Herbal Medicine and Alternative Therapies


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With the dangers that come with Pharmaceuticals, it's good to know that God has created all the help we need with Herbals and Alternative therapies. This Thread is dedicated to those things, but like pharmaceuticals, we need to remember that somethings are good and ordained of God, while others carries risks.

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I use herbs, essential oils, and other natural remedies every time anyone in my family gets sick (which isn't very often). (Along with priesthood blessings, of course).

ZenMormon, are there any links to websites that you recommend that someone can turn to for advice on which remedies/herbs should be used for certain illnesses? One of my favorites is Herbal Supplements | Dr. John Christopher (He's LDS too)

Here are some great quotes from LDS Prophets and other Latter-day Saints pertaining to this topic:

"And whosoever among you are sick, and have not faith to be healed, but believe, shall be nourished with all tenderness, with herbs and mild food, and that not by the hand of an enemy.

"And the elders of the church, two or more, shall be called, and shall pray for and lay their hands upon them in my name; and if they die they shall die unto me, and if they live they shall live unto me." (D&C 42:43–44)

"I preached to a large congregation at the stand, on the science and practice of medicine, desiring to persuade the Saints to trust in God when sick, and not in the arm of flesh, and live by faith and not by medicine, or poison; and when they were sick, and had called for the Elders to pray for them, and they were not healed, to use herbs and mild food." (Joseph Smith Jr., President of the Church, 5 September 1841) [History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, vol. 4, intro. and notes by B. H. Roberts, second edition revised (Salt Lake City, Utah: The Deseret Book Company, 1976), p. 414.]

"And there were some who died with fevers, which at some seasons of the year were very frequent in the land—but not so much so with fevers, because of the excellent qualities of the many plants and roots which God had prepared to remove the cause of diseases, to which men were subject by the nature of the climate" (Alma 46:40)

"If you are sick, live by faith, and let surgeon’s medicine alone if you want to live, using only such herbs and mild food as are at your disposal. If you give heed to this counsel, you will prosper; but if not, we cannot be responsible for the consequences. A hint to the wise is sufficient." (The Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, 19 August 1846) [“Letter to the Mormon Battalion,” Messages of the First Presidency, edited by James R. Clark, vol. 1 (Salt Lake City, Utah: Bookcraft Inc., 1965), p. 302.]

"It is the duty of every father and mother to live so that they may have the mind and will of the Lord concerning their duties to their families. If they are not called to exercise the priesthood which they hold, more than to administer to their children, it is their duty to live so as to know how to teach, lead and advise their children; and if they are disposed they may have the privilege, for it is God’s mind and will that they should know just what to do for them when they are sick. Instead of calling for a doctor you should administer to them by the laying on of hands and anointing with oil, and give them mild food, and herbs, and medicines that you understand; and if you want the mind and will of God at such a time, get it, it is just as much your privilege as of any other member of the Church and kingdom of God." (Brigham Young, President of the Church, 31 August 1875)[“Present Revelation Necessary to Lead the Church—The Apostleship—Present Revelation Necessary for All—Evils of Waste, Intemperance, and Extravagance—True Reformation Is to Cease from Doing Evil,” reported by David W. Evans, Journal of Discourses, vol. 18 (Liverpool: Joseph F. Smith, 1877), pp. 71–72.]

"I have no doubt that we should very soon become a healthy and strong people if we would strictly follow the suggestions contained in the Word of Wisdom and the ordinary rules of health which common sense suggests; and then exercise faith in the ordinances of the gospel for the benefit of the afflicted, instead of sending for a doctor the moment we feel indisposed. This latter course shows a lack of faith. But unbelief is natural where disobedience has been practiced. . . . It is a shame to us as a people that we neglect, as many of us do, the gifts of healing and the gift to be healed which the Lord has so mercifully given to us. It is a disgrace that many possessing a mere smattering of medical knowledge and can speedily obtain a practice netting annually thousands of dollars, while the great Giver of life, who knows how to provide every organ of the body is unsought in the hour of sickness. It is a standing reproach to us, we still place more reliance on the skill and knowledge of man, than on the power of God." (Abraham H. Cannon of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles)[in John Heinerman, Joseph Smith and Herbal Medicine (Monrovia, California: Majority of One Press, 1975), chapter 8.]

