Curious about Mormonism


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Hi everyone. I have already posted a little bit about myself in the intro section, but in case some of you didn’t read it, I will say it again here (briefly). I grew up with no religion, but now I am curious to learn more about peoples’ beliefs. I want to know the truth! Will you guys please help me out by answering some quick questions?

1.) Do you ever doubt the truthfulness of the Mormon/LDS religion? In other words, how strong is your faith?

a.) If you DO sometimes doubt Mormonism, what helps you overcome that doubt?

b.) If you DO NOT ever doubt Mormonism, why is that, and what do you think would cause you to doubt (if anything)?

2.) Do you believe that God communicates with you? Why or why not?

3.) Would you be willing to share any personal testimonies of your experiences with God (like answered prayer, witnessing a miracle, etc)? I’ve never had a supernatural experience, so I would love to read about what it’s like.

Thank you very much for taking the time to read my post. And to all of you who reply, I thank you in advance.



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As I just mentioned in a different thread, truth is a powerful thing. If you are honestly seeking, then you will find it.

The truthfuless of "Mormonism" can be traced to the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon. It all hinges or falls on that book.

If you are seeking truth, I promise you that you will find it if you read the book.

I have had many experiences some would consider "supernatural." However, I think these experiences are more meaningful to the perosn they happen to. If I were to tell you of what happened to me, I doubt you would find them as powerful as I did. It's the feeling that attends them, and more importantly, what we learn. I'll tell you of one of them.

Before we built our new house we lived in my grandfather's 75+ year old house that he built. It wasn't built by today's standards, so it had many holes and gaps in it. One day we found a big black snake in our house. It really freaked my wife and daughters out. My son and I trapped it and set it free outside (far away).

I had a dream a week later about the snake being in the house. I saw it in my dream as a symbol that we weren't doing the things we needed to do as a family. We weren't reading scriptures together; weren't saying many meaningful prayers together. We had become lazy, and as father it was my fault. As such, the snake was a symbol that I was letting Satan in my house. Needless to say, it scared me.

So, the next day we had a meeting and all were anxious to get on board with the Lord's program. Everyone took to it with great earnestness, even my kids. We cleaned up a lot of things we were neglecting. Everyone noticed and loved the change.

About a month later I saw, what appeared to be the same black snake, coiled up on a tree just outside the livingroom window, and he was looking in. At that moment, I felt the peaceful assurance of the Spirit that it was much more difficult for Satan to get inside now. I immediately went to my room and got on my knees and told Heavenly Father how thankful I was for the warning.

I really do hope you take your search seriously and give the Book of Mormon all the attention it deserves. If there is anything I can do for you, please don't hesitate to ask.

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1.) Do you ever doubt the truthfulness of the Mormon/LDS religion? In other words, how strong is your faith?

Yes, no one (that I know of!) has an absolute perfect knowledge. Sometimes I do doubt - especially when I don't understand.

a.) If you DO sometimes doubt Mormonism, what helps you overcome that doubt?

What helps me overcome the doubt is thinking back to my spiritual experiences. Sometimes my intellect doubts, but when I remember the feeling of the spirit I overcome it because I can't deny it.

b.) If you DO NOT ever doubt Mormonism, why is that, and what do you think would cause you to doubt (if anything)?


2.) Do you believe that God communicates with you? Why or why not?

Yes, I do. I believe God communicates with all his children. There are countless examples of this in the scriptures and even in my own life.

3.) Would you be willing to share any personal testimonies of your experiences with God (like answered prayer, witnessing a miracle, etc)? I’ve never had a supernatural experience, so I would love to read about what it’s like.

Yes, I'll be glad too. It was pretty personal, so let me know and I'll PM it to you.

Hope this helps!:)

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I will answer.....How bout I do in....let me see RED!

1.) Do you ever doubt the truthfulness of the Mormon/LDS religion? In other words, how strong is your faith?

Yes. I have had moments and seasons of doubt. Doubt is part of the deal. When you apply faith to your doubt, your faith grows. How strong is my faith? Strong enough not to let a little doubt discourage me. :)

a.) If you DO sometimes doubt Mormonism, what helps you overcome that doubt?

