Other worlds

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I was reading Moses and about all the worlds that there are alleged to be. This got me thinking-How does it work, do they pray in the name of Christ, do they have their own redeemer, do they even need one? Or do they know he died but not in their world and he is still their redeemer? There can’t surely be a redeemer for every world. And if this is the ‘work and the glory’ then they must need a redeemer as this is the whole purpose of being is it not?

What has been said on this subject or what are people’s opinions on it?

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Well, I've always thought it to simply mean that there's some other form of life out there, you know... aliens, and always felt it was refreshing to see a somewhat forward thinking religion.

However, you're right.

I seriously doubt that all persons of other worlds are exactly like us 'umies, so does that mean not all other worlders are made in god's image?

Possibly god has many images he is, after all, supposed to be a supreme being thus could incarnate several forms thereby bringing to light the idea of one Anointed One (one god, one christ, but several skins).

A more sinister idea is that of all the worlds, us lowly humans are the only ones that are children of the divine source and all other worlders are simply wicked, soulless creatures.

Personally I like the former idea.

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I was reading Moses and about all the worlds that there are alleged to be. This got me thinking-How does it work, do they pray in the name of Christ, do they have their own redeemer, do they even need one?

If they fell they need a redeemer, I imagine the plan (depending on just what you consider parts of the plan) is the same for all of our Father's children (Redemption made possible through Christ), not just the ones on this particular planet. I imagine they do pray in the name of Christ, or the equivalent (the anointed or similar) in whatever languages they speak

Or do they know he died but not in their world and he is still their redeemer? There can’t surely be a redeemer for every world. And if this is the ‘work and the glory’ then they must need a redeemer as this is the whole purpose of being is it not?

That's my take on it. Also while Christ may have spend his mortal sojourn (and its highly significant end) on this planet my own inclination is to believe that he did interact with those on other planets, so they would have prophecies and prophets just like us sans the promise of his coming down amongst them, at least in mortal form. Christ visited the Americas after his resurrection and ascension, nothing to say he couldn't also of visited the Yebeans on Ahgwart.

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Guest Alana

I'm glad you asked this because it makes me think of what I 'know.' Makes me wonder, why do I think this? I need to find some scriptural/general authority facts to support this. SO here is what it is:

Jesus Christ is the redemeer to all the worlds that our Heavenly Father has created. On the other planets are humans made in the image of God (so human like us) but that doesn't mean the animals are all like ours. (like the theory that dinosaurs lived on an other planet, but their fossils got mixed in with the material that formed our Earth).

The thing that I've always thought, but now realize I don't know why I think this is: Our world was the most corrupt of them all, that is why Jesus came to this world to be crucified, there were enough of us who were evil enough to do it.

I also assumed that on other worlds, they taught about Jesus and the atonement through prophets just like we are taught. (if it happened 2000 years ago on an other planet isn't that much of a difference lol)

So that's what I thought I knew, but I think I need to find out for sure for myself.

Oh also, my dad likes to point out how some people look soooo different from others, it's almost like their an other species yet we're all made in his image. Maybe aliens are humans who have just breed these differences over and over to form weird looking humans... aliens. But this is my dads idea lol.

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Oh also, my dad likes to point out how some people look soooo different from others, it's almost like their an other species yet we're all made in his image. Maybe aliens are humans who have just breed these differences over and over to form weird looking humans... aliens. But this is my dads idea lol.

Pointed ears doesn't seem like an out there mutation, and maybe the world they're on has limited iron and so copper was used in their blood to transport oxygen. They might even have thin slanted eyebrows. :D

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There was a couple of threads a month or more ago about this subject. (More then one Christ).

The simple answer is no. Christ is the Savior of all of Heavenly Father's Creation. As we learn in Moses Christ is the creator of all of these worlds.

The book of mormon kind of gives us a good view point. They knew of Christ coming in another land. And that he would visit us. The same idea can hold true for all the other planets. They have prophets that teach them of Jesus Christ.

Is it any easyer for us to follow Christ because he came to "our" earth?

Also in a section in the D&C (I want to say 88) it has a parabable about Lord of the Vinyard visiting different parts of his land (Its been a while sense I read it). The idea is that during the Millenium when Christ returns, he isn't going to stay here all the time. He is going to be traveling between all the different worlds.

