Polygamy is affecting my testimony

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And btw, I know this may be construed as heretical in the church today but I would be honored to have the privilege of having another wife (I'm speaking about consenting adults mind you. Not this underage garbage we hear on the news).

I highly value my relationship with my wife and she's even mentioned she wouldn't mind another to help share the load as I'm a handful :-)

One more note. It looks like polygamy may be legal in the next two or three years. At the rate chatter on the subject has been increasing this last year, I don't doubt it.

So just out of curiosity, would you be okay if your wife had another husband as well? I am sure most men would be totally okay with it if they were to take on a 2nd wife. I mean another pair of hands around the house to do all the yard work and hard labor would be wonderful. You'd be okay sharing your wife with another "husband?"

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(3) There are a few women in my life who are as-yet unmarried, yet very righteous and faithful LDS women. They are happy and they deserve eternal happiness.If my husband and I have the opportunity to make that possible for them in the hereafter, why would we deny it?QUOTE]

Is there no reason that they could not find a single man for them in the hereafter? What about all the faithful single lds "males" that have not been married? I think there would be enough one-on-one opportunities in the hereafter??? I could be wrong, but just a thought.

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Is there no reason that they could not find a single man for them in the hereafter? What about all the faithful single lds "males" that have not been married? I think there would be enough one-on-one opportunities in the hereafter??? I could be wrong, but just a thought.

It is my personal belief that if a faithful LDS man isn't married by the time he dies, that it's his own fault -- he hasn't done any asking. Again, that's my own belief, I have no doctrinal backing for it, and I won't argue about it.

As for whether or not single women can find a worth single man in the hereafter -- what if there are in fact more women than men? What if Heavenly Father knows that and that's part of why polygamy was ever instituted in the first place? What if they don't like or want to choose anyone they meet in the afterlife (it's doubtful that we'll have the opportunity to talk to everyone? What if they're given the choice?

I guess another part of my point of view, which I didn't articulate in my previous post was this: pretty much all of this is hypothetical anyway, so why worry and stress out over it?

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Is there no reason that they could not find a single man for them in the hereafter? What about all the faithful single lds "males" that have not been married? I think there would be enough one-on-one opportunities in the hereafter??? I could be wrong, but just a thought.

It is my personal belief that if a faithful LDS man isn't married by the time he dies, that it's his own fault -- he hasn't done any asking. Again, that's my own belief, I have no doctrinal backing for it, and I won't argue about it.

As for whether or not single women can find a worth single man in the hereafter -- what if there are in fact more women than men? What if Heavenly Father knows that and that's part of why polygamy was ever instituted in the first place? What if they don't like or want to choose anyone they meet in the afterlife (it's doubtful that we'll have the opportunity to talk to everyone? What if they're given the choice?

I guess another part of my point of view, which I didn't articulate in my previous post was this: pretty much all of this is hypothetical anyway, so why worry and stress out over it?

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Guest missingsomething

I'm also confident that my husband probably won't be having relations with other women in the afterlife.

There BETTER be relations in the afterlife! :P:rolleyes:

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There BETTER be relations in the afterlife! :P:rolleyes:

If there are, there darn well be a better method than the current one for the delivery of spirit children, because I sure as heck am NOT giving birth to millions and billions of spirit children. :)

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It is my personal belief that if a faithful LDS man isn't married by the time he dies, that it's his own fault -- he hasn't done any asking.

Interesting thought Wingnut. "He hasn't done any asking." Well, couldn't a woman ask a faithful lds man to marry her? I mean this is 2009 isn't it? Maybe I am not "old school" like many. I knew what I saw in my husband and asked him to marry me!! Maybe the women need to be more proactive??

Yes, all hypothetical!

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I wish Satan would lay off the weakness for ice cream and non-diet colas. Polygamy is so much easier to resist in comparison.


Yea, tell me about it. I have been trying to get this waistline down for years, and just can't seem to do it. I really need to for the diabetes, but that choclate is just to goooood.


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So just out of curiosity, would you be okay if your wife had another husband as well? I am sure most men would be totally okay with it if they were to take on a 2nd wife. I mean another pair of hands around the house to do all the yard work and hard labor would be wonderful. You'd be okay sharing your wife with another "husband?"

I don't know about this. In Sunday School a while back we were asked this question. The men said no, one wife was more than they could handle. While the women wanted other wives to help with all the housework.


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It is my personal belief that if a faithful LDS man isn't married by the time he dies, that it's his own fault -- he hasn't done any asking. Again, that's my own belief, I have no doctrinal backing for it, and I won't argue about it.

Wow! That's painting all single LDS guys with one broad brush! Would it be just as fair of me to say that all LDS who drink soda beverages are not good Mormons? Or any LDS who is overweight is not truly living the WofW and brought it on themselves? Everybody has different sets of circumstances that may only allow them X amount of control as to what they garner in their life. I'm a 46 year old reasonably attractive single male whose only option in my area just last week was to attend the big singles STAKE event where the only turn-out was four 70-85 year old women! Whoopee!:rolleyes: For where I live, the whole singles scene completely sucks! Singles over 30 in my stake are considered by the stake president as, and I'm quoting, "the last thing on our priority list". So is my only option to leave my family and an excellent paying job to move out to Utah? Not gonna be happening. Or to drive to the nearest 'over 30' singles ward which is 3 hours one way? Again, too much to ask. So please, before making blank generalized statements, think first as to whose toes you may possibly be stepping on, because it's not fun to be on the receiving end.

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Hey Carl, if you like I can hook you up with a couple nice single ladies in my ward. Both are in your age range and seem to be nice enough people, not bitter old maids at all. Of course, while you're this close you might as well meet Pam, if she's not going on a cougar prowl that night. I understand that she gives discounts at her store for all guys who tell her their name is Chad. Who knows, it might be worth it to drive this far for a $0.69 Snickers bar.

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Guest TheLutheran

. . . Hey Carl, if you like I can hook you up with a couple nice single ladies in my ward. Both are in your age range and seem to be nice enough people, not bitter old maids at all. . . .

Were these the best word choices you could come up with? :confused:

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(3) There are a few women in my life who are as-yet unmarried, yet very righteous and faithful LDS women. They are happy and they deserve eternal happiness. If my husband and I have the opportunity to make that possible for them in the hereafter, why would we deny it?

Is there no reason that they could not find a single man for them in the hereafter? What about all the faithful single lds "males" that have not been married? I think there would be enough one-on-one opportunities in the hereafter??? I could be wrong, but just a thought.

In addition to my previous response to this, I was also thinking this morning that you missed the point of my statement. If my husband and I have to opportunity to give someone eternal happiness, why would we deny it?

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Hey Carl, if you like I can hook you up with a couple nice single ladies in my ward. Both are in your age range and seem to be nice enough people, not bitter old maids at all. Of course, while you're this close you might as well meet Pam, if she's not going on a cougar prowl that night. I understand that she gives discounts at her store for all guys who tell her their name is Chad. Who knows, it might be worth it to drive this far for a $0.69 Snickers bar.

Nice to see I wasn't thrown in with the bitter old maids and old hags. :lol:

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In the early church, we are not talking about old hags... have some respect for those who were called to live this life.

Who said they were? If you were paying attention I was saying the ones in my ward don't seem to be that way. What I said had nothing to do with early church days.

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