Well, the scriptures say to "remember". I try to remember when God did speak to me and when He did confirm my faith. I try to hold on to what I do know as I grapple with what I don't. And then I go do my homework. I mean I study the topic and I pray for the power of discernment so that I can judge correctly and then sometimes I act on my best guess until the light comes. I have learned that sometimes the light doesn't come for a while but that there is much to be gained thru the faith filled, determination driven exercize.

b.) If you DO NOT ever doubt Mormonism, why is that, and what do you think would cause you to doubt (if anything)?

I have had doubt because of three reasons. 1) people let me down or hurt me. 2) my experience didn't match my understanding. 3) traumatic experience that didn't feel deserved and help that didn't seem to come. All three circumstances challenged the way I saw things and my current state of being. They also started me on a path of growth that I am very grateful for today.

2.) Do you believe that God communicates with you? Why or why not?

I absolutely believe that God speaks to me....communicates to me....changes me.....improves me.

Because I feel Him. I hear Him. I recognize some of his workings inside me -- sometimes in the moment. And other times when I look back and He shows me a glimpse of what he has been doing.

3.) Would you be willing to share any personal testimonies of your experiences with God (like answered prayer, witnessing a miracle, etc)? I’ve never had a supernatural experience, so I would love to read about what it’s like.

[Now...this is my treasure trove. :) Let me tell you that God's workings are sometimes hard to explain. They take your words away. But I see Him working and watching and supporting me. He sends me angels.....most of the time ones that are human to help me, teach me, or lift me when I am low. I have enough experience that I can't walk away from or deny. That also helps me when doubt comes back to tempt me.

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Hi everyone. I have already posted a little bit about myself in the intro section, but in case some of you didn’t read it, I will say it again here (briefly). I grew up with no religion, but now I am curious to learn more about peoples’ beliefs. I want to know the truth! Will you guys please help me out by answering some quick questions?

Welcome. If you are looking for truth I promise you that you will find it in a lot of places. No religion has a cornered market on truth. They all have some. I don't think you will find any religion that has 100% truth. I believe that God has given his word in a variety of ways to a variety of people in a way that is best for those people. If God gave us the 100% truth our tiny mortal brains would explode. He gives us simplified versions of truth so that we can understand.

Doctrine and Covenants 98:12

12 For he will give unto the faithful line upon line, precept upon precept; and I will try you and prove you herewith.

Also see the parable of the Talents. The master didn't give all three of his servants the same amount. But the two servants who took the different amounts they had and multiplied them both recieved the rewards. The servant who buried his talent lost everything.

He need to take what truth God gives us and improve ourselves with it. It doesn't matter if you have everything. So I suggest that you find whatever religion/path helps you come closer to God and use that one to improve your relationship with God. If down the road you find another religion that helps you better take that one. There is no shame in changing religions. We should rejoice when someone finds a better path that helps them to come closer to God.

1.) Do you ever doubt the truthfulness of the Mormon/LDS religion? In other words, how strong is your faith?

a.) If you DO sometimes doubt Mormonism, what helps you overcome that doubt?

b.) If you DO NOT ever doubt Mormonism, why is that, and what do you think would cause you to doubt (if anything)?

Yes I do sometimes doubt. It's a good thing for me. It keeps me asking questions. And that helps me to learn more and educate myself better. And while studying the truth you can feel the Holy Spirit. Studying the gospel and wroking to apply it in my life helps me come closer to God.

2.) Do you believe that God communicates with you? Why or why not?

Yes I believe He does. I know He has guided me in certain decisions in my life. Especially in choosing my wife. That was something I KNOW that God had a hand in. Nothing could cause me to doubt that experience.

3.) Would you be willing to share any personal testimonies of your experiences with God (like answered prayer, witnessing a miracle, etc)? I’ve never had a supernatural experience, so I would love to read about what it’s like.

As a missionary in the Philippines my companion and I fasted that we could find people to teach. Later that day we were walking in a part of the town we had never been before. Frrom a distance we heard a woman shouting, "Hey, Elders." Missionaries are commonly refered to as 'Elders' by church members. We thought it was weird. We approached her and asked her why she called us elders. She said she hadn't. Any way we talked and the teaching of three people resulted from that contact.

