Where do you stand on this government interrogation technique?


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Is Using A Minotaur To Gore Detainees A Form Of Torture? | The Onion - America's Finest News Source

I was watching this and realized that I'm not certain where I stand on this particular interrogation technique. Sure, I probably disagree with keeping a person chained on his feet for 5 days straight, but enhanced bovine interrogation techniques have used for a long time.

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That's a tough one, Funky... I think it's cruel and inhumane to the people, but I'm sure that inhumanity is outweighed by the joy the minotur received.

I think the more important question is, why aren't they using Centaurs too? I hear they like to torture people too, and I have one I can lend the FBI if they need it.

Equality for Half-Human Creatures!

EDIT: I love the ending, after the clip from the Minotaur's audio book. :lol:

Edited by Maxel
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