documented cases of gay animals. Its just as natural for us humans but we don't automatically do what is natural. But anyone who says a Gay person is being unnatural is wrong, like has been pointed out we are animals


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Elgama, in my ward is a sister who looks after her very ill mother (no member of the church). She knows that she loves women. It would be very easy for her to find the right woman, cause she looks fantastic, but she doesn't do it. Why? Because she would like to hold the commandments of the LORD. This distinguishes us from animals. Animals think only of food and to defended their territory. To say to some "NO", doesn't lie in the nature of an animal. It acts instinctively. This is why we are no animals!

Even if in ALL animal species which there are in the world homosexuality was proved, it changes nothing in it!

God has said us what we should do, so we should do it!!!

About that gives it no discussion!

And if our prophet says that we shouldn't do this, there is also no discussion about that. The LORD has spoken by his mouth to us!

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actually he didn't say it was unnatural just we were not to do it. There have always been documented cases of gay animals. Its just as natural for us humans but we don't automatically do what is natural. But anyone who says a Gay person is being unnatural is wrong, like has been pointed out we are animals


It is wrong and never was right. Neither shall it be right or even considered natural for this wrongful act. Nor we should make excused for any person or ourself for committing sin for any reason. This is still abominable before GOD and there is no excuse even for the animal kingdom as it is for humans. Can animals be judge for violating its own laws? John was shown those four beasts, who were glorified from other worlds. Seeing this, any animal that violates its law, will be hold accountable. That accountability will be between its Creator and those who do commit this act.

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Not to agree that it is natural, but even if it were, we are expected to commit ourselves to a higher standard than "natural"

For the natural man is an enemy to God, and has been from the fall of Adam, and will be, forever and ever, unless he yields to the enticings of the Holy Spirit, and putteth off the natural man and becometh a saint through the atonement of Christ the Lord, and becometh as a child, submissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love, willing to submit to all things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon him, even as a child doth submit to his father.

Mosiah 3

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It is wrong and never was right. Neither shall it be right or even considered natural for this wrongful act. Nor we should make excused for any person or ourself for committing sin for any reason. This is still abominable before GOD and there is no excuse even for the animal kingdom as it is for humans. Can animals be judge for violating its own laws? John was shown those four beasts, who were glorified from other worlds. Seeing this, any animal that violates its law, will be hold accountable. That accountability will be between its Creator and those who do commit this act.

Wait so are you saying that animals will be held accountable for being gay? So these penguins are committing some sort of sin? I don't understand how an animal could be held accountable to the laws seeing as they don't understand them, or even know that its wrong. I think that Homosexuality can be a natural part of some people, that is not to say that it is right we are told specifically that its not. It is for those people who have those feelings to put off the natural man.

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It is wrong and never was right. Neither shall it be right or even considered natural for this wrongful act. Nor we should make excused for any person or ourself for committing sin for any reason. This is still abominable before GOD and there is no excuse even for the animal kingdom as it is for humans. Can animals be judge for violating its own laws? John was shown those four beasts, who were glorified from other worlds. Seeing this, any animal that violates its law, will be hold accountable. That accountability will be between its Creator and those who do commit this act.

I didn't state it was right just it was natural - I was under impression natural man was enemy of God so just because something is natural doesn't mean we should do it.


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I can't help but laugh each time I see this thread title... I know some topics are discussed into quite some depth on this forum, including being "gay", yet I never dreamed that that particular topic would seriously shift to penguins and still be ON topic- it's brilliant ;)

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Hi, John Doe.

You may be an animal, I am a child of God.

Why is being an animal such an offensive idea?

As far as biology is concerned, you have a limited number of options:

  • Animal
  • Plant
  • Fungus
  • Slime Mold
  • Alga
  • Amoeba
  • Bacterium


I kind of figured the "animal" one was the least offensive and the most appropriate.


It is not normal or natural for me to be homosexual.

It isn't really about what's natural for you, though. Nobody is trying to convince you that you should be homosexual.

The only thing that is being said is that homosexuality happens, just like blue eyes, bee stings and weeds in the garden happen. And, they're certainly right: it does happen.

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Let me rephrase that: It is not natural for a child of God to be Homosexual. He has condemned it. We are His children. While some people may possibly be born with a tendency to swing that way, we are commanded to not engage in that behavior. Homosexuality has no place in the Kingdom of God.

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Let me rephrase that: It is not natural for a child of God to be Homosexual. He has condemned it. We are His children. While some people may possibly be born with a tendency to swing that way, we are commanded to not engage in that behavior. Homosexuality has no place in the Kingdom of God.

It is not natural for animals as it it not natural for any humans. We, along with any animals do allow it.

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Hi, Hemidakota and John Doe.

Let me rephrase that: It is not natural for a child of God to be Homosexual. He has condemned it. We are His children. While some people may possibly be born with a tendency to swing that way' date=' we are commanded to not engage in that behavior. Homosexuality has no place in the Kingdom of God.[/quote']

It is not natural for animals as it it not natural for any humans. We, along with any animals do allow it.

"Natural" does not mean "acceptable" or "good": it only means that it happens in nature (notice the etymological similarities between "nature" and "natural").

If anything, Mormons should believe that "natural" means the opposite of "good" or "acceptable": Remember Mosiah 3:19 (cited earlier in this thread):

"For the natural man is an enemy to God... unless he... putteth off the natural man and becometh a saint..."

Reverence for nature is currently in vogue in our societies, so we tend to assign positive value to things that are natural. But, the term "natural," itself, is not a value judgment, but a simple description of origin. Do not conflate the concept with the value it is assigned by society.

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Well, what does "natural" mean?

I agree, homosexuality is not natural in the biological sense that... well... male and female parts are very well designed to go together, and not so much when the same of two are together. *cough* >_> (Awkward statement to make.)

However, homosexuality is "natural" for a great many number of people - they betray themselves by not accepting and embracing that part of their sexuality. So many people have such great inner conflict and depression because they do not wish to have their orientation, and their persons are only made whole when they accept it. Yes, Christ makes us whole, but we cannot deny or reject who or what you are while truly accepting Christ.

There is a Christian ministry in my city that reaches out to those who question their sexual identity. One of the leaders is a wonderful homosexual man who struggled for years with his faith and sexuality that seemed to be in direct conflict with each other. And then he realized there didn't have to be a conflict: his sexuality was just his preference. He can be gay and love God at the same time.

It's not a sin for a man to be attracted to women, or think that women are attractive. The associated sins with "attraction" are in lust, covetousness, adultery, and rape (and maybe a few more I can't think of at the moment). But a great many men can look at a women, deem her to be attractive, yet not be lustful, or covet her, or want to commit adultery or rape with her. So can a man look at another man and deem him to be attractive without committing the sins. It is natural for him to think another man attractive - it is only a sin if he acts (or in his heart wishes to act) on it. This is the same for a heterosexual man.

And so the above-mentioned man decided to live a celibate life, knowing he is gay, but choosing to love God more than to intimately love another man.

Just because something is natural, it doesn't mean it's right. It is not typically natural to share, the usual tendency is to keep your possessions for yourself, but we teach our children to be kind and share. It is natural to hit when someone upsets you, that's why children do it even though no one has taught them so. But we teach our children otherwise. Things that are behaviour-related that you have to teach your kid is not natural, whether it is on the large or individual scale.

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