As I mentioned above. When I was still a missionary I was at the branch meeting house. We were waiting for church to start and standing around outside. I was talking to a young child and I looked up and saw a woman by the door of the building. I had never seem here before. However as soon as I saw her I heard the words in my mind as clear as anyone talking to me, "She's the one." Now I wasn't looking for a wife at that time. I approached her and asked who she was. She was actually from a city a little but away and was in the leadership that included our area. We talked for a bit and then church started. I saw her occasionally during the rest of my mission. But I didn't flirt with her or anything(flirting/courting/dating are not allowed for missionaries). But just before I left for home a member approached me and gave me the girl's phone number. I called her a few months after getting home. Add three years and we got married. At the time I wasn't sure what, "She's the one," meant. It seemed impossible at the time that she was the woman I was going to marry.

Thank you very much for taking the time to read my post. And to all of you who reply, I thank you in advance.



No problem. It was fun. I hope my post was helpful.

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1.) Do you ever doubt the truthfulness of the Mormon/LDS religion? In other words, how strong is your faith?

Before I joined at the age of 16, I was pretty anti-religion. Some of my family had associations with the LDS faith, but rarely if ever went. So, in a way, I very much doubted any truthfulness even though I was exposed to it a little bit. Can't say that I have had any doubt since those initial experiences led me to know that God does exist, and that the LDS Church is His church.

2.) Do you believe that God communicates with you? Why or why not?

No question in my mind. I've been blessed to have some very clear communications. There is no way I would have been able to accept the truthfulness of religion in general, or this church specifically, without the witness borne to me directly through the Holy Ghost. Everyone can get this witness, but it is not a simple thing to achieve.

3.) Would you be willing to share any personal testimonies of your experiences with God (like answered prayer, witnessing a miracle, etc)? I’ve never had a supernatural experience, so I would love to read about what it’s like.

Melissa23 just posted her account of her first experience that you might enjoy. See this post.

Also, The LDS church has put togther a site ( that provides many personal experiences you may be looking for.

You honestly sound like you are at the point that you ought to talk to the missionaries. You can get in contact with local missionaries at - Contact Missionaries They would be happy to spend time answering your questions and telling you about their personal stories of how they personally know that our Heavenly Father is real.

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Thank you so much for your speedy replies! I enjoyed reading all of them, and I really appreciate everyone taking the time to write about their experiences.


The truthfuless of "Mormonism" can be traced to the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon.

I notice you put the word "Mormonism" in quotes. Have I used the wrong term? If so, I apologize. This is always what I've heard the LDS faith called, so I don't know what other name to use. Please let me know if there's a different term you'd prefer instead.

And thank you for the reply! Your story about the snake was amazing.


Welcome. If you are looking for truth I promise you that you will find it in a lot of places. No religion has a cornered market on truth. They all have some. I don't think you will find any religion that has 100% truth. I believe that God has given his word in a variety of ways to a variety of people in a way that is best for those people.

That's a very good insight. Thank you! I will keep that in mind.

The reason I use the word "truth" is because I hear it a lot from religious people. Most faiths do claim to have "the truth". They also say that those who do not have their truth will not be "saved". Well, I want to be saved. I've heard a little bit about hell, and it doesn't sound like a place I'd want to go. That's why I'm concerned about making sure I have the right truth! It's a very confusing process, though, because "the right truth" is what everyone claims to have.

Is this what Mormons officially believe -- that they have the truth, and all others will be condemned? Or is it more like what you said -- that truth can be found through a variety of paths? If you could clarify your point, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks!


Melissa23 just posted her account of her first experience that you might enjoy. See this post. Also, The LDS church has put togther a site ( that provides many personal experiences you may be looking for.

You honestly sound like you are at the point that you ought to talk to the missionaries. You can get in contact with local missionaries at - Contact Missionaries They would be happy to spend time answering your questions and telling you about their personal stories of how they personally know that our Heavenly Father is real.

Thanks, RYANH. I'll give it a try!

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I just read through everyone's posts again, and there's one more clarification I'd like to request. (I'm trying to read up on the LDS faith and other religious beliefs as well, but I'm not very knowledgeable on these subjects yet, so please forgive me if this is a dumb question.) If I read the book of Mormon and then pray about it, will I receive an answer from God telling me that it's the truth? That's what the information on these websites seems to imply, but I want to make sure I'm understanding it correctly. That's all I have to do? And will it work for me? Because I've never prayed before and I don't know how.