"The condition of the physical body can affect the spirit. That’s why the Lord gave us the Word of Wisdom. He also said that we should retire to our beds early and arise early (see D&C 88:124), that we should not run faster than we have strength (see D&C 10:4), and that we should use moderation in all good things. In general, the more food we eat in its natural state and the less it is refined without additives, the healthier it will be for us. Food can affect the mind, and deficiencies in certain elements in the body can promote mental depression. A good physical examination periodically is a safeguard and may spot problems that can be remedied. Rest and physical exercise are essential, and a walk in the fresh air can refresh the spirit. Wholesome recreation is part of our religion, and a change of pace is necessary, and even its anticipation can lift the spirit." (Ezra Taft Benson, President of the Quorum of the Twelve, 5 Oct. 1974) [“Do Not Despair,” Ensign, vol. 4, no. 11 (Salt Lake City: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Nov. 1974), p. 66.]

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I think it is a balancing act to blend the herbal and the standard medical practices. They should work hand in hand complimenting each other. I have a good Dr which respects and supports my need to not be on many medicines. SHe supports me in my quest to lower my blood pressure, loose weight and manage my pain in the least invasive most natural way possible. I appreciate both sides of the issue .

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The school in which i attend is new (comparatively), but it is the first of it's kind, it combines all 3 major herbal schools, Western (including Native American), Traditional Chinese Medicine and Inda Herbal Medicines. Here is a link to it. Store - East West School of Herbology - Come study with Michael Tierra

We need to remember that while Israel has always had the Priesthood to help with it's sick, it is extremely important that remember that God has inspired others with things to help heal. There is so many different alternative (or complimentary Therapies) to aid us.

If you are also looking for a great workout without the burnout, I would recommend learning either Tai Chi, or QiGong ( I'll be learning Spring forest QiGong in a little bit.

In a company that I am forming We believe in the Three Healths: Healthy Spirit, Healthy Mind, and Healthy Body. If one of them is sick then the whole body is unhealthy. This is also a Chinese belief, if one studies the doctrine of this church you will find that it is true.

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i'll throw this out there and aggrivate a few of you, coming from a reformed pothead...(its how i spent my early 20s)...

and being on a chemical anti-depressant now

why not medical marijuana for depression? its legal in many countries, not here, and it makes people happy...and want twinkies...

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Marijuana is an addictive substance, while those who use it feel differences in their pains, it's only a mask like alcohle or any other drug. It's not a powerful drug in healing. And yes I have used it. The happyness one feels is only temperary, true happiness comes from becoming healthy in all three area's. Spirit, Mind, and Body, marijuana can only bring temperary, nothing long lasting.

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Marijuana is an addictive substance, while those who use it feel differences in their pains, it's only a mask like alcohle or any other drug. It's not a powerful drug in healing. And yes I have used it. The happyness one feels is only temperary, true happiness comes from becoming healthy in all three area's. Spirit, Mind, and Body, marijuana can only bring temperary, nothing long lasting.

so do the 100,000 "happy pills" dolled out by doctors...

you started this by chemicals vs. plants

how is this not the perfect argument for temporary depression

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I want to talk about qi, according to the Chinese this is the force that gives us life. Our qi can be effected by everything, from the music you listen to, the movies you watch, your friends.

Tonight I had a very spiritual experince in my mom and my home. I was watching a movie called, "The Ramen Girl" (good movie). My mom had just went into the shower when I had a very strong premonition to go into the living room, I did so. I walked into the center of the room and felt has if a Celestial being had just blessed this house. The qi I felt was a perfect I felt nothing but love in the center of our living room. Over the past 6 months since I started learning about qi, I have felt some interesting qi's, but this radiated nothing but love and peace.

