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President Obama's poll numbers have fallen faster than any President in recent history...maybe ever. Zogby reports his poll number's have fallen to 42%. This doesn't surprise me nor does it make me happy. I am solidly opposed to President Obama and the agenda of the left in general, but, I was hoping for a period of time that was less polarizing than during the Bush years or Clinton years. Sadly that is not the's politics as usual in D.C.

I believe that like all past Presidents that Obama truly wants what is best for his country. He needs to focus like a laser beam on the economy. We are far from being out of the woods. He still has a chance to right his listing ship......but he better hurry.

Mr. President......Americans are suffering from unemployment and a growth stifling tax policy. End the IRS! Change the tax system to a FAIR tax! Cut the Corporate tax rate! Break out of the chains of the Democratic party's destructive tax and spend ideology. Repeal the "stimulus" bill and let's get people back to work.

I suspect that he won't listen...and 42% will soon be 39% and so on and so on. But...if he did, I would be happy and so would the majority of Americans.

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I heard him say "I don't want to own a bunch of banks."

Then I heard him say "I don't want to run a car company."

I waited for a while, but then yes indeed, I finally heard a clip of him saying "I don't want to run a health insurance company."

I dunno - how many things must a president end up doing that he doesn't want to, before we start questioning either his truthfulness, or his ability?


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I seem to recall a certain president that had almost 90% approval ratings and in a few short months, possibly 1 year, they went to historic lows. Which brings up a whole other issue. I've never been asked my opinion. No one I know has been asked to rate the president. Have any of you? How do we know the poll groups even ask people? You can make statistics say anything, just look at how various members of congress can take the very same statistics and come to completely diametrically opposite conclusions . Ohh I used the word diametric. What does that mean anyways?

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I seem to recall a certain president that had almost 90% approval ratings and in a few short months, possibly 1 year, they went to historic lows. Which brings up a whole other issue. I've never been asked my opinion. No one I know has been asked to rate the president. Have any of you? How do we know the poll groups even ask people? You can make statistics say anything, just look at how various members of congress can take the very same statistics and come to completely diametrically opposite conclusions . Ohh I used the word diametric. What does that mean anyways?

A few short months??? He was about 56% going into the 2004 elections. But I digress and I fear you have missed the point of the thread. The New York Times wrote that Obama has fallen faster......anyways.....the poll was done by John Zogby, a Democrat pollster.

Edited by bytor2112
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I seem to recall a certain president that had almost 90% approval ratings and in a few short months, possibly 1 year, they went to historic lows. Which brings up a whole other issue. I've never been asked my opinion. No one I know has been asked to rate the president. Have any of you? How do we know the poll groups even ask people? You can make statistics say anything, just look at how various members of congress can take the very same statistics and come to completely diametrically opposite conclusions . Ohh I used the word diametric. What does that mean anyways?

I'm taking statistics class right now and sure enough, you can infer on a population quite reliably from a very small random sample. So, for a voter population of what - 100 million or so? - you can actually take a random sampling of say 10,000 or less. That's a 10th of a percent chance for each voter. Quite small odds indeed.

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I don't have time to read the polls...I am to busy running around in my angry mob costume.....:hippie:

Hopefully, you're taking it off to get washed Pale! You've been wearing it a while, it would stink without benefit of laundry!

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I was hoping for a period of time that was less polarizing than during the Bush years or Clinton years. Sadly that is not the's politics as usual in D.C.

So was I (hoping for a less polarized period of time), but it seems to me that it's primarily the conservatives who are digging in their heels and being stubborn...

Mr. President......Americans are suffering from unemployment and a growth stifling tax policy. End the IRS! Change the tax system to a FAIR tax! Cut the Corporate tax rate!

Cutting the tax rate to large, profitable corporations (notice the qualifiers I put in there) would be the LEAST fair thing to do. Under conservative administrations, it is small businesses, the middle class, and the poor who have suffered.

Break out of the chains of the Democratic party's destructive tax and spend ideology. Repeal the "stimulus" bill and let's get people back to work.

If stimulus money keeps certain businesses in business, it seems to me that's saving jobs. Having said that, I think the stimulus measures could have been more strategically done.

And how is Republicans' big spending while cutting revenue any less destructive? At least the Dems recognize you need to have money to pay the bills, and raising taxes on the wealthy is necessary.

Peace, love, and watermelons, my friend. :)


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Cutting the tax rate to large, profitable corporations (notice the qualifiers I put in there) would be the LEAST fair thing to do. Under conservative administrations, it is small businesses, the middle class, and the poor who have suffered.

Peace, love, and watermelons, my friend. :)


HEP. A Corporation cannot pay tax. It is not a person. That's why people make corporations - to protect their "person". So, what is corporate tax? Basically, it is filed under Corporate Expense tacked on to the cost of goods/service. So, who is paying this tax? The consumer.

You dig?

Sometimes, we just need to open our minds and see the bigger picture outside of class warfare that the government and the media (both left and right and down the middle) are plying us all with.

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So was I (hoping for a less polarized period of time), but it seems to me that it's primarily the conservatives who are digging in their heels and being stubborn...

So....should everyone sit idly by and do as Nero and fiddle while Rome burns? If you believe it is primarily conservatives, you have blinders on. Read the polls.

Cutting the tax rate to large, profitable corporations (notice the qualifiers I put in there) would be the LEAST fair thing to do. Under conservative administrations, it is small businesses, the middle class, and the poor who have suffered.

Complete and utterly unsubstantiated ballyhoo.....You obviously know very little about economics and business. Typical leftist rhetoric. I own two small businesses and I can assure you that you are sooooo wrong.

If stimulus money keeps certain businesses in business, it seems to me that's saving jobs. Having said that, I think the stimulus measures could have been more strategically done.

Which businesses???? Unemployment is at 9.7% (the real number is likely double digit)

And how is Republicans' big spending while cutting revenue any less destructive? At least the Dems recognize you need to have money to pay the bills, and raising taxes on the wealthy is necessary.

Raising taxes on the wealthy (translate that into small business owners) destroys jobs and damages the economy. Cutting taxes increases revenues......and taxes are going up on everyone when the Bush tax cuts sunset...everyone. (10% rate returns to 15%)..everyone. Taxes are far to high...far too high under Bush and completely unfair.

Dems aren't paying bills...they are printing money and destroying the value of the dollar. The Republicans aren't conservatives they are just like the Democrats, except the Democrats are dangerous. Different wings of the same bird.

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