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I just read through everyone's posts again, and there's one more clarification I'd like to request. (I'm trying to read up on the LDS faith and other religious beliefs as well, but I'm not very knowledgeable on these subjects yet, so please forgive me if this is a dumb question.) If I read the book of Mormon and then pray about it, will I receive an answer from God telling me that it's the truth? That's what the information on these websites seems to imply, but I want to make sure I'm understanding it correctly. That's all I have to do? And will it work for me? Because I've never prayed before and I don't know how.

If you pray with all your heart, with a strong intent on finding the truth, believing with all your might that God will answer you, then you will receive an answer. In the Bible, James chapter 1, verse 5-6 talks about how to pray when asking for knowledge:

5 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.

6 But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.

Now let me share my testimony to you. I was born into the LDS religion. There was a point when I wasn't sure the Book of Mormon was true. So I read the testimony's listed at the front of the Book of Mormon, sat and thought about those testimonies for a few minutes. Then I got on my knees, with my arms folded on the top of my bed, and prayed with all my heart to know if the Book of Mormon was true. I did see a vision, atop of my bed was a personage that was brighter than the noon sun on a cloudless day. I don't know who the personage was nor was I able to see any details, but just seeing that personage for a few seconds before he left was enough to tell me that the Book of Mormon is true. I have never doubted the Book of Mormon since then.

Now, not everyone will have that happen when they pray. My dad, when he prayed, didn't get an answer right away like I did, but he got his answer through receiving a strong warm comforting feeling every time he sat down to read the Book of Mormon before he was baptized - he joined while in college about 3 years before I was born.

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The reason you find "Mormonism" in quotes is because that's the secular name for our religion - when compared to other religions or faiths.

We believe that the fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is restored through Joseph Smith and is only taught and practiced in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

So, when you're thinking about our beliefs in the view of a comparison, then "Mormonism" would be correct.

But when you're in the Church with your own testimony, you believe it to be Christ's Church and His Gospel and it shouldn't be labeled "Mormonism" but after Christ's name.

I hope it makes sense?

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Wow. Thanks for sharing your amazing testimony!

If you pray with all your heart, with a strong intent on finding the truth, believing with all your might that God will answer you, then you will receive an answer.

I will try to follow your advice. I think it'll be difficult to "believe with all my might" that God will answer me, because God has never spoken to me before and I don't know what to expect. But I do have "a strong intent on finding the truth", so hopefully God will understand my predicament and answer me anyway!

I did see a vision, atop of my bed was a personage that was brighter than the noon sun on a cloudless day.

First of all, let me say how awe-inspiring your experience sounds! I wish I could have such a thing happen to me! But it makes me curious. I have a Hindu co-worker who believes that Ganesha (some sort of elephant-deity) appears to him on a regular basis and "removes obstacles" from his way. What is the Mormon position on people from other religions supposedly seeing supernatural visions? Is it the devil misleading them?

I would love to hear what you think, and thanks again for your reply. It was a lot of fun to read!


That makes sense. Thank you very much for the explanation!

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Is this what Mormons officially believe -- that they have the truth, and all others will be condemned?

That's an interesting thought - that "all others will be condemned."

I notice that no one said that or implied or even suggested that. Where did you come up with it?

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I just read through everyone's posts again, and there's one more clarification I'd like to request. (I'm trying to read up on the LDS faith and other religious beliefs as well, but I'm not very knowledgeable on these subjects yet, so please forgive me if this is a dumb question.) If I read the book of Mormon and then pray about it, will I receive an answer from God telling me that it's the truth? That's what the information on these websites seems to imply, but I want to make sure I'm understanding it correctly. That's all I have to do? And will it work for me? Because I've never prayed before and I don't know how.

Seeker7, may I ask you:

Why am I here on earth? (For what purpose)

Where did I come from? (Before I born?)

When my life is over, and I when I die, where am I a going ? (Or is that all there is to it?)

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Wow. Thanks for sharing your amazing testimony!

Your welcome

I will try to follow your advice. I think it'll be difficult to "believe with all my might" that God will answer me, because God has never spoken to me before and I don't know what to expect. But I do have "a strong intent on finding the truth", so hopefully God will understand my predicament and answer me anyway!