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The thing that I've always thought, but now realize I don't know why I think this is: Our world was the most corrupt of them all, that is why Jesus came to this world to be crucified, there were enough of us who were evil enough to do it.

This is the idea that comes from a Scripture from Nephi. He talks about how Jerusalem was the most wicked and thus the only ones to crucify the son of God.

We take that idea and add that it must be the most wicked place in all of Heavenly Fathers creation. The assumption is fine, it’s just we need to make sure we know what part is actually scriptural, and which part is Humans adding interpretation.

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"The Scriptures inform us that Jesus said, As the Father hath power in Himself, even so hath the Son power -- to do what? Why, what the Father did. The answer is obvious -- in a manner to lay down His body and take it up again. Jesus, what are you going to do? To lay down my life as my Father did, and take it up again." (KFD)

If he is the savior of those worlds as well as ours.. perhaps he had to pay the same price multiple times.

Perhaps ;)

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I concur with Alana.

Jesus is the Savior of all the worlds He has created, delegated the task by Heavenly Father. All of those worlds which are populated by children of Heavenly Father (who look just like us) worship the Savior just like we do, pray to Him just like we do, and look to Him for a remission of their sins. Like us, they too believe that Jesus is the way, the only way to eternal salvation, and that we can only approach Heavenly Father through Him, the great Mediator.

And like Alana says, it wouldn't be that much different to compare people living on a planet where Jesus did not conduct His mortal ministry and be crucified and living on the same planet in a different dispensation. Either way, we know Him only through the Holy Spirit and the Gospel He has given us, and very few people in the world today have ever actually seen Him.

I'm sure He has visited people on other worlds. I'd venture to say such a thing probably keeps Him busy, even now, especially considering that no other world He has created is as evil as this one is, collectively speaking. Maybe He's able to spend more time on other worlds because of their superior faith. Maybe on other worlds His feet touch the ground outside of a Temple. On some other worlds they don't even need Temples, because that world has been Celesitalized and that whole world is a Temple.

Interesting to think about. I always like to ponder the eternal destiny of mankind, and what all it involves.

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I'm sure He has visited people on other worlds. I'd venture to say such a thing probably keeps Him busy, even now, especially considering that no other world He has created is as evil as this one is, collectively speaking. Maybe He's able to spend more time on other worlds because of their superior faith. Maybe on other worlds His feet touch the ground outside of a Temple. On some other worlds they don't even need Temples, because that world has been Celesitalized and that whole world is a Temple.

Interesting to think about. I always like to ponder the eternal destiny of mankind, and what all it involves.

Have you considered the idea.. that God made us the most 'evil' world? Also.. if we have the most 'evil'.. it would stand to reason that we are capable of the most 'good'. The most 'potential' so to speak.

The rest of your post is speculation.. which i'm admittedly fond of (speculation itself). But.. I think our scriptures make it clear that all of those created in the image of God are sinners. If there are indeed celestial worlds under our Fathers domain -- it's because they have passed through their judgements accordingly and not because they have (or had) 'superior faith'.

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Don't know if this the official Church position, but it has been said the Jesus' atonement took care of the salvation needs of all the Universe. Here is a semi-responsible counter position:

From watching PBS (as shown on KBYU none the less!!!) we are told the the universe began 14.5 Billion years ago. The Earth itself is newer than many planets since we have been around 4.5 Billion years. During that ten billion year time lag, many other planets sprung into existence.

Should we base our atonement speculations off of a variation of the geo-centric model, with Earth as the center of everything? The Catholic Church once put astronomers and theoreticians to death for arguing against this model. They have long since let go of it when newer and more accurate understanding became widespread.

Wouldn't the natural order and progression of things point to the older worlds getting on with their business rather than regard our planet as the center of things? Even the Book of Abraham facsimiles talk about Kolob as the starting point and mention the planets Enish-go-on-Dosh and Obliblish as being connected to the fifteen planet Stargate system powered by Kaukobeams. Why would they stall their progression for us to catch up?