May everyone learn to love, despite what someone's past is, what they look like, their tattoo's, their language. Let's kindle The True Love of our Lord, Elder Brother, Confidant, and Savior Jesus Christ and truly treat each other like we are family.

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so do the 100,000 "happy pills" dolled out by doctors...

you started this by chemicals vs. plants

how is this not the perfect argument for temporary depression

Exactly, Gentile Medicine (Joseph Smiths termology) poisons the body. You look at the side effects of every single one of the anti depressants, they can increase the chance of suicidal thoughts or even suicide itself. I've seen it happen, a very good friend of mine killed himself and he was taking a anti depressent. Man made drugs shorten our life span and make us slaves to the arm of flesh.

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Exactly, Gentile Medicine (Joseph Smiths termology) poisons the body. You look at the side effects of every single one of the anti depressants, they can increase the chance of suicidal thoughts or even suicide itself. I've seen it happen, a very good friend of mine killed himself and he was taking a anti depressent. Man made drugs shorten our life span and make us slaves to the arm of flesh.

exactly my point

you said back in the day you used to indulge also...

when you were using marijuana, did you ever feel suicidal?

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What are the best herbs to keep healty, not getting flues and troath/ear ace? Is there something that helps to the throath or ear if they get inflamation? Herbs that give speed to your ingestion? Herbs that help burning fat?

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I'm not looking to get into a debate on this subject but I feel I need to state my views!

'Man-made' medicine can be just as much a gift of God as the herbal alternatives - after all we're all tools in his hands! And the major advantage of the man-made medicine prescribed by you doctor is that it has been tested in rigourous clinical trials and has been given to you by someone who has spent at least 5 years (in the UK at least) learning about medicine full time. This is very different to the gentile medicine of Joseph Smiths time which included things like arsenic!

I absolutely believe that heavenly father provided herbs and plants for our health, but I have seen my grandmother treated for depression for over 15 years by a homeopath who the rest of my family are convinced is a quack. In 15 years he's made no perceptable difference, and has told her not to take anything her GP gives her! The same man told my grandfather to stop taking his heart medicine, which terrifies me!

Basicly what I want to say is that every individual should look carefully at all the options and all the evidence with regards to treatment, and not have a gut reaction based on 'all man made medicine is evil' or 'herbal medicine is nonsense'

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...the major advantage of the man-made medicine prescribed by you doctor is that it has been tested in rigourous clinical trials and has been given to you by someone who has spent at least 5 years (in the UK at least) learning about medicine full time. ...

I'd rather be healed through faith, and herbs and natural remedies that have been tested for thousands of years.

Obviously there are flaws in the so-called rigorous clinical trials and tests, that's why occasionally you'll hear reports of such and such pharmaceutical medicine being banned because too many people are dying from its side-effects.

I'll take my god-made herbs over man-made medicines.

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I'd rather be healed through faith, and herbs and natural remedies that have been tested for thousands of years.


Gee, so would I if we're talking about what we'd like, but I've made a decision based on the evidence I've seen about what works best and I'm going for a mix of the two :) I take echinacea for a cold rather than lemsip or night nurse, but if a doctor tells me I need antibiotics for something I take those too!

Basicly what I want to say is that every individual should look carefully at all the options and all the evidence with regards to treatment, and not have a gut reaction based on 'all man made medicine is evil' or 'herbal medicine is nonsense'

You obviously know a lot about herbal medicine and thats the main thing I wanted to emphasize, that people reading this should do their own research about their specific illnesses and not make a blanket decision.