When I had prayed, I didn't know what to expect either. I knew what other people had said happened to them: a burning feeling in their bosom (at the time I didn't know what a bosom was so didn't know where I would have a burning feeling if that came), hearing a voice, having a dream that night to tell them, and many other ways. Before that prayer and after I have never heard a voice tell me the answer to a prayer nor had another vision. Just that one when I prayed about the truth of the Book of Mormon. Now, when I have prayed to see if a decision I want to make is the right decision - like my decision to learn Spanish, I have received the warm feeling in my chest or a very strong impression on my mind that that decision is the right one if it is right. If it is wrong, my mind goes blank and I feel a cold feeling all about me - like getting out of a warm bed into the cool air of the room.

First of all, let me say how awe-inspiring your experience sounds! I wish I could have such a thing happen to me! But it makes me curious. I have a Hindu co-worker who believes that Ganesha (some sort of elephant-deity) appears to him on a regular basis and "removes obstacles" from his way. What is the Mormon position on people from other religions supposedly seeing supernatural visions? Is it the devil misleading them?

I can't speak for everyone who is LDS, but I can say what I believe. I believe people who see supernatural visions that those visions can either be from Satan or from God. With your friend, I think he is seeing an angel from God who is helping him along his way - however, because of your friend's belief system he believes it is Ganesha. I have heard of others who seen one of Satan's angels who tried to get them to do things they know are wrong.

When I was young, I asked my mom if I saw someone claiming to be from God, how would I know if they are and this is what she told me. You ask to shake their hand, if it's someone in spirit form that is from God, they will put their hands behind their back and say something about how they can not shake your hand. But if it's someone in spirit form that is from Satan, they will put their hand out to shake and you won't feel anything - your hand will go right through theirs. She explain the reason for this is that Satan and his fallen angels are out to deceive the children of God where as angels sent by God will not try to deceive us.

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That's an interesting thought - that "all others will be condemned."

I notice that no one said that or implied or even suggested that. Where did you come up with it?

I did not say that anyone had implied or suggested that. I merely asked a question about what Mormons believe. I wrote:

Is this what Mormons officially believe -- that they have the truth, and all others will be condemned? Or is it more like what you said -- that truth can be found through a variety of paths?

As I have stated before, I am unfamiliar with Mormon beliefs, teachings, and practices. I came to this forum to learn more about them. One of the ways in which people learn things is by asking questions. I've heard many religious people say that those who do not share their specific beliefs will be condemned to hell, and I was simply curious to know what the LDS stance was on that issue. Please forgive me if I have offended you or given you the wrong impression.


Why am I here on earth? (For what purpose)

Where did I come from? (Before I born?)

When my life is over, and I when I die, where am I a going ? (Or is that all there is to it?)

Those are tough questions, LILERED. I'm trying to find the answers!


Thanks for telling me more about prayer. Now I'll know what to look for when I try it for the first time! I hope I am successful! Thank you again for all your help.

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That's a very good insight. Thank you! I will keep that in mind.

The reason I use the word "truth" is because I hear it a lot from religious people. Most faiths do claim to have "the truth". They also say that those who do not have their truth will not be "saved". Well, I want to be saved. I've heard a little bit about hell, and it doesn't sound like a place I'd want to go. That's why I'm concerned about making sure I have the right truth! It's a very confusing process, though, because "the right truth" is what everyone claims to have.

I think the real prolem with everyone claiming to have the "right truth" is associated with membership. Many churches want lots of peope to join them. So claiming to have the "right truth" is a good way to hook people into the church.

Is this what Mormons officially believe -- that they have the truth, and all others will be condemned? Or is it more like what you said -- that truth can be found through a variety of paths? If you could clarify your point, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks!

It's sort of both. The Mormon church recognizes that there is truth everywhere. Other religions have truth. But also the church claims to have the most truth. But the church also teaches that each person will be judged according to the knowledge they have. So that fits with what I said too.

For example we believe that a person who dies who never had a chance to hear the gospel will have the chance to after this life in the Spirit world. The Spirit world is sort of a waiting place where everyone who dies waits for the ressurection of all people before the final judgement.

A Catholic who didn't have the Gospel(what we call the fullness of the Gospel) will be judged acorrding to the amount of the gospel they have. So if you have a Mormon who has the fullness of the Gospel but ignores it and sins just for fun. But you have a Catholic who lives the best they can and tries to obey the commandments. The Catholic will most likely recieve a better reward than the Mormon.