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The rest of your post is speculation.. which i'm admittedly fond of (speculation itself). But.. I think our scriptures make it clear that all of those created in the image of God are sinners. If there are indeed celestial worlds under our Fathers domain -- it's because they have passed through their judgements accordingly and not because they have (or had) 'superior faith'.

Perhaps I wasn't clear enough. What I meant to say is that it stands to reason that of all the other worlds populated in by Heavenly Father's children, they are likely at various stages in eternal development. Some are telestial kingdoms, pre judgment (like this one), or post judgment, with resurrected beings living there, having been judged worthy to receive that particular level of glory. Some are terrestrial kingdoms, some are celestial kingdoms. I did not mean to imply that Father has children or creates worlds that begin in a celestial state, skipping all the growth and maturation that is necessary to demonstrate one's appropriate eternal destiny.

I apoligize if I was not clear.

By superior faith, I meant that on any one of those other worlds, there is insufficient evil for that world's people to crucify the Son of God. If the term "superior faith" troubles you, feel free to substitute something else, and I'm confident we'd remain in essential agreement, as we basically are now.

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"The Scriptures inform us that Jesus said, As the Father hath power in Himself, even so hath the Son power -- to do what? Why, what the Father did. The answer is obvious -- in a manner to lay down His body and take it up again. Jesus, what are you going to do? To lay down my life as my Father did, and take it up again." (KFD)

If he is the savior of those worlds as well as ours.. perhaps he had to pay the same price multiple times.Perhaps ;)


"Once for all"

Hebrews 10:9 Then said he, Lo, I come to do thy will, O God. He

taketh away the first, that he may establish the second.

Hebrews 10:10 By the which will we are sanctified through the

offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.

Bro. Rudick

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Don't know if this the official Church position, but it has been said the Jesus' atonement took care of the salvation needs of all the Universe. Here is a semi-responsible counter position:

From watching PBS (as shown on KBYU none the less!!!) we are told the the universe began 14.5 Billion years ago. The Earth itself is newer than many planets since we have been around 4.5 Billion years. During that ten billion year time lag, many other planets sprung into existence.

Should we base our atonement speculations off of a variation of the geo-centric model, with Earth as the center of everything? The Catholic Church once put astronomers and theoreticians to death for arguing against this model. They have long since let go of it when newer and more accurate understanding became widespread.

Wouldn't the natural order and progression of things point to the older worlds getting on with their business rather than regard our planet as the center of things? Even the Book of Abraham facsimiles talk about Kolob as the starting point and mention the planets Enish-go-on-Dosh and Obliblish as being connected to the fifteen planet Stargate system powered by Kaukobeams. Why would they stall their progression for us to catch up?

Not sure it would naturally follow but you may have a point.

But the righteous had to wait in Paradise or as Luke would write

"in Abraham's Bosom" even on this earth from before the days

of Noah for the coming of the Savior.

Why would God hold up their progression?

Bro. Rudick

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Sorry I havent commented on my own thread, my computer is infeted with a virus so mite not be on again for a while.

I am not sure if I believe Christ is the redeemer for all worlds. If theres billions of them as we're led to believe) I think its so unlikely that WE are the ones that had Christ on the earth as our redeemer. I dont know what the answer is, its interesting to speculate, but that I dont believe.

I dont buy the dinosaur theory either Alana :) They were definitely here!!

I'm open minded as to how the wordl came into existence. God might have put in place the means for life, but as to how it then progressed is anybodys guess. I believe evolution and creationism can co-exist. I dont believe the Darwinian/Dawkins version of evolution but I think it happened to a degree.

I'm fascinated by our earth and its history and its history and even more so the idea that we are not alone in the universe.

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Jesus Christ is the redemeer to all the worlds that our Heavenly Father has created. On the other planets are humans made in the image of God (so human like us) but that doesn't mean the animals are all like ours. (like the theory that dinosaurs lived on an other planet, but their fossils got mixed in with the material that formed our Earth).

The earth is billions of years old.. dinosaur bones are not.

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What I meant to say is that it stands to reason that of all the other worlds populated in by Heavenly Father's children, they are likely at various stages in eternal development. Some are telestial kingdoms, pre judgment (like this one), or post judgment, with resurrected beings living there, having been judged worthy to receive that particular level of glory. Some are terrestrial kingdoms, some are celestial kingdoms.