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I have yet to see where man-made drugs are a benefit. I've been on herbs practically my whole life, growing up I never knew what a cough syrup from the store tasted like. Has far as for your grandfathers heart medicine, my mother ran out of hers and I was concerned about it, so I had her start taking cayanne pepper with lunch and dinner, and she has been great. Cayanne Pepper will actually strength your heart to help prevent any heart problems, and if by some chance she does her heart will be strong enough to recover quickly.

For ear ache's I would recommend Mullein flower oil.

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I would caution anyone who is on prescribed meds to not just quit taking them without consulting your physician. There are side effects to any medication and sometimes just stopping cold turkey can cause some very serious withdrawal symptoms.

Also, I think there is a time and place for man made medications. I think for routine, benign illnesses, we really should look at changing lifestyles or adding herbal supplements to help us. But sometimes these just don't work. Or the illness is more serious.

I would never in a million years tell someone who has serious heart problems, diabetes, cancer, etc. to just take an herbal supplement and forgo physican based treatment which would include meds.

I tend to self diagnose and self prescribe (after doing research) and then if I'm not seeing results, I will consult with my physician. On a couple of occasions, I've had to take prescriptions. But for the most part, my routine problems were taken care of by changing eating habits or taking a supplemental herb. Things such as infections, I will take antibiotics lest they become something more serious than just a sinus infection (has happened to me before).

I do think that as a nation, we tend to immediately seek a pill to cure us. If we would change our eating habits and exercise, I think we would see a reduction in some of the more common illnesses--mild depression, back aches, obesity (which can lead to some serious stuff), etc.

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'Man-made' medicine can be just as much a gift of God as the herbal alternatives - after all we're all tools in his hands! And the major advantage of the man-made medicine prescribed by you doctor is that it has been tested in rigourous clinical trials and has been given to you by someone who has spent at least 5 years (in the UK at least) learning about medicine full time. This is very different to the gentile medicine of Joseph Smiths time which included things like arsenic!

I absolutely believe that heavenly father provided herbs and plants for our health, but I have seen my grandmother treated for depression for over 15 years by a homeopath who the rest of my family are convinced is a quack. In 15 years he's made no perceptable difference, and has told her not to take anything her GP gives her! The same man told my grandfather to stop taking his heart medicine, which terrifies me!

There is probably some valid basis for some “natural” medicines, but there is a huge amount of quackery in that area as well.

Modern “man-made” medicine is based on hard science. There is an incredible standard of scientific proof that is requires, for a drug to be proven to be “safe and effective”, before it is allowed to be sold as such. Science isn't perfect, of course, and mistakes do occasionally happen, but on the whole, it is far ahead of the traditional “natural” approach, which is often based on little or no science at all, and often on theories that have been solidly disproven by science.

Homeopathy is a good example. As “alternative medicine” goes, it's relatively harmless, which is why it was so successful at the time it was devised. Much of the traditional medicine of the time turned out to do more harm than good, so a course of treatment that had no effect at all was better than that.

Today, we have proven medicines that can successfully treat conditions such as your grandmother's depression, and your grandfather's heart condition. Though homeopathy is not directly harmful, I think the harm is obvious when patients are convinced to follow a course of treatment that will have no effect at all, instead of pursuing a course than will actually help them.

The OP is in the process, according to his own statements, of forming a company to profit commercially from the promotion of “medicine” that, at best, borders on quackery, while denigrating genuine, science-based medicine.

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I want to talk about qi, according to the Chinese this is the force that gives us life. Our qi can be effected by everything, from the music you listen to, the movies you watch, your friends.

If you can actually prove that there is any such thing as this “qi” of which you speak, then I know of someone who will give you a million dollars. You can't of course, because it's pure, unadulterated nonsense.

Edited by Bob_Blaylock
A man without a forklift is nothing.
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The "old people" knew a lot about herbs in my country. Luckily they ahve written down some of the knowledge so we dont loose all that knowlwdge. I also use herbs in food like nesle in stead of spinich... you just have to cook them first nd trow the water. I wish I would know a lot more about eatable herbs in the forest.

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