So what really counts is what you do with what God has given you. If God has given you more then more is expected of you.Also we should always be looking for chances to learn more and find more ways to become better people. To me personally that means that if you can be a better person as a Bhuddist than you can as a Mormon then you should be Bhuddist.

I just read through everyone's posts again, and there's one more clarification I'd like to request. (I'm trying to read up on the LDS faith and other religious beliefs as well, but I'm not very knowledgeable on these subjects yet, so please forgive me if this is a dumb question.) If I read the book of Mormon and then pray about it, will I receive an answer from God telling me that it's the truth? That's what the information on these websites seems to imply, but I want to make sure I'm understanding it correctly. That's all I have to do? And will it work for me? Because I've never prayed before and I don't know how.

Well it's not just as simple as reading and praying. Here's the verses at the end of the Book of Mormon that tell us about it:

Moroni 10:3-5(Emphasis added)

3 Behold, I would exhort you that when ye shall read these things, if it be wisdom in God that ye should read them, that ye would remember how merciful the Lord hath been unto the children of men, from the creation of Adam even down until the time that ye shall receive these things, and ponder it in your hearts.

4 And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost.

5 And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things.

So there is more than just reaing and praying. It involves:


Pondering(aka studying and thinking about it)

Pray and ask if it is true.

You will need to have the proper attitude when praying:

Have a sincere heart - This means you really believe in what you are doing.

Have real intent - This means you are really trying to find an answer. You not just trying to disprove it. Like if you said, "There I prayed about it, it's not true."

Have faith in Christ

if you do those things then God will give you an answer by the power of the Holy Ghost. So it's not a simple process. It will take a while to study and pray. It's not just one prayer. It has to be something that you would pray for the rest of your life if that is what it would take to get an answer.

I'm sure others can offer more insight.

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I think the real prolem with everyone claiming to have the "right truth" is associated with membership. Many churches want lots of peope to join them. So claiming to have the "right truth" is a good way to hook people into the church.

That's a very good thought. I think you're right about that!

So what really counts is what you do with what God has given you...Also we should always be looking for chances to learn more and find more ways to become better people.

That sounds very reasonable to me. Thanks for sharing your insights! To be honest, what you said makes a lot more sense in my mind than what some other people say -- that unless your beliefs and practices are just right, you'll be burning in hell for all of eternity. It seems to me that a fair and righteous god, like the one Christians describe, would not punish people indiscriminately like that.

I'm glad you clarified your position on this subject. It was very helpful to me!


b.) If you DO NOT ever doubt Mormonism, why is that, and what do you think would cause you to doubt (if anything)?

I do not doubt it because of witnesses I have recieved about it.

Hi, CHANGED. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me. But I have to ask, what do you mean by "witnesses"? Do you mean visions, or signs? It would be really great if you could clarify that for me. Thanks! :)

Other than that, I really enjoyed reading about your supernatural experience. It sounds like it was very moving. Also, your thoughts on Hinduism and the "truths" present there (as well as in other religions) were really intriguing to read. Unfortunately, I'm not used to hearing such tolerant statements from religious people. It's such a relief to read things that make me feel hopeful about my search for truth!

Thanks again!

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Those are tough questions, LILERED. I'm trying to find the answers!


Seeker7 - I had hoped that the three questions I asked you, would give at least me some idea of your thoughts/beliefs from a religious perspective on why you exist. Can you at least answer from your perspective or understanding based on your knowledge to date? Thx. :)

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1.) Do you ever doubt the truthfulness of the Mormon/LDS religion? In other words, how strong is your faith?

Only in that occasionally I doubt all religions -- ie sometimes I think we may all be fooling ourselves and there is no God. Not often, but occasionally. But then I went back and forth between being an agnostic and an atheist for about 15 - 16 years

If there is a God then this is the only religion that makes sense

and if there is not a God, this religion has still made me a better; man, husband and father - either way - I win.

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I just read through everyone's posts again, and there's one more clarification I'd like to request. (I'm trying to read up on the LDS faith and other religious beliefs as well, but I'm not very knowledgeable on these subjects yet, so please forgive me if this is a dumb question.) If I read the book of Mormon and then pray about it, will I receive an answer from God telling me that it's the truth? That's what the information on these websites seems to imply, but I want to make sure I'm understanding it correctly. That's all I have to do? And will it work for me? Because I've never prayed before and I don't know how.