So if/when humanity develops the technology to travel to other planets, we could short cut to the celestial kingdom by traveling to one that is already celestialized. Or if you don't think we will ever have the ability what if people from some planet out there travelled tried to take a short cut to the Celestial Kingdom by traveling to one that had already reached that level.

But perhaps Celestialized planets cannot be reached, even with space warp. What are the qualities of being celestial? Well you have the glory of God. God is described as brighter than the noon day sun. Those who don't live a celestial life(or be translated) would burn up because of the sheer power. We also know the earth and wicked will burn.

Know of anything else that burns things if they get to close? The sun perhaps? So A celestialized planet would have traits similar to the sun. Gives a new meaning to this quote from Brighman Young:

Who can tell us of the inhabitants of this little planet that shines of an evening, called the moon?...when you inquire about the inhabitants of that sphere you find that the most learned are as ignorant in regard to them as the ignorant of their fellows. So it is in regard to the inhabitants of the sun. Do you think it is inhabited? I rather think it is. Do you think there is any life there? No question of it; it was not made in vain. It was made to give light to those who dwell upon it, and to other planets; and so will this earth when it is celestialized. Every planet in its first rude, organic state recieves not the glory of God upon it, but is opaque; but when celestialized, every planet that God brings into existence is a body of light, but not till then.

Journal of Discourses, Volume 13

Could this also be why Joseph Smith described Kolob as both a Sun AND a planet?

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So if/when humanity develops the technology to travel to other planets, we could short cut to the celestial kingdom by traveling to one that is already celestialized. Or if you don't think we will ever have the ability what if people from some planet out there travelled tried to take a short cut to the Celestial Kingdom by traveling to one that had already reached that level.

But perhaps Celestialized planets cannot be reached, even with space warp. What are the qualities of being celestial? Well you have the glory of God. God is described as brighter than the noon day sun. Those who don't live a celestial life(or be translated) would burn up because of the sheer power. We also know the earth and wicked will burn.

Know of anything else that burns things if they get to close? The sun perhaps? So A celestialized planet would have traits similar to the sun. Gives a new meaning to this quote from Brighman Young:

Could this also be why Joseph Smith described Kolob as both a Sun AND a planet?

That's nonsense.. planets do not become stars. For one.. stars are gaseous and HUGE. Earth is not even a speck of dust compared to a medium sized star.

We've access to ~14 billion years worth of planets and stars.. when we see a planet turn into a star.. then maybe :lol:

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That's nonsense.. planets do not become stars. For one.. stars are gaseous and HUGE. Earth is not even a speck of dust compared to a medium sized star.

We've access to ~14 billion years worth of planets and stars.. when we see a planet turn into a star.. then maybe :lol:

Yeah, I know, I know. I just saw an interesting connection there and thought I'd throw it in.

Jupiter turned into a star in 2010 or whatever the sequel to 2001 is.

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Yeah, I know, I know. I just saw an interesting connection there and thought I'd throw it in.

Jupiter turned into a star in 2010 or whatever the sequel to 2001 is.

Gotcha. Now.. if you want to talk about our planet eventually colliding with the sun and being 'celestialized'.. then i'm all ears :lol:

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So we've been talking about how Jesus Christ could have come here to redeem ALL of His creations, but what's satan's story in all of this? Is his influence centralized here? Or are there other devils for each world? And I believe Jesus Christ is the savior for all of His creations, but just think about this for a minute... Are we the only "generation" of spirit children that our Heavenly Father has created? Is Jesus Christ going to be the savior for proceeding generations of Heavenly Father's children? Or is Heavenly Father going to birth another "Firstborn"? I don't think he's ever going to stop his work of bringing to pass the eternal life of man after we've all gone through judgment. And I don't believe that Jesus Christ is the only savior throughout the universe and throughout all time, past and future. After all, The Lord said "there be Gods many and Lords many." Sorry, I kinda went everywhere on this post. :D

Edit: Also, Jesus is going to be doing just what Heavenly Father is doing someday (If not already, I don't know). You know, having spirit children and choosing a redeemer out of His children and all that jazz. A lot of this isn't scriptural, but it makes sense imo. Please reply and share your thoughts. PEACE

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