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I am a single mom. I have only been this way for 9 months. I was abused emotionally by my ex husband who I married in the Temple and basically I am trying to start over with little to no self esteam. I am 26 years old and I am going back to school. For so long I could not do anything right and for so long I have always been stupid, at least that is what I was told on a daily basis. So at this point I am trying to move on and find out who I am. I am looking for support and for help getting over the negative feelings that I have towards my ex. If anyone is wanting to talk to ask questions I am open, talking about it helps me sort things out and makes me feel better. If nothing else, I just really want to be happy with who I am. Thanks for reading.

~Moving on~

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Hi Moving_on. Welcome. Feeling love and respect for oneself, and being happy with who you are, is something I've been reading up on lately - for myself, and a few people I know. I'm not sure I could lay it out there succintly, and I haven't found any one great resource, but I can throw a few articles and sites your direction to read. I'll have to gather and organize some of them. Sorry to hear of your travails.


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Hey girl it will be ok I promise. I've sorta been in your shoes my ex boyfriend was like that only it was physically to. It can't rain forever hun and when it does just remember where the rain comes from. I'm more than willing to give a helping hand and be a shoulder to cry on if you ever need one ^.^

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I am sorry to hear about your story. It hurts my heart to know these things happen. But I am glad to see that you are taking steps to make your circumstances safer.

It's hard to unwind all those self defeating messages that get planted into our thinking. I have a few of my own I still have to battle. I still struggle with self confidence, even though some may not guess it here on the boards. I am more confident then I used to be and step by step I am gaining strength inside myself. Coming to a forum like this can be a safer way to gain confidence and maybe practicing confidence. I have gained a lot by coming hear. When I first signed up, I made my name "misshalfway". I felt like that in so many ways......if only you could have heard the harshness of the voice inside my head! I feel SO differently now. I don't change the name as most people know me now and it makes for funny jokes. ;) I am even starting to love the name as its totally ok with me that I am "halfway" in so many areas. I am finally ok with it. :)

I wish healing and happiness for you. Self love and self care......its a really really good thing!

I hope you stick around. I would love to get to know you.

Edited by Misshalfway
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Thank you to everyone who posted a comment to me, it makes me feel welcome and also have a desire to come back. I am constantly saying "it's hard" but really I know that so many people have it so much worse than me. I am sorry for those people,and hope that through my experiences that I might be able to help and share some light. I have good days and bad days, but I am moving on and I am finding happieness. Thank you again to all, and I look forward to more postings.

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