Not quite that easy as I found out -- one thing the verse states is to pray with real intent -- that means you must be willing to follow through on the answer -- when I investigated the Church I spent a year praying to know if what I was being taught was true or not and never got an answer -- finally I was getting fed up and my prayer changed to 'I'll do what you want me to do, just tell me" I got my answer within a week.

Wanting to KNOW and being willing to DO are 2 different things.

I firmly believes that the Lord knows if we are ready to DO, and will not test us beyond our abilities

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Thanks once again for the useful post. Your insights about the LDS faith in relation to other religions really resonates with me. For a long time, I have thought that all religious denominations claimed to have "the only truth", and that those who chose not to accept that particular truth were hellbound. This made me feel very uneasy in my quest for knowledge, because I worried about believing in "the wrong truth", if you will. But I can see now that I was mistaken in my previous assumption. Thanks very much for clarifying matters!

if you read anything negative about us, please post your questions here - whatever they might be (we have heard it all at this point) so that we can give you the entire picutre around it.

Thanks for the invitation! I'll be sure to do that. Unfortunately, I did come across some anti-Mormon websites while browsing for information on the internet (mostly claiming that the LDS church is a cult and that its members are misled by the devil), but I didn't read very much on those pages, because they seemed more intent on rudely bashing Mormonism than anything else. How does it make you feel to know that some people think of your religion that way? I imagine it would be very hurtful and frustrating. I'm truly sorry that some people choose to insult and criticize Mormon beliefs without even trying to find out more about them. Perhaps if they all came to this forum, they would change their minds!


Seeker7 - I had hoped that the three questions I asked you, would give at least me some idea of your thoughts/beliefs from a religious perspective on why you exist. Can you at least answer from your perspective or understanding based on your knowledge to date? Thx.

Sorry, LILERED. I guess I misunderstood! I'd be glad to tell you more about what I've believed up until this point.

1.) Why am I here on earth? (For what purpose?) For most of my life, it has been my understanding that I am here on earth because my father's sperm fertilized my mother's egg and brought me into existence; which took place because at some point down the evolutionary line, homo sapiens diverged from our common ancestor with the chimpanzees; which happened because many billions of years ago, self-replicating life formed in the chemical-rich oceans of the primeval earth; which was made possible because the Big Bang caused all the matter and energy within our universe (previously condensed into the singularity) start to expand; and what happened before that, I don't know. In other words, I am a sentient carbon-based organism living on planet earth due to mostly random circumstances, with no inherent "purpose" whatsoever. But does this mean that, so far, I have been completely closed off to the possibility of there being a purpose to my life? Absolutely not! If there is indeed a purpose, I'd very much like to know about it. In fact, that's why I'm here on this forum!

2.) Where did I come from? (Before I was born?) I came from a zygote within my mother's womb. Before I was a zygote, I was an unfertilized egg, one of thousands within my mother's ovaries. I did not have a consciousness because I did not have a mind; my consciousness began once my brain was fully formed. Do I believe that I am absolutely right in my thinking, and that anyone who thinks differently is deluded and wrong? No way! It's just that this has always seemed like the most probable and reasonable explanation of where I came from, so this is what I've stuck to.

3.) When my life is over, and I when I die, where am I a going ? (Or is that all there is to it?) I've always supposed that when I die, I will feel the same way I did before I was born -- in other words, I will feel and experience nothing at all. I will remember nothing because I will know nothing. I will have no consciousness at all, because consciousness comes from a functioning brain, and after death my brain will no longer function. To some people, that thought is cold and frightening. To me, however, it has always seemed like the ultimate peace. Do I deny the possible existence of an afterlife? Nope! (Although I must admit, there are some forms of post-mortal existence I'd be much quicker to deny than others -- like hell, because it seems to be kind of an immoral concept). But I know that just because something is uncomfortable to think about, that doesn't make it false. And I'm quite sure that if heaven and hell do exist, heaven is where I want to go!

To summarize, I've lived a mostly naturalistic lifestyle grounded in scientific reality -- what is provable, observable, and testable. Might there be more to life that I'm missing out on? Certainly! That's why I'm investigating different religions right now. If there is more to life, then I don't want to continue to miss out on it. Hope that helps! :)


Thanks for the advice!

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Hi everyone. I have already posted a little bit about myself in the intro section, but in case some of you didn’t read it, I will say it again here (briefly). I grew up with no religion, but now I am curious to learn more about peoples’ beliefs. I want to know the truth! Will you guys please help me out by answering some quick questions?

1.) Do you ever doubt the truthfulness of the Mormon/LDS religion? In other words, how strong is your faith?

a.) If you DO sometimes doubt Mormonism, what helps you overcome that doubt?

b.) If you DO NOT ever doubt Mormonism, why is that, and what do you think would cause you to doubt (if anything)?

2.) Do you believe that God communicates with you? Why or why not?

3.) Would you be willing to share any personal testimonies of your experiences with God (like answered prayer, witnessing a miracle, etc)? I’ve never had a supernatural experience, so I would love to read about what it’s like.

Thank you very much for taking the time to read my post. And to all of you who reply, I thank you in advance.



What I can attest too, is to follow what Moroni presented in the Book of Mormon in asking GOD for yourself. Any visions, dreams, or miracles, is a reward from on high to your personally. These will happen when we prove ourselves to be worthy heirs of salvation and following the 'will' the GOD.

It is our goal in mortality to seek the face of GOD after we achieve our the fullness of the Priesthood. There is no longer doubt if GOD lives or that Jesus is the Christ, the only beloved Son of GOD. To this end, we are sealed to GOD and the Son, in becoming partakers of the eternal life.

Seek out the Missionaries for more knowledge on what is given...

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By nature I doubt almost everything – There may be something I do not doubt but I doubt the effort in trying to figure it out.

In general I do not focus on doubt. I find the best available and move forward with it. I am LDS because I have not found anything better for preparing youth than the LDS youth programs, I have not found a better method for missionary work than the LDS method, no better welfare program than the LDS, no better marriage than the LDS temple marriage, a better commitment for all men than the LDS priesthood, no better calling for women than wife and mother, no better calling for men serving the L-rd than husband and father. In short I have found nothing better for covenant than the LDS covenant.

As far as reading the Book of Mormon, praying and receiving an answer from G-d. You will, but please understand that you do not have to read the Book of Mormon to qualify for answer. You do not have to pray to get a message from G-d. But most people have great difficulty receiving something from G-d. Reading the Book of Mormon and praying are aids to help prepare you for hearing and receiving spiritual things.

The Traveler

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Thanks for the enlightening post! It was very interesting to read about your personal beliefs regarding the Big Bang and the origin of life on Earth (or lack of origin, as you put it), and to see how those beliefs tie in with LDS theology. Also, what you said about the Hebrew word "qen" was quite intriguing. I'd never heard that information before! Thanks again for sharing it with me.

Just out of curiousity, do you agree that matter/energy is not the only thing that exists?

At this point, I would agree that matter/energy might not be the only thing that exists -- but then again, it might be. I try to remain open to all possibilities. I can say, though, that I usually prefer to stick with things I'm certain about, and matter/energy falls under that category because its existence can be proven. Anything else does not, because its existence is left up to mere speculation, "feelings", or faith -- all of which often lead people astray.

How do you define life?

If it metabolizes, reproduces, responds to its environment, grows and develops, and evolves over time, it's alive. I believe that there is but one life, and all living things share in it. I also believe that all life today has been alive since the first life. (The organism itself might be new, but DNA -- that which gives the organism life -- is very old.) Thus, all the cells in the human body contain the same life, which is also shared by all living things on the planet. Life is collective, and it began millions of years ago. We are vessels that carry a small portion of that life for a short time. I believe that death for the individual is not an end to life, since life continues to exist in all other forms of life, and will continue to do so as long as there is life. I hope that makes sense. =)

What separates a robot from a human IYO? just curious.

Humans are alive. Robots are not. Humans also feel emotions, which machines are incapable of feeling.

I believe that life is more than just flesh and blood...

So do I, in the sense that I believe there are lots of organisms without flesh and blood that are still biologically alive. I'm not yet convinced that life is anything more than a series of finite chemical reactions. There might indeed be some sort of spiritual force accompanying those reactions; I've just never seen any evidence of such a thing.

I hope my answers were helpful to you. Thanks again for the informative post!

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